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50 Cent: Bulletproof G-Unit Edition

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| Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception |

FAQ/Walkthrough by Off_da_border AKA ODB
odb.8492 [at] gmail [dot] com
Version 1.5 - Updated [12/24/2006]

NOTICE: This FAQ does NOT contain major plot spoilers, however, it is not 100%
spoiler free. The largest spoiler you will find is non-story related lines from
the radio chatter.

By the way... ,",
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|"',,,''.'""',,,''/.'| |'.\
| HAPPY NEW YEAR! ,'" "',
| [2007] /.''| |''.\
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| Table of Contents |

This Walkthrough is designed to suit the Find function in your Firefox/Internet
Explorer browser. Hit Ctrl+F then type in the code of each section. For example
to go to Campaign Mode/Crosspath 1, type 2-4- in the search box.

1- Introduction
1- The Author
2- The Game and the Guide
3- Legal Stuff
2- Campaign Mode
1- Main Path - Mission 1
2- Main Path - Mission 2
3- Main Path - Mission 3A
4- Crosspath 1
5- Mission 4A
6- Mission 4B
7- Mission 5A
8- Mission 5B
9- Mission 6A
10- Mission 6B
11- Mission 3B
12- Mission 7A
13- Mission 7B
14- Crosspath 2
15- Mission 8A
16- Mission 8B
17- Mission 9A
18- Mission 9B
19- Mission 10A
20- Mission 10B
21- Mission 11A
22- Mission 11B
23- Mission 7C
24- Mission 12A
25- Mission 12B
26- Mission 12C
27- Crosspath 3
28- Mission 13A
29- Mission 13B
30- Mission 14A
31- Mission 14B
32- Mission 15A
33- Mission 15B
34- Mission SP
3- Skills and Knowledge
1- Manoeuvers
2- Tips
3- Takeoff, Landing, and Refueling
4- Other
1- Aircraft List - Incomplete
2- Weapon List
3- Parts List
4- Ace and Star Unit Locations
5- Mission Map
6- Frequently Asked Questions
7- Credits

| Introduction |

1-1- The Author
Off_Da_Border (Alan Tyler). Years ago, at the times of Ace Combat 2, I hated
all kinds of Military air combat games. I wasn't interested the least bit in
any kind of military aircraft. People have repeatedly told me the Ace Combat
series is an exception, but me being stubborn, I ignore such comments. That is,
until Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere came out. I thought I'd give it a try. And
the next thing you know is that I wasted weeks of my precious life on this
game. It had an insane number of 52 missions, each standing their own grownds
in terms of creativeness. I was shocked as I finished the different paths of
the story, with all the plot twists I haven't witnessed in any other game. AC3
STILL stands its ground for me as the best Flying game ever. I made sure I
don't miss any Ace Combat game since AC3 till now (except for Ace Combat
Advance that is).

If you want to ask any questions, e-mail me at: odb.8492 [at] gmail [dot] com
You can also find me at the Need for Speed Carbon (PS3 and PS2) boards and
occasionally at the Ace Combat X boards (DUH) and GTA IV (PS3) boards.
Justpost a message to notify me of your email (if you sent any), but don't
flood the boards. I'd say don't post, but do if you must. DO NOT ask the
question or requests on these boards, since you'll probably be modded by the
GameFAQs moderators for off topic posting... :)

I have a life outside GameFAQs if you haven't guessed, but I'll try my best in
replying to your questions or e-mails. DO NOT SEND THE E-MAIL MORE THAN ONCE!
Chances are I haven't checked my inbox. Just be patient. The average time to
reply should vary from around 1 day up to 3 weeks. I don't guarantee anything

You can e-mail the following:
o Corrections of info in the FAQ
o Contributions to the FAQ, such as secrets.
o Praise and thanks
o Future requests for any FAQs or Reviews
o Critiques of this FAQ, as long as IT IS informative and polite
o Requests to host this guide on your site

You cannot e-mail the following:
o Any mail containing explicit or offensive language
o Hate mail
o Any mail containing links to virus infected or porn sites
o Any spam, adware, spyware, virus, or the like
o Any mail with attachements
o Anything not in relation to this FAQ and not mentioned in the "can e-mail"
o Hard to understand internet jargon AKA "i am teh kewl b3c@w53 i r@wk"

You MUST include "ACX FAQ" in your subject line, otherwise your e-mail will
be deleted.

If you want to host this Guide on your site, do not hesitate to e-mail me. Make
sure to post a link to your site. I will browse through the site first before

Other FAQs contributed by Off_da_border:
o The Fast and the Furious FAQ v0.45

Other non-FAQ work by me can be seen in my Contribution List.

1-2- The Game and the Guide
Ace Combat X, the 7th installment in the respectable Ace Combat series released
by Namco. This game is amazing IMO, and is probably one of the best, if not THE
BEST, game on the PSP. Lots of people told me that it's short, well, it is
roughly the same length as Ace Combat Zero on the PS2 if you take the longest
campaign path. You'll also get a medal for taking the longest path BTW. The
game is the second most creative installment in the Ace Combat series, leaded
only by AC3. Namco slapped in the MPG meter, which has different functions
depending on the mission, such as showing the G forces, the distance between
two objects, the energy level of certain devices, and finally countdowns for
certain events. Is this game worth a buy? I've never said this before, but

You can always find the latest version of the FAQ on GameFAQs. Any other sites
may get a slight delay of one or two days in updating, since updating the guide
on a bunch of sites is a real pain.

Version 1.5
o Added to the Aircraft section
o Added a Parts list (not yet complete)
o Added to the Frequently Asked Questions
o Added to the Tips/Manoeuvres section
o Added a Mission Map (completed)
o Tweaked a few stuff here and there

Note: I was first intending to finish the Aircraft and Parts section before
posting an update, but the number of e-mails/message board complaints about the
11B star unit increased exponentially. STOP EMAILING ME ABOUT THE DAMN 11B
STAR UNIT! In addition, there were lots of requests to a Mission Map both on the
boards and e-mails, so again I added that.

Version 1.3
o Completed the Walkthrough (!)
o Completed the Takeoff/Landing/Refueling section
o Completed the Ace and Star unit Locations
o Added a little notice to the top of the document
o Added to the Frequently Asked Questions

Version 0.75
o Fixed some mistakes (thanks to Dragoljub for pointing them out)
o Added to the host list
o Added a part to the Frequently Asked Questions

Version 0.72
o Added examples for the templates used in the Weapon and Aircraft list

Version: 0.7
o Fixed some mistakes, dunno what the hell was I on when I wrote the FAQ
o Completed part of the Aircraft list
o Completed part of the Aces/Star Units Locations
o Added to the Walkthrough

Version: 0.4
o Initial Release

What you might expect in the next update:
o Added a Medals list
o Completed Aircraft list
o Completed Parts list

1-3- Legal Stuff
This FAQ/Walkthrough is Copyright Off_Da_Border (Alan Tyler) 2006. You cannot
copy, distribute, or link to this FAQ or any part of it directly without
written permission from the author. You can only print one copy of this guide
solely for personal, private use.

These are the only places where this FAQ/Walkthrough is allowed to be hosted:

All brand names included in this game are Copyright of their respective owners.
All rights reserved.

| Campaign Mode |

Before starting, I'd like to tell you that the Campaign Mode Walkthrough below
is written based on ACE difficulty, so the techniques below should work for
easier difficulties as well. E-mail me if there are any variations.

I'd also like to say that you SHOULD look at the Path map at the end of the
walkthrougth, so that you would know how to unlock certain missions or what
paths to take. Mind you, the Max number of missions available in one
playthrough in campaign is 17, and the Min is 10.

Finally, the general format for the missions walkthrough...

o -
o Enemies - <#Air>-A/<#Ground>-G/<#Naval>-N/<#Target>-TGT/<#Total>-TOTAL
o Aircraft Used - First Playthrough -
- Second Playthrough-
o Rewards (1st) - -
o Rewards (2nd) - -

2-1- Main Path - Mission 1
Well, whadda yo waitin' fo? lets start the first Mission!

o Operation #1 - Skies of Deception
o Enemies - 8-A / 0-G / 0-N / 8-TGT / 16-TOTAL
o Aircraft Used - First Playthrough - F-4E Phantom II w/ Napalm Bomb
- Second Playthrough - XR-45 Cariburn w/ XLAA
o Rewards (1st) - Finish Mission - A-6E Intruder Aircraft
- Destroy F-4E "MANTA" - F-4E Special 1 Colour
o Rewards (2nd) - X-02, S rank - Mercury Engine Part
- XR-45, S rank - Sylph Wing Part
- Finish Mission - F-1 Aircraft

Relatively simple and straightforward mission. You will need to slam the
afterburners and head to the first group of bombers. These are formed of 2
Targets and 2 Normal Enemies. WIPE THEM ALL OUT. Slow down before attacking the
bombers, since they take 4 missiles to go down, and you don't want to overtake
them eh? Then head a bit east to the second group of bombers, again, with
afterburners. Take all two bombers and two escorts. Now miraculously our ACE,
"MANTA", has appeared. Let him eat two of your missiles. Now, you can relax,
you only needed the afterburners to catch up with Manta.

Take down the next group of bombers and escorts, and bam, the final group of
targets pops up. Just take down the TWO final ESCORTS FIRST, THEN the two final
bombers to finish the mission with S rank. Beautiful.

IT'S AN ES DOUBLEYOU BEE EM! EVADE! NOW! You'd know what this means if you
actually played the game you know. :)

Save and let's move on to the next mission.

2-2- Main Path - Mission 2
Mission #2. Another boring mission if you'd ask me.

o Operation #2 - Out of the Fire
o Enemies - 4-A / 6-G / 0-N / 8-TGT / 18-TOTAL
o Aircraft Used - First Playthrough - F-4E Phantom II w/ Napalm Bomb
- Second Playthrough - F-35 Lightning II w/ LASM
o Rewards (1st) - Finish Mission - JA-37 Viggen Aircraft
- Destroy A-6E "ARI" - A-6E Special 1 Colour
o Rewards (2nd) - YR-302, S rank - Hydra Engine Part

Meh, Puna Base. As soon as you start you are greeted with a whooping 150 points
AA gun and a more whooping 180 points SAM. Blow them both up. Then target the
SAM on the left in the distance, and of course, erase it from existence. USE
AFTERBURNERS! Then head to the B-52 aircraft to the right of the SAM, and try
to take both down in one run, perhaps using the NPB and standard missiles
combined together. Then go destroy most ground NON TARGET enemies (but not
all). You should do all that rather quickly if you want to kill ARI and get the
extra reward.

