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Chili Con Carnage

Chili Con Carnage FAQ/Walkthrough
For the Sony PSP
Version 0.2 (10/16/07)
- 0.01: First version, unposted. List of moves, items, challenge missions, etc
- 0.1: First posted version. Started walkthrough.
- 0.2: Added a few more missions. Next update will contain completed story

Table of Contents
1 - How to Kill With Style
2 - Moves
3 - Items
4 - Loco Moves
5 - Weapons
6 - El Gringo Loco Walkthrough * UNDER CONSTRUCTION *
7 - Challenge Tips
8 - Cheats
9 - Conclusion

1: How to Kill with Style
Chili Con Carnage is often called Max Payne with a combo system, which is a
very correct synopsis of what I'm going to tell you here. Basically, when you
kill somebody a combo meter will be shown on the right side of your HUD. It
will quickly drain unless you kill some more enemies in rapid succession.

While the meter is still going, the game will have a point multiplier as well
as a score tally for your current combo chain. When the combo ends your score
tally is added to your total score and no multiplier will be kept until you
start a new combo chain by killing somebody.

This sounds pretty simple and it is. The game will reward you based on your
score for each level, and you will receive rewards based on your performance.
You are ranked based on 3 levels: bronze, silver and gold. Getting bronze will
either increase your health meter by 10% or increase your combo meter so when
it gets full it doesn't drain as quickly. Getting silver or gold will either
get you a new character to use in El Macho, Fiesta and Hangman or get you new
concept art, animatics and videos that can be accessed in the trophy room.

A special reward is given for getting a chili rating on a level. To do this,
you must complete a level in a single combo chain - chili cannot be obtained if
the combo meter hits zero. Getting chili usually gets you concept art and
videos as well, but will also give you infinite ammo for certain weapons, which
makes the harder parts of this game easier. Getting a chili rating requires
several play throughs and planning on your part. Usually you'll want to find
any combo extender pick ups you can find, and figure out the best route to the
end of the level that has plenty of enemies along the way. If there are lull
moments you will want to attack chickens, which are the best way to keep your
combo meter up. If you have to, leave some enemies alone and then come back
and kill them later.


* Mix it up. You will not get very many points doing the same basic move over
and over again. By doing a variety of moves - or better yet, doing spicy moves
- you increase your chances of getting the elusive gold medal

* Always try to take out enemies with barrels or headshots if you can. Not only
does it get you more points, but it also saves ammo.

* Avoid vehicles when you can. Seriously, these things are deathtraps. I've
only used them a handful of times in the game, and that should be plenty.

* Always be on the look out for combo extenders, health items and rewinds. They
are vital to your survival.

* On your first time through, try to get at least bronze on the levels to get
the health boost and combo meter boost. Also, try to get chili on a few levels
to get the infinite ammo bonus (see the cheats section) because honestly, it
will make your life in the last couple of levels so much easier.

2: Moves
In Chili Con Carnage, you get points for killing with style. While you can do
a basic takedown and earn a few points, you can do any of the moves below or
combine several of them to amass a large amount of points. Many of these moves
will need to be performed during the Style Challenges. The moves will give you
points based on difficulty, so the basic moves where you kill people with shots
to the chest give you the least points, followed by moves that involve getting
headshots and then moves that involve explosive kills.

Shootdodge: Very basic. Press and hold X while moving and then kill someone.
Has Double, Triple, Supreme and Extreme varieties depending on the number of
enemies you kill in one shootdodge.

Son of a Gun: Shootdodge takedown while in point blank range.

Evil Elbow: Smack somebody down with your elbow and kill them.

Devil's Hand: Backhand somebody and kill them.

Nose Crusher: Elbow somebody from behind and kill them.

Dirty: Kill somebody while they're down.

Point Blank: Kill somebody at point blank range without shootdodging.

Deadly Desperado: Double tap X to shootdodge backwards and then kill someone.

Bullseye: Kill somebody with a headshot. Target a headshot with Square. You
will land the headshot when the target brackets go yellow and you hear a
confirmation noise. Has 120, 180, 270 and 360 degree variants.

Reverse Bullseye: Double tap X to shootdodge backwards. Target and land a head-
shot to get this move. Has 120, 180, 270 variants.