Sometime around 8:00 minutes left, search the skies above the base for ARI. You
should find him easily. Take him down!

Continue finishing off ALL non target enemies, including enemy aircraft, then
take out all targets. Voila, another mission down with an S rank! :)

2-3- Main Path - Mission 3A
Mission Number 3. Don't you just love Air to Ship attacks? Because I hate them.

o Operation #3 - Prelude
o Enemies - 2-A / 5-G / 12-N / 9-TGT / 28-TOTAL
o Aircraft Used - First Playthrough - F-4E Phantom II w/ Napalm Bomb
- Second Playthrough - F-35 Lightning II w/ LASM
o Rewards (1st) - Finish Mission - XFA-24A Apalis Aircraft [P]
- Turbo Engine Part
- Adv Trimtab Part
- Scale Armor Part
- Destroy JA-37 "SABER" - JA-37 Special 1 Colour
o Rewards (2nd) - XFA-24A, S rank - Earthshaker Part
- Finish Mission - Mig-21 93 Aircraft

Now that's a CRAPLOAD of rewards. Anyways, let's start the mission. Basically
you want to smoke all ships in the harbor, AND prevent all new ships from
entering the region, then smoke out some non targets to get the point
requirement for the S rank. You'll probably run out of missiles here, so switch
to HUD view whenever you'll use the Machinegun, since it makes targeting

First, destroy the pathetic CH-47 right in front of you. Then head to the clump
of targets below and pick off the SAM and AA guns to make your life easier,
then finish off the Cruiser. I advice you to do this in TWO RUNS only (and if
you're lucky, one), the first to destroy the SAM and AA gun, and the second for
the Ship itself. Then, head left to the Flak gun and destroy it for the nice
200 points. Turn around and circulate the harbor in an anticlockwise manner,
sweeping everything in range, until you reach the bridge. DO NOT TAKE DOWN ANY

Once at the bridge, smoke the entire fleet of Landing Ships and Frigates. Then
smoke the two A-6Es near the fleet. Open your map and head to the next fleet
with your afterburners engaged. To the left of the fleet is two F-4Es. Smoke
them as well and ignore the fleet until you do so (unless you waste too much
time with them, in that condition go destroy the fleet first). Once dealing
with the fleet, try to destroy them with guns to save the missiles for the
aircraft. Yeah, I know, it's a frustrating mission, especially on Ace where one
missile can turn you into a pie.

Head to the next fleet, then smoke all non target ships and all target ships
EXCEPT ONE. Then smoke the three JA-37s flying near the fleet. But hey! It's
our friend SABER! But why is he so shy, flying a bit to the northwest from his
fellow pilots? Give him a few missiles of encouragement!

Once you're done with Saber, wipe off your sweat, the hard part is over. If you
followed the walkthrough, just go finish off the dumb lone ship you spared a
few moments ago, and there ya go, another S rank. My advice though is to just
try to kill Saber in your first playthrough, then aim for the S rank in your
second playthrough with a more powerful plane. The method above secures both
objectives even when you're using an F-4E, but it is STILL hard, especially at
high difficulties such as HARD or ACE.

2-4- Crosspath 1
There, our first Crosspath. What's a crosspath you say? It is essentially when
a single path deviates into multiple paths for career mode. You get to choose
what mission to do, and your decision affects what missions you will do for
some time. You can choose one of the following paths. The missions DO NOT
NECESSARILY HAVE TO BE IN ORDER (except for the first one of course, which
determines the path you'll go into). And yes, you can skip certain missions in
the middle if you want to, though I advice you not to do so (as it will just
remove the number of rewards you get for the playthrough) unless you are aiming
for the respective medal.

o Path 1A - 4A
o Path 1B - 5A
o Path 1C - 6A

Then, depending on which order you play the secondary missions, you will access
either 7A or 7B, and get different rewards. I will upload the entire chart

2-5- Mission 4A
So, you've chosen Path A, huh? Wise choice, wise choice.

o Operation #4 - Last line of Defense
o Enemies - 1-A / 0-G / 0-N / ?-TGT / ?-TOTAL
o Aircraft Used - First Playthrough - F-4E Phantom II w/ Napalm Bomb
- XFA-24A Apalis w/ XAGM
- Second Playthrough - XR-45 Cariburn w/ XLAA
o Rewards (1st) - Finish Mission - F-16C Fighting Falcon Aircraft
- Destroy Mig-21 93 "ROSE"- Mig-21 93 Special 1 Colour
- Destroy Star Unit - Extra Airbrake Part
o Rewards (2nd) - HAH, NONE

Another mission. Boo. Destroy the A-6E right in front of you. Head to the newly
found cluster of targets, and blow all the vehicles and launcher. Open the map,
and holy moly, REINFORCEMENTS! Go smoke them, FAST! Once you're done, holy
moly, MORE REINFORCEMENTS! Destroy the newly found A-10s then go blow up the
nasty group of targets to the south. Another group will spawn to the north, go
get 'em, along with the extra Mig-23 and JA reinforcements reinforcements. Now
once you're done with the reinforcements, destroy one more group of ground
targets, then open the map. BAM, ROSE has just appeared to the northwest. Go
take her down.

Then just destroy the remaining ground targets, and you're done.

It's a simple mission nevertheless.

2-6- Mission 4B
There are two versions of this mission, depending on whether you have finished
Mission 3C (Captive City) or not. Both versions are the exact same except that
if you didn't finish 3C, you'll be stuck with a time limit due to Fuel.

o Operation #4 - False Target
o Enemies - 5-A / 0-G / 0-N / ?-TGT / ?-TOTAL
o Aircraft Used - First Playthrough - F-4E Phantom II w/ UGBL
- XFA-24A Apalis w/ XMAA
- Second Playthrough - XFA-27 w/ QAAM
o Rewards (1st) - Finish Mission - F-5E Tiger II Aircraft
- Destroy F-14D "SAVANNA" - F-14D Special 1 Colour
- Destroy Star Unit - CFRP Conversion Part
o Rewards (2nd) - XFA-27, S Rank - Scarface MBS Part

HAH, an aerial combat mission. Don't you just love transport planes? This one

First off, even though it sounds logical not to waste time on the Decoy
Aircraft, we will have to take them down for the extra points. The trick in
distinguishing the different Aircraft is by their altitude. The lowest Aircraft
IS the real one, and the higher ones are just decoys.

Destroy ALL aircraft in the first group, including Decoys and Escorts, but
leave the real one for last. Once you're done, head to the next wave, and do
the same thing. Repeat until you reach the 4th group.

Once you're done, search the map to the West for two lone aircraft. One is the
star unit, and the other is SAVANNA, so take them both down.

Then, head to the final group of transports, and take down all the decoys then
the real plane. Mission Accomplished. You won't have time to deal with the
escorts, so you can skip them, finally.

2-7- Mission 5A
Mission Phive Aeh.

o Operation #5 - Rolling Thunder
o Enemies - 0-A / 9-G / 0-N / 14-TGT / 23-TOTAL
o Aircraft Used - First Playthrough - F-4E Phantom II w/ UGBL
- XFA-24A Apalis w/ XAGM
- Second Playthrough - F-35 Lightning II w/ LASM
o Rewards (1st) - Finish Mission - Emergency APS Part
- Mig-31 Foxhound Aircraft
- Destroy F-16C "ICE" - F-16C Special 1 Colour
- Destroy Star Unit - Destructive MSSL Part
o Rewards (2nd) - HAH, NONE, AGAIN

- Thanks to dragoljub for corrections in the rewards section.

First of all, this mission is tough. Second, you may want to use some
machineguns here, but I'll only tell you where to use it. Third, you might want
to purchase the UGBL for the F-4E here.

Destroy the AA gun directly in front of you, then the Chopper craft, then the
SAM, then the Launcher (all in a straight line in front of you). Take down the
bridge to the right with MACHINE GUNS. Destroy the Tank with two missiles, then
destroy the other nasty Chopper craft protecting it. Head a bit north from your
location, and you'll hear that an SWBM has been launched. Duck below 2400 ft
(800 m) until the shockwave clears. To the north of the Davis unit is a Tank,
AA guns and a Launcher. Take them all down with an ultra destructive UGBL.
Then, head south below the Davis unit, you'll find two lone allied ground
units, and a pesky tank approaching to the west of them. Take down the tank and
the surrounding units altogether with another UGBL.

Then, DUCK FOR YOUR LIVES! Go back below 2400 ft until the shock clears, then
go destroy the annoying tanks and SAM to the east of the Davis unit. If the
Davis unit did NOT recieve any damage in the entire time till now, ICE will
spawn, and of course we won't miss the opportunity to shoot him down.

Now, SWBMs will come like crazy, so be careful. To the northeast of the Davis
unit is a beautiful cluster of Hangars and some littered non targets. Wipe them
off the surface of our planet with a couple 'o' UGBLs. If you've got the time,
go destroy the star unit to the far northeast, a Hangar. Now just go back and
protect the Davis Unit by shooting down a few extra non targets then finishing
off the remaining targets for an S-rank.

2-8- Mission 5B

o Operation #5 - Pinned Down
o Enemies - 2-A / 15-G / 0-N / 0-TGT / 17-TOTAL
o Aircraft Used - First Playthrough - F-4E Phantom II w/ UGBL
- XFA-24A Apalis w/ XAGM
- Second Playthrough - F-35 Lightning II w/ LASM
o Rewards (1st) - Finish Mission - Mig-29A Fulcrum Aircraft
- Destroy Mir-2000D "GARANDA" - Mir-2000D Special 1 Colour
- Destroy Star Unit - Ligh Engine Part
o Rewards (2nd) - None

This mission needs accurate planning and excecution if you want to kill GARANDA
and get an S-Rank. So make sure you're reading this FAQ while playing the

First of all, take down the AW-64 and the SAM in front of you. Then,
immediately head left and destroy the bridge. Then, follow the steps in this

...As you can see, what you want to do is trap the Davis Unit in inaccessible
parts of the canyons by destroying the bridges. So, when destroying the
bridges, make sure the allied unit is on the inaccessible part (the one with no
enemies) first. Once you have done all tasks in the map above in order, go
destroy some ground targets (the central part is quite dense with ground
targets, which means UGBL MAYHEM) until the time runs out. You can also deal
with Air targets if you've got enough missiles.

Also, during the entire mission, make sure NO HELICOPTERS come near the Davis
Unit. Also make sure that, by the end of the mission, you've got 5000+ points
to get an S-rank (and no damage to the Davis Unit), so keep the missiles
coming! It will take some time to get the S-rank, so I suggest you just get it
in your later playthroughs.

Ah, I forgot to say, the star unit is in the far northeast, it's a ground unit.

2-9- Mission 6A
WOW, finally a showdown against TEH GLEIPNIR!!1!11!1one!??!@#$^%^&)(+

o Operation #6 - The Midnight Sun
o Enemies - 3-A / 0-G / 0-N / 1-TGT / 4-TOTAL
o Aircraft Used - First Playthrough - F-4E Phantom II w/ UGBL
- XFA-24A Apalis w/ XMAA
- Second Playthrough - XR-45 Cariburn w/ XLAA
o Rewards (1st) - Finish Mission - F-14D Super Tomcat Aircraft
- Destroy F-5E "GHOST" - F-5E Special 1 Colour
- Destroy Star Unit - Raven Part
o Rewards (2nd) - None

Oh my, that's TWO aircraft to be unlocked. Anyways, ignore the Su-27 in front
of you, and head to the Gleipnir. Quickly give it all you've got, Missiles and
Machineguns. When it disappears, you will be able to barely see it as some
"glassy electronic" translucent object. Do not fire missiles at that time, just
Machine guns (yes, it can be damaged while invisible). If you do not see it
though, don't fire. Keep with the machineguns, and if it wasn't destroyed yet,
fire a few missiles when it appears again. Just destroy it before it inflicts
damage on the fleet.

When you temporarily destroy it, go finish off the three Su-27s quickly. DO NOT
SPEND ANY MORE THAN 60 seconds on them. If you destroyed 2/3, do not worry, and
continue the mission normally.

Then quickly open up your map. There is an isolated unit and Aircraft to the
east, these are the star unit and some random aircraft. Destroy them, then hit
the afterburners and head to the Gleipnir. Destroy a few SWBM's, then duck
whenever the Gleipnir launches a missile. Repeat until you destroyed all SWBMs.
Quickly try to destroy any escorts while Crux is still chatting.

It is very hard to get an S rank in your first playthrough, as you need to
rapidly destroy all escort aircraft AND the Gleipnir. You can do that much
easier with a better aircraft, so my advice is to just ignore the S-rank and
Ace for this mission, and do it sometime later. The ace should spawn after the
mission update near that isolated aircraft I mentioned above.

2-10- Mission 6B
Well well, another mission.

o Operation #6 - Ice Bound
o Enemies - 2-A / 0-G / 6-N / 0-TGT / 8-TOTAL
o Aircraft Used - F-4E Phantom II w/ UGBL
- XFA-24A Apalis w/ XMAA
o Rewards (1st) - Finish Mission - A-10A Thunderbolt Aircraft
- Destroy Mig-31 "PALADIN"- Mig-31 Special 1 Colour
- Destroy Star Unit - Terra Hammer Part
o Rewards (2nd) - None

Another Naval attack mission. Don't these Leasathians get bored? You probably
want to purchase new aircraft by now, but the mission is still feasible using
the F-4E, so you could save your money, especially that the new aircraft you
unlocked are probably not worth it (unless you unlocked the XFA-27).

First of all, take on the two X-29s with the HEAD ON technique (see the
manoeuvers section for details). Then go smoke the enemy fleet heading towards
your allies. This part is simple, so make sure your allies do NOT sustain any
damage (to make PALADIN spawn). If you do it quickly enough, you will have a
few seconds of complete freedom without bothering with the mission!

Then, a couple of E-767s will appear. Take down the stranded E-767 and its
escort X-29 to the right, and then the E-767 to the left.

MISSION UPDATE! Hah, Namco must screw up something in the mission to make it
harder. :) Now 2 aircraft are present in the northwest, one aircraft directly
to the north, a unit to the east, and a ****ing Iceberg. Now, you want to
destroy PALADIN (to the north), the star unit to the east, AND the Iceberg as
quickly as possible. PALADIN loves the Afterburners, so good luck on catching

Once you're done with PALADIN and the star unit, hit the afterburners and
destroy the A-6Es attacking the Naiad. Then head to the Iceberg. It is composed
of 3 parts, but I advise you to use guns, FAST, since the Iceberg is pretty big
and thus is an easy target, and because you have a missile shortage. Good Luck.
It isn't hard but it isn't easy either. Once you're done with the Iceberg,
destroy the B-2As and escort the Naiad to safety. It may take some time to
master though since the aircraft supply seems to be big. First the A-6Es, B-
2As, Mig-31s, F-117As, and god knows what else.

Another S-rank, AND a medal. Gotta love 'em.

2-11- Mission 3B
You're probably wondering "what the hell is this mission doing after Mission
6". Mission 3B is not really unlocked after 3A, but only if you choose Path 1B
or Path 1C (meaning, it's a special mission).

o Operation #3 - Captive City
o Enemies - 5-A / 3-G / 0-N / 6-TGT / 14-TOTAL
o Aircraft Used - First Playthrough - F-4E Phantom II w/ UGBL
- XFA-24A Apalis w/ XAGM
- Second Playthrough - F-16XL w/ XAGM
o Rewards (1st) - Finish Mission - Mirage 2000D Aircraft
- XFA-27 Aircraft
- Destroy F-1 "SHIVA" - F-1 Special 1 Colour
- Destroy Star Unit - Extra Ladder Part
o Rewards (2nd) - None

This mission is a bit relaxing IMO after all the intensity. Start off by wiping
out all aircraft in front of you (which includes the star unit, LMAO, see, I
told you it's an easy relaxing mission). DO NOT damage the complex (make sure
your missiles are going to hit the target, and that the Fuel containers are NOT
in the way. Dive down and destroy the cluster of units below you.

After that, destroy the fighters flying above the complex. After some time, you
will find SHIVA coming at you from the east, so smoke him.

After destroying the fighters, head to the next complex, and destroy all units
without damage to the fuel tanks. Well, one fuel tank is fine, but no more.

2-12- Mission 7A
The final mission in our current crosspath.

o Operation #7 - Standoff in the Skies II
o Enemies - 2-A / 0-G / 0-N / 1-TGT / 3-TOTAL
o Aircraft Used - First Playthrough - F-4E Phantom II w/ UGBL
- XFA-24A Apalis w/ XAGM
- Second Playthrough - F-22 w/ XMAA
o Rewards (1st) - Finish Mission - YR-302 Fregata Aircraft
- Tornado F3 Aircraft
- Adv Turbo Engine Part
- Air Gripper Part
- Ceramic Armor Part
- Destroy Mig-29A "FROST" - Mig-29A Special 1 Colour
- Destroy Star Unit - KEPS Part
o Rewards (2nd) - None, for some reason.

This one is easy if you know what you're doing. First, destroy all ground
units. Then destroy all air units. Then, destroy the respawned ground units.
Then the air units... Until you have destroyed both the ground star unit and
FROST (both will spawn in some of the respawned reinforcements). My advice is
to continue ignoring the Gleipnir and destroy the non-targets even after
destroying the star and FROST.

Then, go finish off the Gleipnir. It is pretty simple actually, first destroy
the AAs and SAMs, the destroy the shock cannon (this time you don't need to
bother about the SWBMs, just the shock cannon). When the Gleipnir fires the
Shock Cannon, make sure you are NOT facing it's underside (or you'll be
roasted). Shoot the cannon whenever it starts to recharge. Once you're done
with the shock cannon, phantastic, you just finished a mission with an S-rank.

2-13- Mission 7B
The final mission in our current crosspath, again. :)

o Operation #7 - Standoff in the Skies II
o Enemies - 2-A / 0-G / 0-N / 1-TGT / 3-TOTAL
o Aircraft Used - First Playthrough - F-4E Phantom II w/ UGBL
- XFA-24A Apalis w/ XAGM
- Second Playthrough - F-22 w/ XMAA
o Rewards (1st) - Finish Mission - YR-302 Fregata Aircraft
- F-15E Strike Eagle
- Adv Turbo Engine Part
- Ceramic Armor Part
- Destroy A-10A "FIRESTORM"- A-10A Special 1 Colour
- Destroy Star Unit - Long Range Gun Part
o Rewards (2nd) - Finish Mission - X-29A Aircraft

Man, I love when they say "IT'S THE GLEIPNIR!". They sound awfully silly. Note
the script is ALMOST IDENTICAL to that in Mission 6A. How lame.

Hit the afterburners, and destroy the Gleipnir before it deals any damage
to the ground units. If you do it correctly, A-10A FIRESTORM will spawn to the
southeast of the map. Go shoot him down.

- Thanks to dragoljub for correcting the Ace Spawning method.

Once you're done with that super-frustrating FIRESTORM, go destroy the SWBM
silos on the forrtress. See Mission 6A for details. When you're done, a stupid
countdown will pop up, and a lone unit (the star unit) will pop up as well in
the middle of the map. Destroy the unit, and then finally go destroy the Shock
Cannon once and for all. It will take a good number of hits to destroy this


Another S-rank.

2-14- Crosspath 2
Our second crosspath.

o Path 2A - 8A
o Path 2B - 9A

Once again, the final mission in the crosspath depends on whether you've chosen
path 2A or 2B.

2-15- Mission 8A
Another soothing, relaxing mission.

o Operation #8 - Striking Point
o Enemies - 7-A / 18-G / 0-N / 0-TGT / 25-TOTAL
o Aircraft Used - First Playthrough - YR-302 Fregata w/ FAEB
- Second Playthrough - F-35 Lightning II w/ SOD
- Fenrir w/ LSWM
o Rewards (1st) - Finish Mission - XR-45 Cariburn Aircraft
- F/A-18E Super Hornet Aircraft
- Extra Hardpoint Part
- Destroy X-29A "VIPER" - X-29A Special 1 Colour
- Destroy Star Unit - Hawkeye Part
o Rewards (2nd) - None

One of the few missions that have a time-based rank. In this mission, you NEED
to do everything as quickly as possible if you want an S-rank. One thing I like
in this mission is the clustered targets. Just one LSWM from the Fenrir wipes
out an entire sector. Yeah, talk about need for destruction.