Advanced Twister Bullseye: This is basically a 360 Reverse Bullseye. Facing
your enemy, double tap X and then quickly turn around and target their head.
The hardest move to pull off because of the small timeframe you have to pull
off the headshot, but it gives you a crapload of points and it's very cool.

Fly on the Wall: Wall walk by facing the wall you want to wall walk on perpend-
icularly and hit X and move the nub towards the wall. Ram will spin about. At
this point, target and land a headshot to do this move.

King of the Wall: Much easier than Fly on the Wall. Run directly into a wall
and hit X and Ram will bounce off the wall into a dive. Score a headshot to
perform this move correctly.

Havoc Takedown: While shootdodging, target an explosive object with Circle. You
must kill an enemy with an explosive while Ram is still doing the shootdodge to
get this move.

Havoc Frenzy: Blow up multiple barrels or cause a chain reaction explosion to
kill a whole bunch of enemies.

Burrito Blast: Like the Havoc Frenzy/Havoc Takedown, but involves a very large
chain-reaction explosion.

Mexican Blowout: Same as a Burrito Blast/Havoc Frenzy except the enemy has to
be trying to dodge/dodging.

Bouncing Bomb: Do a wall bounce by running forward into a wall and hitting X
and then target an explosive and kill somebody to get this move.

Gringo Frenzy: Kill a large amount of enemies with a single explosive or blow
up cars or just make short work of several enemies in rapid succession. This is
seen very often in the stage Nice Wheels.

Bird on a Wire: While sliding on a wire or zipline, land a headshot on an enemy
to get this move. It's easier when you've triggered hangtime. I'm not sure how
hangtime is triggered but presumably you do it by killing a whole bunch of
enemies in quick succession.

Hat Grab: Walk up to an enemy wearing headgear and hit X to take their hat.
You'll probably end up diving into people most of the time if the enemy doesn't
end up hitting you onto the ground.

Car Door Sweep: Lean out of a vehicle and kill somebody with the open door. It
only works with cars with doors, and the only ones you can get seem to be the
pickup vans. For it to register properly I think you have to send the enemy
flying in the air, but I'm not sure.

Maximum Coolio: Leap from a car by leaning out with L and hitting X and then
kill somebody while you're mid-dive.

Angry Sunday Driver: Leap from a car by leaning out with L and hitting X and
then kill somebody with a headshot. Very cool move.

Boom Boom: Shootdodge and kill somebody with the grenade/rocket launcher.

Grenade Wall Flip: Do a wall walk and kill somebody with a grenade launcher.

Spiraling Rocket Kiss: Do a wall walk and kill somebody with a rocket launcher.

Stylish ____ : Do any move while wearing a hat.

Spicy Move: Combine enough of these moves together to get a spicy move e.g.
Stylish King of the Wall with a 120 degree spin followed by a Burrito Blast.

3: Items
You'll find these item icons along the course of the game and they all come in
very handy.

Health: Looks like a white icon with a green cross. It heals about half of the
health bar. You can increase your health over time and I'm not sure if the
health item still heals half your bar but it seems to do so. Keep your eyes
peeled for these.

Armor: Has an armor vest on the icon. These pickups are rare, and the descrip-
tion in the manual seems to be misleading. The vest doesn't actually make you
invincible, but it acts more like a second health bar. The bar will drain when
you get hurt and also drain over time and will leave you back at the health
points you had before picking up the vest. Use this pickup wisely.

Combo Extender: These icons are green and look like clocks. What they do is
keep your combo meter filled for a short duration of time, which is essential
for getting a chili reward on levels and to keep your combo meter up during a
lull in the action, such as during a jump puzzle or a boss fight.

Rewind: These look like the rewind button you'd find on a VCR and are red and
white in color. These come in very handy and work kind of like the rewind
feature in Prince of Persia. When activated with the down button, they will
rewind the game about 5-10 seconds, which is very helpful if your combo meter
just went to zero or if you died during a boss fight. Be careful not to
accidentally activate these while switching weapons.

Points: These icons are light purple and have a number on them. Upon picking
them up, you will add a number of points to your score. Comes in 100 and 200

Overdrive: After you kill 15 enemies in a row enemies will drop an overdrive
icon, which is a yellow icon with two guns on it. Pick it up and you will be
able to dual wield any weapon except for the rocket launcher, hand grenades and
molotov cocktails. Overdrive only lasts for as long as you keep the combo chain

4: Loco Moves
Loco moves are dropped by enemies after you kill several of them. They can
accessed with Triangle.