As you start, wipe out the entire ground defense sector (with FAEBs if you want
to, though I'd say save them for the last sector) in front of you, along with
nearby aircraft before heading to the next part. Head quickly to the second
sector and repeat. Once done with the second sector (and done it quickly
enough), you'll find our ace, VIPER, to the northwest.

After taking down Viper, open your map, and you'll find a stray star unit U-2
in the southwestern region of the combat area. Slam your afterburners and
destroy the unit for a nice reward. Head back to the last sector and erase all
remaining air and ground targets from the surface of our beautiful planet.

Like some others, I advise you to focus on the star unit and the Ace in your
first playthrough, then aim for an S-rank with a more capable aircraft in your
second/third/fourth/billionth playthrough. If you don't focus on an S-rank in
your first playthrough, the mission would be a whole lot easier and soothing.

On a side note, the XR-45 is a must buy. If you've got the money, purchase the
fighter, dedicate it to A2A missions, and specialize the Fregata solely to suit
A2G missions.

2-16- Mission 8B
o Operation #8 - The Wasteland (what a name)
o Enemies - 4-A / 47-G / 0-N / 0-TGT / 51-TOTAL
o Aircraft Used - First Playthrough - YR-302 Fregata w/ FAEB
- Second Playthrough - F-35 Lightning II w/ LASM
o Rewards (1st) - Finish Mission - Su-27 Flanker Aircraft
- Extra Hardpoint Part
- Destroy F-15E "RAGE" - F-15E Special 1 Colour
- Destroy Star Unit - Beetle Armor Part
o Rewards (2nd) - None

An air to ground mission. I hate these missions. If you've played Mission 9A
right before this, then get ready for an increased number of targets. >_>

Lookie! It's a couple 'o' A-10As and choppers begging to be shot down.
Unfortunately, the HEAD-ON trick won't destroy them here due to their massive
defenses. Shoot them down using the conventional methods. They love evading
missiles though, so make sure they will get hit before launching the missiles
(meaning: do not make wild, "I HOPE THEY HIT" shots).

I love clusters of targets. FAEBs are your friends here. If you'd like, you
could also own your targets with a pair of the all time amazing LSWMs. Just
destroy all targets there is before the time runs out, and by around 3 minutes
remaining you should find RAGE in the vicinity. The star unit is in the
clusters, so you should have taken care of it in the way.

Simple but long mission I'd say.

2-17- Mission 9A
Mission 9A. Pretty confusing huh?

o Operation #9 - Blitz
o Enemies - 0-A / 4-G / 7-N / 6-TGT / 17-TOTAL
o Aircraft Used - First Playthrough - YR-302 Fregata w/ FAEB
- Second Playthrough - F-35 Lightning II w/ LASM
o Rewards (1st) - Finish Mission - XR-45 Cariburn Aircraft [P]
- F-117A Nighthawk Aircraft
- Destroy TND-F3 "GACRUX" - TND-F3 Special 1 Colour
- Destroy Star Unit - Extra V Canard Part
o Rewards (2nd) - YR-99 Forenus w/ S-rank - Diffusion Coat Part

Remember Mission 21 Solitaire in AC5? Exactly. The only difference is that you
will destroy targets in ACX rather than take pictures in AC5.

DO NOT PULL UP/DOWN or ROLL LEFT/RIGHT. Maintain your altitude and use YAW
ONLY. However, if you are skilled, and want to destroy both the star unit AND
the ace, then hold down the afterburners and resort to the traditional "Roll
and Pull" turn.

First of all, open your radar. See the lone aircraft to the southwest? That's
the star unit. Weave through the radar circles and blow it up (of course, hold
the afterburners to be quick at it).

Now, CIRCLE BACK to the starting point and head north through the radar gap.

Pass the gunboat from the far right, then make a wide yaw and aim to the
inside of the next turn (to the right of the second gunboat). Now, crazily
enough, open your map. See that dead end to the right? TAKE IT. AND SLAM THE
AFTERBURNERS. Mission Update.

Now, destroy a few non targets and a few targets. Once the reinforcement planes
spawn, destroy them along with GACRUX (the unit to the left of the
reinforcements). GACRUX will only spawn if you did what I said and held down
the afterburners for the entire "weave through radar" part.

Once you have destroyed GACRUX, destroy the rest of the base, NON TARGETS
FIRST. Mission accomplished. You'll only do a landing now, which you can skip
with the start button.

Note: You might want to purchase the XR-45 Cariburn. Specialize it for A2A use
using parts you have unlocked in the previous missions and it will be an A2A
demon. Specialize the Fregata you bought a few missions ago for A2G use to make
the best usage out of it's A2G capabilities.

2-18- Mission 9B
o Operation #9 - A Diversion
o Enemies - 3-A / 3-G / 0-N / 0-TGT / 6-TOTAL
o Aircraft Used - First Playthrough - YR-302 Fregata w/ FAEB
- Second Playthrough - F-35 Lightning II w/ LASM
o Rewards (1st) - Finish Mission - F-2A Aircraft
- Destroy F/A-18E "STORM" - F/A-18E Special 1 Colour
- Destroy Star Unit - Extra Elron Part
o Rewards (2nd) - None

Open the map and look to the southeast. That cheap bastard STORM! Go get him
(use the afterburners to save time). Once you're done, QUICKLY head back and
support the chopper squad. Destroy the RPGs as soon as they appear on the radar
otherwise they'll vaporise TEH CHOPPER SQUAD. You don't want that do you?

How to do it efficiently you say? Make sure you remain BEHIND the squad when
there are no targets. Once (a) target(s) pop(s) up, destroy them in one run if
possible, then circle back and destroy the remaining ones. Keep facing the
opposite direction to the chopper squad until you re-overtake them, then circle
back and stay behind them until another target pops up. Here's a diagram on
how to do it, top view...
[H] ,'' ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
/ [H] ; RIVER ',
,,,,,,|,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,'' ________________ |
¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯[H]¯¯¯ ,,'''''''''''''''''' ,'
'---> [H] ;
______________________________ ,,''

[H] = Chopper Squad
[T] = Target (RPG)
->- = Flight path

Keep on doing this until the squad reaches the base. Once there, destroy
EVERYTHING. One of the units is a B-52 star unit, so make sure that goes down.
Also, try to destroy the X-29A before they take off. As soon as the chopper
squad lands in the base, mission accomplished. If ALL 5 helis make it alive
to the base, you'll get an S-rank.

2-19- Mission 10A
We're already at mission 10. :)

o Operation #9 - Joint Operation
o Enemies - 4-A / 0-G / 0-N / 6-TGT / 10-TOTAL
o Aircraft Used - First Playthrough - XR-45 Cariburn w/ XLAA
- Second Playthrough - ADF-01 Falken w/ TLS
o Rewards (1st) - Finish Mission - Rafale M Aircraft
- Destroy Su-27 "ACRUX" - Su-27 Special 1 Colour
- Destroy Star Unit - Tracer Part
o Rewards (2nd) - ADF-01, S rank - TLS Extend Part

No radar, and no radio. Bummer. Just slam the afterburners and you'll soon
reach the transport aircraft in the middle of the map. Destroy them with your
Vulcan or TLS (missiles don't work here, remember?). Also, ACRUX is in the
group, just try to pinpoint him quickly during the non-jam intervals and keep
a visual on him. It might be a bit hard to deal with him, since you'll be using
guns only. You will find him at the EXACT MIDPOINT of your map at around 12 min

One thing to note is the nasty transport to the northeast. It will move faster
than the rest of the pack so make sure you destroy it before it exits the
combat zone.

Then, head to the southeast and destroy the other fast moving aircraft. Yeah,
afterburners are your friend. Once done, head back to the cluster of units. You
should notice a C-5 moving towards the southeast (towards your direction). THAT
is the star unit. Make sure he becomes a memory of the past.

Now go back and destroy the escorts, ALL of them. Then finally destroy the
final transport (which is heading towards the northeast in case you haven't
already noticed). If you've done all that, get yourself a can of Mountain Dew,
and you might consider throwing away your glasses, since you already have
excellent vision and targeting skills. :)

2-20- Mission 10B
Mission 10A's easier counterpart? Wait and see, I say, wait and see.

o Operation #10 - Break In
o Enemies - 3-A / 0-G / 0-N / 4-TGT / 7-TOTAL
o Aircraft Used - First Playthrough - YR-302 Fregata w/ FAEB
- Second Playthrough - F-35C w/ LASM
o Rewards (1st) - Finish Mission - Gripen C Aircraft
- Destroy F-16XL "FIEL" - F-16XL Special 1 Colour
- Destroy Star Unit - Caudal Engine Part
o Rewards (2nd) - ADF-01, S rank - TLS Extend Part

Note that if you unlocked 07C and skipped it, you'll be stuck with limited

You're also probably wondering why should you take an A2G weapon when all
targets are air-based? The curiosity killed the cat, or shall we say, the
spoilers. XD

First of all, rid the skies of all non-targets, starting by head-oning the two
fighters speeding your way, and the F/B-22 that follows. Then just wipe out the
remaining transports. Mission complete? No, of course not, remember, Namco must
stick those nasty mission updates at the end of easy missions. :)

Now is why I told you to get the A2G weapons. To be honest, I LMAO'd at the
cutscene so hard I almost dropped my PSP. Anyway, as soon as you take control
of the aircraft, dive down and destroy the Container ship (the star unit).

Once done, speed up towards the first cluster of buildings, and destroy 'em
with two nice FAEBs. Quickly find and shoot down FIEL in the reinforcements,
then commence destroying the rest of the targets. Basically, once you have
destroyed the second cluster of targets, the intense part is over, and you
could just sail smoothly through the rest of the reinforcements and targets.
Just don't take too long otherwise you may lose the mission.

2-21- Mission 11A
This mission reminded me with an old mission in Ace Combat 3, where you had to
fly at a low altitude until you reach the enemy base... How is it similar to
this mission? To be honest, I don't know. o_O But it may be the snowy location.

o Operation #11 - In Pursuit I
o Enemies - 0-A / 16-G / 0-N / 6-TGT / 22-TOTAL
o Aircraft Used - First Playthrough - YR-302 Fregata w/ FAEB
- Second Playthrough - F-35C w/ LASM
- ADF-01 Falken w/ TLS
o Rewards (1st) - Finish Mission - Auto Gun Part
- F-35 Lightining II Aircraft
- Destroy F-117A "INFERNO" - F-117A Special 1 Colour
- Destroy Star Unit - AAM Jammer Part
o Rewards (2nd) - None

High performance SAMs huh? Even worse, HIGH PERFORMANCE AA GUNS? What the hell
was Namco smoking when they did this mission? Yeah, it's creative and all, but
in a wierd kind of way.