Tornado: Has a tornado symbol on it. Use to to trigger Ram spinning around the
room firing dual Mac-10s. This move will kill everybody in close vicinity. It's
best used when you are surrounded.

El Mariachi: Looks like a guitar. Just like in the movie, Ram will get twin
guitar case machine guns with unlimited ammo. Ram will move very slowly, so I
only recommend using this when there are plenty of enemies around. Press X to
end El Mariachi and switch back to your normal weapons.

El Gimpo: Looks like a wrestling mask on the icon. Use it to trigger a giant
wrestler who will run around beating up enemies for you.

Gatling Gonzalez: Has a sombrero on the icon. Use it to spawn Gonzalez, who has
dual miniguns and will kill any enemies he finds.

El Toro: Has a bull on the icon. When you use it, it will give Ram an armor
vest and he can run around like a bull bashing people. Will kill just about any
one with one hit, but Ram is very hard to control during El Toro.

Pinata: Looks like a star on the icon. Toss it to distract enemies. When they
get near it it will blow up, and you can get an easy Gringo Frenzy with it.

Golden Gun: Has a gold crosshair on the icon. Use it and you will get a golden
pistol with 4 shots. Once you have an enemy targetted, when you shoot them the
bullet will go for their head giving on an instant kill. Very useful for taking
out distant enemies.

5: Weapons
Handgun: This is your starting weapon and it has infinite ammo. It has terrible
range and damage but it fires fairly fast - as fast as you can hit the fire
button. You'll come to rely on it in the beginning but later on you will be
given better weapons at the start of levels.

Heavy Handgun: Ammo for this weapon is rare until much later in the game, but
at that point it's pretty useless. The heavy handgun is very slow to fire but
makes up for this by doing lots of damage. It's great for headshots and to mess
around with, but any of the automatic guns are more practical.

Rifle: A basic long range weapon, the rifle is great to use for headshots and
does a decent amount of damage. You'll see this gun a lot in the early levels.

Hunting Rifle: An upgraded version of the rifle that is available during the
later segments of the game. Basically has longer range and does more damage
than the regular rifle.

Sawn-Off Shotgun: The sawn-off shotgun has the same weaknesses as the heavy
handgun: it is really slow but has lots of stopping power. It's great fun to
use in close quarters with Overdrive, but it's more dangerous in the hands of
enemies. This gun can't get headshots.

Combat Shotgun: An upgraded pump-action shotgun that fires as fast as you can
hit the fire button. The combat shotgun is amazing, but should be saved for
tough spots. Your enemies can use this baby with devastating results. Like the
other shotgun, it can't get headshots.

Sub-Machine Gun: AKA the Mac-10, the sub-machine gun does the same damage as
the pistol but fires very fast, making it ideal for close range killing. It has
about the same range as the sawn-off shotgun. This weapon cannot get headshots.

Military SMG: AKA the Heavy SMG or the MP5, this sub-machine gun is far
superior to the Mac-10 in terms of range and firepower. Many enemies will be
using this weapon in the second half of the game, so there won't be a shortage
of ammo for it.

Modern Assault Rifle: AKA the M16, this weapon does a great deal of damage and
has excellent long range capabilities, and is pretty much the best all-round
weapon in the game.

Assault Rifle: AKA the AK47. To quote Samuel L. Jackson in Jackie Brown: "The
AK47: when you absolutely got to kill every ******-****er in the room. Accept
no substitutes." The assault rifle is the most powerful automatic weapon, and
has the greatest range.

Grenades/Molotovs/Dynamite: I find these useless since you have to stand still
to use them. Hold the fire button for longer periods of time to throw them
farther. There are few times where the enemies won't bunch together and not be
near barrels, so save yourself some trouble.

Grenade Launcher: A beatiful weapon. It fires in an arc and is accurate as long
as the enemies don't move from their position. Many enemies in the later stages
of the game will have this weapon and they rarely miss. This weapon cannot get

Rocket Launcher: A beauty of a weapon, and very useful for taking down bosses
since normal weapons won't do the trick in the last chapters of the game. You
will find enemies with rocket launchers, but considering how long it takes for
a rocket to reach its destination, you will survive as long as you don't stay
still. This weapon needs to be manually aimed, although you can still target
destructible objects with the appropriate button.