If this isn't your first playthrough, just grab the Falken and TLS. Here's the
magic. You cannot enter the High Performance SAMs area, and you can't snipe out
the jammers with long range missiles... Well, we can snipe them with our TLS.
Just head towards the center of the High Performance SAMs range (do not enter
it though unless you're in dire need to be fried), and shoot out these large
cylindrical structures with the TLS. The TLS has good range, and the jammer
is big enough thus making it an easy target for the Falken. Once all six
jammers are destroyed, mission accomplished, and you didn't even need to power
down the ridiculous High Performance SAMs (I'll name them HPS for the sake of

But doing it the easy way isn't fun. Grab a traditional F-35C or our trusty
Fregata and let's start.

First, you'll refuel. Check the Takeoff/Landing/Refueling section for how to do
it yourself without the help of the autopilot.

Ultra powerful jamming will screw up the guidance systems of your missiles, so
we'll have to rely on our trusty little eyes rather than the radar, and the ol'
Vulcan rather than the missiles. The big secret here is to follow the power
cables and every once in a while the cables will "reach" a power generator.
Blow it up. If the generator was the right one, the jammer will power down
slightly. I would tell you the exact locations for the correct generators,
except they are completely random. So check them out yourself, and hit the
afterburners to cut down the journey time. Continue until the HPS powers down.
Note that every now and then the jammer will pause for a moment, giving you
a few seconds to use your missiles/radar.

By the way, the music in this mission is cool. Thought I'd bring that to your
attention. *awkward silent moment*

Anyway, once you're done with the generators, head to the HPS area. By around
7 minutes remaining, INFERNO will be flying directly above that area (he was
coming from direct north FYI). What are you waiting for? Attack! Target the
Gleipn- I mean, the F-117A!

Destroy 5 out of the 6 Jammers. Now search the airspace above the HPS again,
and you'll find our star unit, a lame CH-47. Blow it out of the skies.

Then just destroy the last jammer facility, and Mission Accomplished. This
mission is time based (thanks for lots of people, again, for the confirmation).

Finally, don't forget to pick up the F-35 you just unlocked. This plane has
enough guts to surf you through the rest of the game.

2-22- Mission 11B
*Drinks a can of Mountain Dew* don't you just love this stuff?

o Operation #11 - In Pursuit II
o Enemies - 0-A / 16-G / 0-N / 6-TGT / 22-TOTAL
o Aircraft Used - First Playthrough - YR-302 Fregata w/ FAEB
- Second Playthrough - F-35C w/ LASM
- ADF-01 Falken w/ TLS
o Rewards (1st) - Finish Mission - Typhoon Aircraft
- F-22 Raptor Aircraft
- Destroy F-2A "FURY" - F-2A Special 1 Colour
- Destroy Star Unit - NERA Armor Part
o Rewards (2nd) - None

The same trick in Mission 11A could be used here, just snipe out the jammer
with the Falkens TLS.

The first difference between 11A and 11B is that in 11B you start from the
northwest, not the southeast. Oh well. Like in 11A, seek the generators and
destroy them. Watch out for some nasty AA guns that were not present in 11A.

"With all the jamming and he is still able to fly like that? Who is this guy?"

At around 11:30 min remaining, the steel towers will start getting knocked down
because the stupid Skylla unit thought that would be the best solution to make
it harder for you. Dumbasses, don't they realise that if they knock down the

FURY will spawn to the north of the HPS (High Performance SAMs) at around 7
minutes left. Spot him and take him down during the pauses of the jammer.

Once done, go into the HPS area. If you have destroyed the SP vehicles when
destroying the generators, search the grounds to the northwest for the star unit
(a vehicle), and make sure its destroyed. Destroy the jammers to finish the

Thanks to many people for the star unit info and the S-rank confirmation.
This mission has been confirmed to be TIME BASED.

BTW, the Raptor you unlock is a MUST HAVE. At this point you need either the
F-35 Lightning II or the F-22 Raptor in your hangar (or both). These planes
are pretty good, so don't miss them.

2-23- Mission 7C
Ever wanted to break your PSP? Don't worry, the urge is not too far away.

o Operation #7 - Time Limit
o Enemies - 1-A / 0-G / 0-N / 5-TGT / 6-TOTAL
o Aircraft Used - First Playthrough - XR-45 Cariburn w/ XLAA
- Second Playthrough - F-22 Raptor w/ XMAA
- Fenrir w/ LSWM
o Rewards (1st) - Finish Mission - F-16XL Aircraft
- Destroy F-35 "BECRUX" - F-35 Special 1 Colour
- Destroy Star Unit - Ram Coat Part
o Rewards (2nd) - None

This mission is A PAIN IN THE ASS. I hate it. Remember the mission in AC5 where
you had to neutralie the pathetic biological gas? This is the same, except
you can't move too harshly otherwise you'll blow your tank, and mission failed.
Even worse, the gas spreads faster than the stench of manure, so you'll need to
step on it. But wait, the star unit is teasing you from an altitude of 10,000
feet right at the start of the mission, so you can choose whether to kill a few
citizens in exchange for killing the star unit, or choose to ignore the star

First thing to notice in the HUD is the G-forces meter. Do any quick move and
the thing will fill like a rocket. Even worse, let the thing fill to the max,
and you just screwed your day. Second thing to notice is the NTRL ammo, which
stands for "NeuTRaLizing agent". Heh, at least you've got 99 ammo.

Do not slam on the afterburners or brakes suddenly, and do not turn too hard,
and you'll be fine.

Now onto the mission. Tap the afterburners (for one second per tap) repeatedly
to accelerate without filling the G-forces meter. Now see that island in the
river? A gas bomb will initiate there, so neutralize it with your NTRL ammo.
Note that only one accurate shot will do.

Next, directly to the north you will see the star unit. Go destroy it, QUICKLY.
Remember not to push your plane too hard, and also remember you have a gas to

Once done, resume neutralization of the gas bombs. I can't really help much
here. My advice is to ascend to around 700-1000 ft, point your plane nose down
and fire the NTRL on the gas source. Then ascend, head to the next gas bomb,
and repeat. Also, while turning, KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE MPG, NOT THE RADAR!

They seem to abuse "Are you telling me you can't keep up with that sorry excuse
for a pilot?!" sentence in the mission. They repeated it over FIVE times in my
game. Heh, the irony, even the game wants to frustrate me. :P

After some time, the gas bombs will run out. The G-forces meter will disappear,
but DON'T DO ANY HARSH MANOEUVERS JUST YET, the effect is still there! Trust
me, I tried to do a 360 turn, and whadda you know, the thing exploded. I felt
like I wanted to punch somebody. Anyway, it is only safe to start flying like
a maniac when the NTRL ammo magically vanishes. No, I'm not kidding.

Now it's time to waste the two nasty F-14s that have been annoying the crap out
of us (or me, for that instance), don't you think? Teach them how cruel life
is to some people. Note that if you neutralized the gas quickly enough, the
ace will spawn with the reinforcements after you waste the two F-14s. Of course
make sure to throw a couple o' missiles his way.

I believe this mission is time based, so make sure you finish everything ASAP
to get an S-rank.

2-24- Mission 12A

o Operation #12 - Gaiuss Tower
o Enemies - 3-A / 17-G / 0-N / 0-TGT / 20-TOTAL
o Aircraft Used - First Playthrough - F-35C w/ LASM
- F-22 w/ SOD
- Second Playthrough - F-35C w/ LASM
o Rewards (1st) - Finish Mission - Minatour Engine Part
- Extra Canard Part
- Titanium Armor Part
- YR-99 Forneus Aircraft
- Su-37 Terminator Aircraft
- Destroy Typhoon "ZEPHYR" - Typhoon Special 1 Colour
- Destroy Star Unit - Bullet Engine Part
o Rewards (2nd) - None

The rewards should satisfy you for an entire year. But hey, remember, YOU'RE

First of all, hit the afterburners and destroy the three clusters of targets
blocking the Ground units' path to the Capital. Then just destroy the fighters
and the Meson Cannon for the time being.

Once the ground units make it to the inside of the Capital walls, take down the
Vehicle star unit in the EXACT CENTER of the Atmos Ring surrounding the city.
Also note that ZEPHYR has spawned to the east with the reinforcements, but that
is only if you did not allow any damage to the ground forces till that point.

Now just smoke the resisstance in the city center. Once the ground units make
it to the Gaiuss Tower, Mission Accomplished. If you allowed no damage to the
ground units, you'll get an S-rank.

2-25- Mission 12B

o Operation #12 - Atmos Ring
o Enemies - 0-A / 3-G / 0-N / 10-TGT / 13-TOTAL
o Aircraft Used - First Playthrough - F-35C w/ QAAM
- F-22 w/ XMAA
- Second Playthrough - F-35C w/ LASM
o Rewards (1st) - Finish Mission - Minatour Engine Part
- Extra Canard Part
- F-15S/MTD Aircraft
- Destroy Gripen C "RIOT" - Gripen C Special 1 Colour
- Destroy Star Unit - Thornback Fin Part
o Rewards (2nd) - Finish Mission - X-02 Wyvern Aircraft (!!)

Less rewards, but if you are doing the mission for the second time, you'll get
the all time cheesy-in-a-good-way X-02 uber Aircraft. For an easy mission? WTF?

First of all, you see the two target Gripen Aircraft in the center of the ring?
Blow them up. KEEP THE AFTERBURNERS HELD, otherwise the Meson Cannon will fry
you before it even fires the laser. Forget about the cannons for now.

Surprise! The first wave of reinforcements have arrived. They're only two
aircraft, so it's all cool. Once you've vaporised them, you'll be surprised,
again, with the second wave of reinforcements. One of these aircraft is the ace
we've been looking for, RIOT. He'll be coming from the southeast. Take care of
him and the rest of the squad. Now you see why I told you get some XMAAs with
you? We need some good air traffic control.