6: El Gringo Loco Walkthrough:
This is still under construction. More detailed walkthroughs will come later,
but the majority of the game is very self-explanatory if you have any ounce
of logic.

A lot of the harder levels will be much easier once you get a few Chili ratings
and get infinite ammo for certain weapons. See the cheats section for more info
on that.
Rancho Virgillio
To start the game off easily, the first level is a cakewalk. Kill all of the
enemies here however you wish to do so. You can make quick work of them with
headshots or explosion kills. Pick up their rifles. When they're all dead you
will be treated with a cutscene.

Dive backwards and target the barrels and shoot them all in rapid succession to
take care of this group and kill the one guy ahead. Climb over the hay and keep
moving. You can target the chickens, the scarecrows or the fruit if you plan to
keep the combo going. You'll be treated with more enemies further down the path
as well as a cutscene. Clear out the area and keep going.

You will head up a small path where a few guys and a guy in a tractor will come
at you. Kill them all. Keep going in this direction killing all of the enemies
in sight and you'll beat this level.

Mucho Manure
This is actually one of the more non-linear levels, and if you plan on doing a
Chili run I suggest you get the route down-pat first. Pick up the 200 points
icon and proceed forward and to your right, down the middle path. Your level
objective is to blow up 3 silos (the cutscene will show you exactly what they
look like).

After the cutscene, jump into the trailer and drive towards the silo at full
speed while leaning out with L. Just before you hit the silo, hit X to dive out
and the silo should successfully be destroyed. Destroying silos this way is the
fastest and most efficient method; otherwise you'll have to shoot barrels and
waste grenades and bullets.

Wipe out the opposition that follows, and then take the route to the right of
the silo you blew up and take the left at the first fork and a right at the
next fork in the path. Follow the trail here and you should see another truck
and a path that curves right. Kill the enemies here and jump into the white
pickup truck and you'll see ahead of you is another silo. Use the same method
to blow it up and then double back and take a left. You should see one last
silo around the corner as well as more enemies. Grab one of the tractors here
and use it to blow up the last silo.

Once that's done the fenced area in front of you should open up, so head there.
There are a ton of enemies here as well as vehicles to play with if you wish.
Go around to the left of the big tower and there should be a huge set of stairs
here. Take them up to the top, killing any enemies as you go. Once you reach
the top of the tower the level ends.

Ay Mama!
Oh boy, the first boss fight. Are you excited? I sure am. Mama Virgillio will
be launching exploding chickens at you, so shoot them before they get to you.
You will need to destroy the four chicken coops she's hiding behind. Each time
you blow one up 3 goons will spawn, so kill them and grab their ammo, and then
switch back to your pistol for now.

Repeat this process until you've destroyed all of the coops. Now it's time to
face Mama Virgillio one on one. If you need some combo extender items, there
are a few strewn around - shoot the cacti to get them to appear. Back to Mama
Virgillio - she will attack by either throwing knives or dynamite, and she's
only vulnerable when she throws the dynamite. After you take out about 1/3 of
her health some more goons will spawn literally from the sky, so kill them and
take their ammo and the health items they drop. When you take out 2/3 of her
health this happens again. Once she dies, you are done.

Peurto Industrial

Cargo Chaos
Grab the points icon around the corner, and then take the ladder down. Kill the
guy here and grab his Mac-10, and then go around back and get the rewind item.
Kill the dudes here and take the ladder down and then head to your right. A ton
of extra guards just showed up so blast them too.

You can either take a ladder down to the next level or just jump down. Anyway,
you'll reach the next level of the ship. A whole bunch of extra enemies showed
up, so kill them too. You can take the little stairs down to the deck, where
some more enemies are guarding a few point icons and rewinds, or you can forge
ahead. Now, you can either take the stairs and follow the lower path or you can
go around the corner where the enemies on this level were to find more guarding
a zipline.

Either way, fight your way to the other end of the ship. When you reach another
set of stairs a cutscene will be triggered. A whole bunch of enemies will be
tossing dynamite at you so toss some at them, or just shoot them - note that
you can only shoot them when facing the stairs, otherwise the shots just hit
the rails. Go up the stairs and more enemies will have dynamite. Shoot the
barrels around them and go up the ladder at the end here. Go around the side of
the little structure here and take the zipline down.

Climb down into the ship's hull. Go around killing enemies. When there's a dead
end you'll have to climb up onto the boxes and dive across the gap to the next
set of crates. When you see Marco's truck, you're near the end. Kill the goons
that spawn here and then get on top of the crates and jump across the gap to
get to the truck. Activate the bomb in the back with X and the level will end.

Abandon Ship

Carne Cesar

Something Rotten
This level is really, really long. One of the longe ones, actually. Anyway,
just shoot the barrels and grab the items strewn here, and then go through the
garage door thing. Kill some more enemies, and then head to the upper platform
and activate the switch to open the next sliding door. Kill the guys here and
take the stairs down. There are a bunch of explosives here, so shoot them for
bonus points if you want.

Take the ladder that is directly in front of you up and proceed to kill more
enemies and then activate the switch to open the next door.

- To be continued -

Nice Wheels
You'll spend the majority of this level at the .50 calibre gun on Marco's car.
Blast as many barrels, enemy soldiers and enemy trucks as you can. When there
is a roadblock ahead, the game will prompt you to shoot it. Either blast the
trucks or the conveniently placed barrels.

When you get the objective to shoot down the helicopter, Marco's car will come
to a stop. Pick up the combo time extender and the health item, and then take
the grassy slope to your far left down to the area below and grab the points
pickup. There will be a whole bunch of enemies here with M-16s and one with a
rocket launcher. I suggest killing the guy with the rocket launcher first and
then taking car of the others. There is a combo extender by the shed and one
on the small hill where the rocket launcher guy spawns. When all of the foot
soldiers are dead, you'll need to destroy the helicopter. It takes about 6-8

Arena Del Toro
This level is the second hardest, with the hardest being the very last level.
Pick up the rewind item and then kill the four enemies however you please, and
grab their guns. This next part is very tough. Waves of enemies will come at
you, and they will have increasingly better weapons... the first wave will have
rifles, Mac-10s and sawn-offs, and then move up to assault rifles and dynamite,
and finally they will spawn with grenade launchers. Keep yourself constantly
moving, and keep your eyes peeled for Loco Moves and health items. When you get
a grenade launcher, use it on the enemies since they'll bunch up. If you stay
still, they'll surround you.

After about 70 enemies are killed, Cesar decides that you've had enough and
sends out a giant bull to finish the job. Wearing red was probably a bad idea.
Anyway, lure the bull into smashing the giant glass windows of the office.
When the bull has rammed the glass about 2 or 3 times it will break and now the
real boss fight begins.

Cesar will send up his miniature companion, who will run around and ram you.
Continuously shoot him, and when he is stunned, Cesar will attempt to charge
at you like a bull. If you get close to him, he'll use some sort of sandstorm
attack on you, which does lots of damage. Just keep moving so Cesar will hit
the wall instead of you. At this point he will be stunned, so shoot the crap
out of him. When you kill mini Cesar the boss fight will proceed as outlined
above except you don't have to keep shooting the little guy before being able
to shoot the big one. Once Cesar falls the level ends.

Los Toros

Need A Ride?

Rooftop Inferno
This bossfight is pretty straightforward. You'll need to shoot down Elvez's jet
while facing his continuously respawning goons. Shoot some of the goons to give
yourself some breathing room, and then pick up one of the many rocket launcher
items (which also respawn) and fire a few rockets at Elvez. He'll perform a
strafing run with his machineguns or launch a volley of rockets at you. Keep
moving to avoid these attacks, and after he performs an attack he'll pause
momentarily, so take this time to attack. Blow up his jet to finish this stage.

The Hacienda
This level is pretty straightforward, but also fairly long. You also start out
with an M-16 and already diving in the air... nice. Take this opportunity to
blow up the barrels here to clear out the opposition. Further down on the docks
are two goons - one that throws grenades and one that's manning a .50 cal gun.
Blow up the barrel near them to nail both.

Go on and you'll enter this little cave area crawling with enemies. There are
plenty of barrels here, so use them to your advantage. You want to reach the
end, past the platform complex and the boats. You'll find 2 health pickups and
an elevator you need to take up.