Now that we've destroyed them, it's time for some cannon barbeque. Take down
the Meson Cannon. But first, destroy the few SAMs in the ring. Once done, NOW
you can finally take down the cannon. Destroy the turrets first, and the MBSRs
for later. To destroy the MBSRs, you need to target them from the inside of the
ring. Here's a diagram for how to do it, top view.

\¯\/-\/¯/ <-- Gaiuss Tower
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ (beautiful, eh?)
L | T
I | H
K | I
E | S
',, _____ ,,' <-- Atmos Ring Circumference
',, ''',,,,| [X] |,,,,''' ,,' (only a part is shown)
''',,,,,| / \ |,,,,,'''

[T] Cannon Turret
[G] Gaiuss Tower

Note that by around 7-6 cannons remaining, two helis will spawn in the ring. Go
destroy them as well as the bunch of AA guns for the points for the S-rank,
since they shouldn't be too hard anyway. Just finish off the cannon afterwards
and mission accomplished.

You cannot get the star unit AND the ace simultaneously, since the star unit,
a CH-47, will only spawn when you destroy the meson cannon BEFORE you trigger
the second wave of reinforcements. So you'll need an entirely separate run for

2-26- Mission 12C
You bought an N-gage, didn't you?

o Operation #12 - Wild Card
o Enemies - 0-A / 3-G / 0-N / 10-TGT / 13-TOTAL
o Aircraft Used - First Playthrough - F-35C w/ LASM
- F-22 w/ SOD
- Second Playthrough - F-35C w/ LASM
o Rewards (1st) - Finish Mission - YF-23 Black Widow Aircraft
- Destroy Rafale M "TYRANT"- Rafale M Special 1 Colour
- Destroy Star Unit - Light Armor Part
o Rewards (2nd) - Finish Mission - X-02 Wyvern Aircraft (!!)

The X-02 is up for picking if you finish the mission for your second time. :)
Note that if you skip Mission 11, you'll be stuck with radar jamming.

First, destroy the two ground target clusters proximal to the city, then take
care of the distal clusters. You need to be quick enough to prevent ANY damage
to the Aurelian Liberation Corps.

"The famous Ace? ALRIGHT! We may just make it through this after all!"

Anyway, Crux will notify you of the nasty long range missiles heading to the
city. Of course, you must run around like a cat and shoot 'em all. Here's the
magic, you can actually cut yourself a shortcut here...

But before anything, shoot down the gunboat star unit to the south of the city,
and the ace to the southwest. Once done, head towards the nearest missile and
destroy it. You'll notice a ground SP LAUNCHER right next to the missile. If
you destroy that, no more missiles will spawn from that direction! It will save
all the effort having to deal with bunches of missiles for the next ten minutes
or so. :) Repeat until all SP LAUNCHERS are down. Remember to abuse the A/Bs
all the time.

I recieved e-mails about the possibility of this being a point based mission,
therefore you might want to avoid destroying the SP Vehicles so you could get
the points from destroying the missiles they launch. Thanks to Grandmort about
the S-rank for this mission.

2-27- Crosspath 3
o Path 3A - 13A
o Path 3B - 14A

Once again, the final mission in the crosspath depends on whether you've chosen
path 13A or 14A.

By now you should have the F-35 OR the F-22. You can sell your other aircraft
since these are all you need.

This is our final crosspath. Yeah, it's sad isn't it? >_>

2-28- Mission 13A
A pure dogfighting mission. Not bad.

o Operation #13 - Alect Squadron
o Enemies - 10-A / 0-G / 0-N / 6-TGT / 16-TOTAL
o Aircraft Used - First Playthrough - F-35C w/ QAAM
- F-22 w/ XMAA
- Second Playthrough - F-35C w/ QAAM
- ADF-01 w/ TLS
o Rewards (1st) - Finish Mission - Extra Ammo Part
- F/B-22 Concept Aircraft
- Destroy Su-37 "SORROW" - Su-37 Special 1 Colour
- Destroy F-22 "PAIN" - F-22 Special 1 Colour
- Destroy Star Unit - Enhanced GSPM Part
o Rewards (2nd) - X-02, S-rank - Long Range Missile Part

"My son is a big fan o' yours, well, me too!" I really LMAO'd at this line.

Destroy a few of these non targets. DO NOT use your QAAM/XMAAs on these, just
depend on your Standard Missiles and guns to take 'em down. Once done, a bunch
of targets (why lookie, it's the Alect Squad) and a solo unit (why lookie, it's
the star unit Container Ship) will spawn to the direct west.

Take on the star unit and any non-targets remaining quickly, then destroy all
Alect members EXCEPT ONE. Both aces will spawn to the northeast and the
southeast. Take them both out, then destroy the final Alect member to finish
the mission.

This one is pretty simple if you ask me...

2-29- Mission 13B
o Operation #13 - Armada
o Enemies - 0-A / 0-G / 0-N / 17-TGT / 117-TOTAL
o Aircraft Used - First Playthrough - F-35C w/ LASM
- F-22 w/ SOD
- Second Playthrough - Fenrir w/ LSWM
o Rewards (1st) - Finish Mission - Mig-1.44 Aircraft
- Destroy F-15S/MTD "COMET"- F-15S/MTD Special 1 Colour
- Destroy YF-23 "SPIDER" - YF-23 Special 1 Colour
- Destroy Star Unit - Tracker Missile Part
o Rewards (2nd) - None

Beautiful clusters of targets await to be wiped out. Of course, I ain't missin'
the chance, and you shouldn't either. :)

This mission is really simple. Destroy the first fleet quickly, followed by the
second, and if you've done it quickly enough, COMET will spawn to the northwest
area of the map, along with a B-2 star unit to the west. Destroy them both, and
head to the third fleet. Quickly destroy the entire fleet including non targets
except the Battleship and if you've done it quickly enough, SPIDER will spawn
to the northeast. Go destroy him, then circle back and destroy the battleship
you missed.

This is just an old school, destroy the fleet mission. Note that if you
destroyed ALL enemies in the mission you will get an S-rank, so don't spare

2-30- Mission 14A
o Operation #14 - Firestorm
o Enemies - 3-A / 0-G / 0-N / 8-TGT / 11-TOTAL
o Aircraft Used - First Playthrough - F-35C w/ LASM
- F-22 w/ SOD
- Second Playthrough - F-35C w/ LASM
o Rewards (1st) - Finish Mission - Su-47 Berkut Aircraft
- Destroy Mig-1.44 "LANCER"- Mig-1.44 Special 1 Colour
- Destroy Star Unit - SCRAM Jet Engine Part
o Rewards (2nd) - None

Note that you will unlock the Su-47 Berkut here, which is an excellent
alternative to the aircraft you currently own, though it's optional, so you
could choose to ignore it.

Another one of these creative missions. Here, you'll have to "hit and run"
targets unless you want to be caught in the blast sphere. Why? Your so called
targets are a bunch of chemically unstable crap-that-I-don't-know-of
containers, if you know what I mean.

I'll sum it for you, the explosion blast radius is around... 1000 feet. That
means, to be safe, you'll have to lock on, fire ASAP, circle back and use the

Now magically, most of the targets have large mountaneous islands blocking the
entrance. That means long range missiles may not work here. It doesn't really
add much to the difficulty really, it just makes the mission more... say...
interesting. Just keep at the "hit and run" technique, and you should be safe.

After the first target though, destroy all non target aircraft above the island
for the points. Now just destroy the targets, and soon enough the star unit
which is a submarine, will spawn to the south of the largest island inside a
cave. Just use a long range missile to take care of it without having to enter
the cave itself. Now, there should be some target ships in front of the hangars
which should "tingle your spider sense". Yes, that's right, destroy the hangar
and the ships will be caught in the explosion anyways. Repeat several times,
and our ace LANCER will spawn to the west. Go kill him and resume destroying
the targets to finish the mission.

Overall it's easy to some extent, but may be annoying on Ace mode.

2-31- Mission 14B
o Operation #14 - Offline
o Enemies - 3-A / 0-G / 0-N / 8-TGT / 11-TOTAL
o Aircraft Used - First Playthrough - F-35C w/ LASM
- F-22 w/ SOD
- Second Playthrough - F-35C w/ LASM
o Rewards (1st) - Finish Mission - S-32 Concept Aircraft
- Destroy F/B-22 "OCRA" - F/B-22 Special 1 Colour
- Destroy Star Unit - RAM Jet Engine Part
o Rewards (2nd) - None

Like the Berkut in the last mission, the S-32 is worth the purchase if you want
it. I stayed with the trusty F-35C in my first playthrough, but it's really up
to you.

Destroy all non-targets THEN targets quickly, then F/B-22 OCRA will spawn to
the south after the mission update. YOU MUST DESTROY EVERYTHING FIRST before
OCRA will spawn. Note that the star unit will also spawn after the mission
update (it's a container ship) to the southeast of the largest island).

Just take him down. Once done, you need to fly through the cave to destroy the
central control. Slow down, and as soon as the control facility enters your
sight, fire away two missiles, then go through the other side of the cave.
Mission Accomplished. Easy eh? Wait till you see it on Ace mode...

"That was incredible Sir-I mean, Gryphus 1!" :)

2-32- Mission 15A
The. Final. Mission. What's up with the periods, you say? *remembers Best.
Series. Ever. contest*

o Operation #15 - End of Deception I
o Enemies - 4-A / 0-G / 0-N / 0-TGT / 4-TOTAL
o Aircraft Used - First Playthrough - F-22 Raptor w/ XMAA
- Second Playthrough - X-02 Wyvern w/ XLAA
o Rewards (1st) - Destroy S-32 "ELISA" - S-32 Special 1 Colour
- Destroy Star Unit - Adv Titanium Part
o Rewards (2nd) - None

The final mission. And to look at the rewards, they're LAME. WTF?

Simple thing: Keep the Afties down anytime possible. Otherwise, the beautiful
Aura of Energy will come racing at you, making you fried potato wedges. And
yes, I'm serious.

First, destroy all non-Fenrir Aircraft, then the Fenrir. After the 1st or 2nd
Fenrir down, check your radar, you should see a lone Fighter coming at you from
the northeast, that's ELISA. Go destroy her beautiful Su-47 Concept (yes, the
S-32 is an early prototype for the Su-47, FYI). Then just go destroy the rest
of the ground targets.