Once you reach the top you're greeted with a bunch of bikini ladies with
machineguns. It's too bad you have to shoot them. Once that's done, take a left
and you'll see a helicopter landing with reinforcements. If you have a Pinata
or Tornado move now would be a good time to use it. Take the next set of stairs
up and blast your way through the trail. You'll reach another set of stairs
taking you into a large courtyard with 2 adjacent courtyards on each side. You
don't have to go into the smaller courtyards, just head forward if you wish.
Some enemies will have rocket launchers, so be careful.

Follow the grassy trail here and into the next courtyard with a large pool area
and **** tons of enemies. Deal with them however you wish. Go up the giant set
of stairs into one last courtyard with about 10 enemies armed to the teeth with
M-16s, MP5s, grenades and rocket launchers. I suggest you use your rockets (if
you have any) or a Tornado move to clear out this area quickly. Once that's
done, the level will end.

Nice Biceps!


The Jungle

Ultimate Underworld
This level requires a lot of fast headshotting. Grab the MP5 and AK, as well as
the rewind. Go up the incline and watch the cutscene, and then dive backwards
and shoot a few of the barrels to do some damage. Headshot any survivors. Go in
to the little room and 3 more guys will show up. Kill them. Grab the shotgun
one guy dropped, and then use it to take out the three other guys that are just
beyond the room. Be careful, since one of them has a grenade launcher. 2 more
guys will come at you. Kill them, and follow this path killing more enemies as
they come.

Eventually you'll reach a sort of dead end. There'll be a zipline, and ahead of
it will be a rewind and a Golden Gun icon. Pick up the Golden Gun icon and use
it. Kill the 4 guys that will appear once you approach the zipline. Use it to
get across, and then pick up the items the dead guys dropped, which includes a
free rewind item. You'll need to dive across the gap here, and if you fail to
make it you'll die.

Keep following this path and then take the large stairs up. A whole bunch of
enemies will show up, so hopefully you have a Tornado icon or you're fast at
getting headshots. You'll need to perform a self-explanatory jumping puzzle, so
do that and then keep going.

Pay attention to the cutscene - you'll need to activate this door. Kill all of
the guys here, and grab the rewind, armor and health items. Activate the switch
and you'll have 10 seconds to get past the door before it shuts again. Next,
you'll have to get to the lower level by jumping down on a series of platforms.
You'll need to reorient the camera after each jump to get your bearings.

Once at the bottom, there will be about 10-15 enemies down here. Kill them all
with headshots to conserve your ammo, and grab the extra ammo they drop. DO NOT
GRAB THE ARMOR. This next part is tricky so pay attention. Activate the last
switch here, then QUICKLY grab the armor item AND RUN FOR THE EXIT. The door is
open only for 10 seconds, and 3 guys enemies with 3 times the normal health
points will appear. Run past them, since the armor will last long enough for
you to survive. If you want to take your chances, you can try to kill them, but
one of them has a rocket launcher, and they take about 10 shotgun blasts each
to kill. However you wish to approach this, once you get past this last door
you're home free.

Getting Tanked!
This level provides quite the epic boss fight, but it's also ****ing annoying
and hard as hell. Carefully jump down to your right and grab the rewind. Once
you reach the bottom you'll be greeted with some guerilla soldiers that have
tons of health and are wearing helmets. Perservere and kill these bastards.
Search the area for health pickups and rewinds - you'll need them. Follow this
trail here to the tents and you'll see more enemies. Kill them. Proceed towards
the valley and an enemy with a rocket launcher will zipline down. Kill this
fellow too.

Once you reach the bottom the final battle begins. Why does Elvez get a giant
tank of doom? Cheater. His tank has tracking machineguns as well as jets of
flame that shoot out if you get close. If you use any of the turret guns in the
area for too long Elvez will use some sort of charging ray gun on you that does
mounds of damage.

Anyway, kill all the enemies here and you'll pick up a rocket launcher from one
of them. Use the rockets on Elvez, and if you run out use the turret guns. When
about half of Elvez's health is gone a helicopter will appear. Shoot the heli
out of the sky so your life isn't as miserable. You'll need to run around kill-
ing all of the basic enemies to replenish your health, ammo and (if the game is
being nice) rewinds. When Elvez's health lowers further another helicopter will
come to Elvez's aid. Shoot down that one and then blow up Elvez for good.

7: Challenge Tips
Every few levels, the game will throw one of three challenge levels for you to
complete: Style Challenge, Macho Challenge and Survival Challenge. The Style
Challenges will help you learn new moves and unlock arenas to play Hangman in.
Macho Challenges will unlock new levels to play in El Macho mode, and can be
thought of as practice for getting chili ratings. Survival Challenges are the
hardest, since they require you to survive a period of time in a vehicle.

General Tips:
* When performing headshots, try to get a lock on an enemy not wearing an egg
* The red chicken guys will usually be the ones with explosives. Target them

Style Challenge Tips:
* Each style challenge is structured in 5 different parts. The first 3 parts
will have you performing a variety of moves while having to meet a set score.
The last 2 parts will challenge you with reaching the set score with a limited
number of enemies, meaning you will have to perform all sorts of high scoring
moves to beat these parts.
* Pay close attention to the brief before each part. Do these moves exactly
as listed in their description. Unless the move specifies you must do so, avoid
doing too many turns or the game will give you a spicy move instead, which will
not count.
* Be sure to pick up combo extenders and do moves quickly. Keeping the combo
meter up is helpful to meeting score requirements.
* Be sure to walk over any info icons (designated blue with a white "i"). These
will help you, telling you how to perform any of the required moves if you do
not know how to perform them.

Macho Challenge Tips:
* The Macho Challenge is about killing the set quota of enemies given in the
briefing while keeping your combo meter from reaching zero.
* Not quite as hard as getting a chili rating, consider this practice for the
real thing.
* Keep moving and constantly killing. Don't worry about style; it's all about
quick kills here.
* Enemies will respawn if you wait long enough. The best course of action is
to run to one end of the level killing enemies and then backtrack. By this time
the enemies will usually have respawned.

Survival Challenge Tips:
* The Survival Challenge is probably the hardest of all of the challenge levels
since these force you to survive in a vehicle for a certain period of time w/o
keeping your combo meter from hitting zero.
* Forget about getting health since these levels depend on the survival of your
vehicle. You can take quite a beating but your vehicle can't. Several shots or
a well landed explosive will take out your vehicle, and you'll also have to
deal with the cumbersome vehicle controls.
* For the first level, drive slowly killing a few chicken men. Make a few laps
around this area and keep killing. You only have to stay alive for 1 minute but
it will seem like the longest minute you've ever endured.
* The second level is much tougher since all of the enemies have machine guns,
and there will be several red chicken guys in your way as well. Enemy respawns
take longer in this level. You will have to survive 3 minutes. I recommend
getting chili on Nice Wheels and Los Toros to get infinite SMG and Military SMG
ammo for this challenge. For the first 2 laps take a left and drive up killing
all the chicken guys, then go up these stairs and take the grassy path to the
left. Kill all the guys, being sure to quickly kill the red chicken guy. Double
back and take a left and keep along this path and you will reach the starting
area. For the 3rd lap, go down the stairs instead of doubling back from the
grassy forest area. In this courtyard are plenty of guys which should help you
keep your combo meter up. If you did this right, you'll only have to last for
about 30 seconds in the courtyard.

8: Cheats
Change your profile name to ERNESTO and save the profile. Now you will be
invincible, but you can still die from car explosions.

Infinite Ammo:
Get chili on these levels to get the corresponding rewards:
* Mucho Manure - infinite Heavy Handgun ammo
* Ay Mama - infinite Combat Shotgun ammo
* Cargo Chaos - infinite Hunting Rifle ammo
* Abandon Ship - infinite Sawn-off Shotgun ammo
* Something Rotten - infinite Rifle ammo
* Nice Wheels - infinite SMG ammo
* Arena Del Toro - infinite Grenade Launcher ammo
* Los Toros - infinite Military SMG ammo
* Need a Ride - infinite Assault Rifle ammo
* Rooftop Inferno - infinite Modern Assault Rifle ammo
* Getting Tanked - infinite Rocket Launcher ammo

I would say the hardest ones to do would be Cargo Chaos because of the jumping
puzzle at the end, along with Ay Mama, Something Rotten, Nice Wheels, Arena Del
Toro, Need a Ride and Getting Tanked. Something Rotten has the nasty bit at the
end that can cause your combo meter to drain fast and Los Toros has quite a lot
of lulls where you can lose your combo meter if you don't know where to go. The
rest of the levels I listed have boss fights, which pose their own problems. Of
all of them, Rooftop Inferno is actually the easiest.


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