Once there are no other enemies on the map besides you and Fenrir, go destroy
these troublemakers. Try to catch them off guard when they are visible, and try
to gun them down (with the Vulcan, duh) when they're invisible. Chickens. Once
you're done with them, a nice Shock cannon will pop out of nowhere. Drop down
to a low altitude when it fires (below the Cannon's level), and quickly climb
and take a shot at the frustrating superweapon. Keep repeating the pattern
until it has been destroyed. Congratulinvitations, you just finished AC0's
campaign mode. Now go back, repeat it, and choose different paths to unlock new

Beat it at Ace difficulty after finishing all missions to unlock the ultimate
Fenrir, the plane with the incredible Optical Camouflage you just beaten.
Sadly, the version you unlock lacks Optical Camouflage. Bummer, you can't get
to be a chicken.

2-33- Mission 15B
The "easier version" of the final mission. ^____________________________^

o Operation #15 - End of Deception II
o Enemies - 3-A / 3-G / 0-N / 11-TGT / 17-TOTAL
o Aircraft Used - First Playthrough - F-22 Raptor w/ XMAA
- Second Playthrough - X-02 Wyvern w/ XLAA
- ADF-01 Falken w/ TLS
o Rewards (1st) - Destroy Su-47 "DUSK" - Su-47 Special 1 Colour
- Destroy Star Unit - Fenrir ECMS Part
o Rewards (2nd) - None

Final mission, lame rewards. DUH.

A side note, if you are REALLY SKILLED, and I mean like SO DAMN ****ING
SKILLED, you can destroy Fenrir BEFORE you destroy the generator. It is
extraordinarily hard due to their superb evasion and Optical Camouflage, but
it is PERFECTLY POSSIBLE. I did it, but with the uber aircraft Falken and TLS.
I'm yet to see someone skilled enough to do it with a regular aircraft. THAT
would be a real challenge. As for those people interested in what happens if
you destroy Fenrir first, the landing unit arrives and all, but you DON'T need
to destroy the generator, instead, the mission will directly skip to the part
where you have to fly through the tunnel.

FIRST, hit the afterburners until you reach the generator, and take out the
SAMs there. Destroy the enemy fleet slightly to the north. Then, destroy all
non-target aircraft. Once done, search for DUSK coming at you from the
northwest in the map, along with two more aircraft. After you destroy them,
just keep circulating the air above the generator until the landing unit

Once done, fire all you've got at the generator, both machine guns and regular
missiles. Then take on all four of the Fenrir aircraft.

Then, you'll have to get through a tunnel... >_> Yeah, it's an Ace Combat
tradition to fly through a tunnel, though this one is a bit exaggerated in
terms of space (look at AC4's tunnel, it barely let you through). Enter the
now-marked tunnel, and prepare your XMAA/XLAAs. AS SOON AS YOU LOCK ONTO FENRIR
AND IT ENTERS YOUR SIGHT, FIRE TWO XMAA/XLAAs. Fire the other two at the U-2
star unit on the left side in a corridor (don't enter the corridor, just fire
them as soon as you see the opening and nothing is in the way). If done
correctly, you will see an opening at about a 70 degree incline directly in
front of you. Just zoom out of it, and mission complete.

2-34- Mission SP
Error_506: Variable not found {code_501_access_denied_classified_info}

o Operation #SP - Operation X
o Enemies - ?-A / 0-G / 0-N / 0-TGT / ?-TOTAL
o Aircraft Used - First Playthrough - X-02 Wyvern w/ XLAA
- Second Playthrough - ADF-01 Falken w/ TLS
o Rewards (1st) - Finish Mission - ADF-01 Falken Aircraft
- Finish with S-rank - XFA-24A Apalis Sp. 1 Colour
- YR-302 Fregata Sp. 1 Colour
- XFA-27 Special 1 Colour
- XR-45 Cariburn Sp. 1 Colour
- YR-99 Forenus Sp. 1 Colour
- X-02 Wyvern Sp. 1 Colour
- Destroy XFA-27 "SCARFACE ONE" - Bragging Rights :)
- Destroy ADF-01 "Z.O.E." - Bragging Rights, again
o Rewards (2nd) - None

That's a crapload of colours to unlock. Anyways, this is a pure dogfighting
mission, and is pretty tough without the Falken on Ace difficulty. My best
advice here is to use your pure experience. In your first run, take it
easy, there is no need to get nervous or rush through it to get an S-rank.

Once you unlock the Falken though, it's time to get that lousy S-rank. You need
to finish this pretty quickly. Use the TLS to roast the first two targets in
front of you, then use TLS again to roast the targets behind you. You need to
be quick with this.

Done? Head to the next group of fighters. Again, vaporise them with the TLS.
Try not to waste it too much, as by the end of this group you need to have at
least 6 shots of the laser to smoke the remaining targets and the aces.

Roast the next X-02s, and two of the three ADF-01s with the TLS.

Now, check your map. Two lone aircraft have spawned. These are our aces, SF1
and ZOE. Scarface One was the main player in Ace Combat 2, and ZOE appeared in
the final mission in Ace Combat 2 with his Falken IIRC. I don't remember his
role though.

Go destroy the AC2 fighters, then vaporise the final ADF-01. Mission
accomplished. If you've done it quickly enough, you should have an S-rank. Mind
you, the easiest way to get an S-rank in this mission is with the TLS, so
practice your aiming skills!

| Skills and Knowledge |

3-1- Manoeuvers
In the game, there are a number of manoeuvers you can do to make your life
easier. I don't know their real names, so I made up some names for them. :P

MISSILE EVASION manoeuver: There are several basic ways to evade a missile. I
will mention a few here. First way is to check where the missile is coming from
close vicinity in the Radar, then Turn sharply (or pull up), and keep at it
until the alert goes. Another way is if the missile is coming at you head on.
Unless it's really close, Just pull up at an angle of 40 degrees and hit the
afterburners. If it IS really close, then turn very sharply instead. The final
way is pretty basic, but it involves flying where obstacles can stop the
missile. For example, you can fly towards a canyon wall, then suddenly get out
of the way at the last second with a turn. The missile will be going faster
than you are, and chances are that it will slam into the canyon walls.

LOCK ON EVASION manoeuver: Simple as it sounds, avoid being locked on by an
enemy. The last thing you need is some dumbass to shoot you down in Ace mode.
It's an easy concept, make sure nobody is coming at you from dead ahead or
on your six.
| \###########|360|###########/ | Look at this radar diagram. Basically,
| \###########|0|###########/ | whenever you see a "WARNING" (the lock on
| \###########|###########/ | warning) on your screen, check your radar
| \##########|##########/ | display. If you see one/more fighters in
| \#########|#########/ | the danger zone facing towards you, turn
| \########|########/ | your aircraft so that they would be seen
| \#######|#######/ | in the safe, non marked zone (it's no
| \######|######/ | problem if they're still pointing at you)
|_ \####/ \####/ _| and hit the A/Bs. Your opponents will not
|2 \##/___\##/ 0| have a stable chance to fire at you and
|7------------ // | \\ ------------9| soon enough will lose their lock.
|0 /####|####\ 0|
|¯ /#####|#####\ ¯| LEGEND
| /######|######\ | ¯¯¯¯¯¯
| /#######|#######\ | / \
| /########|########\ | /___\ = Your Plane
| /#########|#########\ | // \\
| /##########|##########\ | _____
| /###########|###########\ | |#####|
| /############|############\ | |#####| = Danger Zone
| /###########|180|###########\ | |#####|
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯
While this move may not be essential for lower difficulties, on Ace mode
(especially in dogfights), allowing the opponent to have a stable lock onto you
is dangerous. Using this method, you could win Mission SP on Ace mode with a
non-uber aircraft. When there are no aircraft FACING YOU in the danger zone,
THEN it would be safe to go offensive (that means if there are aircraft
in front of you but are not facing towards you, you don't need to start evading
unless of course they turn around and lock onto you).

Indeed, it will take much longer to finish the missions, but again it is better
to be safe and finish late than get shot down and not finish at all.

HEAD-ON manoeuver: So you've got a Fighter coming at you perfectly head on.
Rather than being a chicken, SLAM THE AFTERBURNERS. Try keep the gun reticle
aiming at his box. Once you reach lock on range, FIRE OFF TWO STANDARD
MISSILES! The missiles will be centrifuged ahead at very high speed to the
extent there will be little time to react, and kaboom, he just ate some missile
pie for dinner. Note that when you fire the missiles, deviate out of his path,
because on higher difficulties, chances are he's doing the exact same manoeuver
on you.

PERFECT TARGET manoeuver: When I was an Ace Combat rookie years ago, I used to
hate when I (and an enemy aircraft) were continuously revolving round each
other in an attempt to get a missile lock. Over the years I learned a little...
what should I say... trick. Just SLAM THE AIRBRAKES (not too much otherwise you
will stall) and keep turning. Since you slammed the brakes, you are now
revolving at a much smaller radius than he is and in a few moments, you've got
a lock on him. The circle button is waiting...

SUPERSONIC ANTI MISSILE manoeuver: A simple but useful move. You're headed to a
bunch of ground targets, and there are a few SAMs scattered in. Stand back, hit
the Afterburners, and head for the SAMs while keeping your altitude change at a
slow, constant pace. With the Afterburners still engaged, quickly fire a
missile at the SAM and level your aircraft manually (NOT WITH AUTOPILOT), while
STILL holding down the Afterburners. If you've got enough speed, you should be
able to destroy the SAM before it fires a missile at you, OR if it does, your
speed should be more than enough to both overtake the missile and outrun it.

A fun fact, notice the initials of the above manoeuver. They read out as "SAM".

FATE REVERSAL manoeuver: Ah, a nasty target Aircraft is on your tail. Hit the
afterburners, then once your reach speeds above 1000 (and if the target is
still on your tail nearby), slam the airbrakes. The target will most probably
overshoot you, and now you've got a badass missile lock on him. Teach him a
lesson not to mess with you again. This manoeuver is pretty useful against
Fenrir aircraft in the final mission.

3-2- Tips
Flying Techniques:
- Always fly in a direct straight line towards a certain target to save time.
- Use afterburners whenever you are not destroying something and have to cut a
long distance.
- If you continuously fail a mission or are unable to get a certain objective,
get to understand and memorize mission events, and anticipate and act
accordingly to each event. If you do not understand what is your mistake/
cannot accomplish your task, then you will make the same mistake everytime.
- Rest for 15 minute breaks after each hour of gaming. It will help re-improve
your focus and make you less likely to fail a mission or raises your
acceptance and tolerance to failed missions/tasks. No that wasn't a joke BTW.
- Use Normal controls. They are much more flexible than Novice controls.
- In Ace mode, you don't want to give your opponents a chance to lock onto you
in most cases (especially in Mission SP). Speed is your friend, and sometimes
it's better to act defensive and finish the mission late than act offensive
and not finish the mission at all.

- Practice using the Machine Guns in Free Mission mode. They can come in very
handy if you ran out of missiles, and in some situations they ARE better than
- When targeting a large object (like the bridges in 5A, and the Iceberg in
6B), use Machine Guns. The large size makes it easy to destroy with guns, it
will go down faster since the fire is continuous, and will save missiles.
- Whenever possible against a powerful target, use Machine Guns in conjunction
with missiles, to take the target down faster.
- Unguided Bombs are great. Try to use them on clusters of ground targets to
save missiles.
- Whenever firing an Unguided Bomb, try to raise your altitude, and incline at
a big angle to raise the accuracy of the weapon, like this...

2500 ft | _________
2000 ft | / You
1500 ft | |/
1000 ft | ¯
0500 ft |
0 ft | Target [X]
...and try to slow down as well. Do not fire if you are still accelerating or
decelerating, to avoid overshooting the bomb.
- Fire ONLY if you know it's going to hit. You don't want to waste missiles and
come back whining about missile shortages.

3-3- Takeoff, Landing, and Refueling
The title should be self explanatory, otherwise you need to see a doctor.

|[PTS][111] [TIME][77.88.99]|
|[TGT] |
| |
| |
| |
| [SPEED] [ALT] |
| [222] [333] |
| ______________ |
| _______ | | [GUNS][4444]|
|| | | AIRCRAFT | [MSSL][5555]|
|| THE | |______________| [SPEC][6666]|
|| MAP | |¯¯¯¯¯| |
||_______| |_____| |
In takeoff, you need to focus only on [222], which is the Speed indicator, and
[333], which is the Altitude indicator. Basically you want to slam the A/Bs
and down on the Analogue stick until you see [333] increasing, where you stop
until you are at max at a takeoff angle of 80 degrees. Note that there is NO
perfect takeoff, so don't try.

|[PTS][111] [TIME][77.88.99]|
|[TGT] [y] |
| .'|'. |
| [A]-->/.'|'.\ |
| [B]-->/__|__\\[x] |
| [SPEED] \\ | // [ALT] |
| [222] \'.|.'/ [333] |
| '.|.' |
| _______ |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| [GUNS][4444]|
|| | | AIRCRAFT | [MSSL][5555]|
|| THE | |______________| [SPEC][6666]|
|| MAP | |¯¯¯¯¯| |
||_______| |_____| |
Refueling is the toughest of the three. You need to use trim and yaw controls
ONLY to make the outer diamond A fit into the inner diamond B, or by making
the value of [x] and [y] between +10 and -10 (that means you could still do
a good refuel if [x] and [y] are around zero without necessarily being on that
exact value. Once done, just hit the A/Bs and keep your speed at around 500
until you are at around 500 yards away from the refueling craft. hit the brakes
until you reach roughly 350, and just spend the rest of the time adjusting the
values of [x] and [y] to around zero. Hold your position once you are near the
aircraft until it refuels. If you're done before the time breaks the 2:00
marker, you'll get a perfect refuel.

|[PTS][111] [TIME][77.88.99]|
|[TGT] _ _ |
| D| |
| | [C] |
| |____/|\____| |
| [SPEED] |E ¯¯\|/¯¯ | [ALT] |
| [222] | [333] |
| _|_ |
| _______ |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| [GUNS][4444]|
|| | | AIRCRAFT | [MSSL][5555]|
|| THE | |______________| [SPEC][6666]|
|| MAP | |¯¯¯¯¯| |
||_______| |_____| |
See the central Crosshair C? Keep that aligned with the vertical line D and
horizontal line E for the entire time using the infamous trim and yaw controls.
Slam the A/Bs all the way until you're one second away from touching down on
the runway, then slam on the airbrakes. Now just hold the airbrakes until you
reach a complete stop. Like refueling, if you do it before the time counter
breaks the 2:00 marker, you get a perfect landing.

| Other |

4-1- Aircraft List
A list of all the playable aircraft in the game.

o Price - The price you need to pay to get the plane.
o Maximum Speed - A measure of the fastest possible speed you can fly in
at in this plane.
o A2A Capabilities - An estimate of how well would this plane perform against
air to air targets. This may take in consideration
other stats, such as manoeuverability and the suitability
of special weapons for this task.
o A2G Capabilities - An estimate of how well would this plane perform against
air to air targets. This may take in consideration
other stats, such as stability and the suitability of
special weapons for this task.
o Manoeuverability - How well the plane turns, rolls, yaws, and trims. If it
is sluggish in movement, then it will score a low value
in this department, and if it weaves through a crowded
airspace like a fish, then it will score high. In A2A
missions, you want a highly manoeuverable aircraft to
have an easy time evading missiles, thus this stat has
more importance in A2A based missions. In most planes,
high manoeuverability sacrifices some defensive power.
o Stability - While Max Speed takes the top end of the speed range
of the plane in consideration, Stability is the opposite.
In fact, Stability measures the average speed and stall
speed of the aircraft. If the plane has a high average
and stall speeds, it is unstable and needs lots of speed
to maintain flight. A stable aircraft is that who can
still easily fly at low speeds and have a low average
flying speed. Naturally, you need to pay attention to
this stat when choosing a suitable A2G plane, since
one of the keys for easy A2G missions is flying at low
speeds. Stability has a passive, directly proportional
effect on Manoeuverability. The number in brackets is
the stall speed of the aircraft.
o Defense - This is an indicator of how much damage an aircraft can
take before being shot down. Naturally, Manoeuverability
may sacrifice defense and vice versa, and high Stability
is usually accompanied by high Defense. While in most
cases manoeuverability boosts are favored over defense
boost, it is sometimes better to choose a fortified
aircraft at the cost of some manoeuverability.
o Overall - This is my overall assessment of the plane, taking in
consideration the above factors and my opinion.
o Weapon Load/Price - This is a list of the weapons purchasable for this plane,
as well as their prices and loads.
o How to Unlock - This is the method you need to follow to unlock this aircraft
for purchase in the Hangar.
o Comments - My overall opinion about the plane, as well as remarks about the
performance of the plane in different situations.

o Price - $0
o Maximum Speed - [|||||||.............]
o A2A Capabilities - [||||||||............]
o A2G Capabilities - [|||||||||...........]
o Manoeuverability - [||||||..............]
o Stability - [|||||||||...........] [250]
o Defense - [||||................]
o Overall - [||||||..............]
o Weapon Load/Price - VL - 800 - $0
- SM - 52 - $0
- NPB - 10 - $0
- SAAM - 8 - $2600
- UGBL - 8 - $2300
o How to Unlock - Already unlocked
o Comments - Your starting aircraft. An average plane, the only real drawback
is the lousy SM load. I mean, only 52? But other than that, this aircraft
should help you past the first 5-7 missions without much problems. The UGBL
should assist you in Ground-based missions and the SAAM in Air-based ones.

o Price - $4600
o Maximum Speed - [|||||...............]
o A2A Capabilities - [|||.................]
o A2G Capabilities - [||||||||||||........]
o Manoeuverability - [||||................]
o Stability - [|||||||||||||||||...] [150]
o Defense - [||||||||||||||......]
o Overall - [|||||...............]
o Weapon Load/Price - VL - 800 - $0
- SM - 56 - $0
- UGBL - 12 - $0
- LASM - 8 - $2600
- XAGM - 14 - $2300
o How to Unlock - Finish Mission 1
o Comments - Ahem. This aircraft is even worse than your average F-4E. I
can't find any real use of the A-6E other than solely A2G missions. Just look
at the manoeuverability of the aircraft. A missile will hit you before you
EVEN START to turn. The stability of the aircraft is amazing though, stalling
starts at 150 mph? Now that's something.

o Price - $5800
o Maximum Speed - [|||||||.............]
o A2A Capabilities - [||||||..............]
o A2G Capabilities - [||||||||............]
o Manoeuverability - [|||||||.............]
o Stability - [|||||||||||||.......] [230]
o Defense - [||||................]
o Overall - [||||||..............]
o Weapon Load/Price - VL - 800 - $0
- SM - 56 - $0
- UGB - 12 - $0
- LASM - 8 - $2300
- SAAM - 8 - $2500
o How to Unlock - Finish Mission 2
o Comments - Not bad, not good. It's roughly the F-4E with different
weapons. Not worth the purchase IMO, stick with the F-4E. The stall speed is
a bit improved though, but 20 more mph is not enough to justify spending

o Price - $8700
o Maximum Speed - [||||||||............]
o A2A Capabilities - [|||||||.............]
o A2G Capabilities - [||||||||||..........]
o Manoeuverability - [|||||||||||.........]
o Stability - [|||||||||||||||.....] [200]
o Defense - [|||.................]
o Overall - [||||||||............] [T]
o Weapon Load/Price - VL - 800 - $0
- SM - 54 - $0
- UGB - 12 - $0
- XMAA - 10 - $4100
- XAGM - 12 - $3900
o How to Unlock - Finish Mission 3A
o Comments - A good leap in stats from the F-4E. This is a good aircraft
that could help you in missions like 5A or 5B, where good A2G abilities and
high Manoeuverability are demanded. You could stick to the F-4E if you want
to, but buying this aircraft is not a bad idea. Add to that the fact that it
is tunable, which means you can give it a further boost in stats.

o Price - $9300
o Maximum Speed - [|||||||.............]
o A2A Capabilities - [|||||||||...........]
o A2G Capabilities - [|||||||.............]
o Manoeuverability - [||||||||||||........]
o Stability - [|||||||||||||||.....] [200]
o Defense - [||||||||............]
o Overall - [|||||||.............]
o Weapon Load/Price - VL - 800 - $0
- SM - 56 - $0
- UGB - 12 - $0
- RCL - 8 - $2700
- QAAM - 8 - $3700
o How to Unlock - Finish Mission 4B
o Comments - Not really a great aircraft worth the purchase. It is almost
the same as the Apalis, except with higher manoeuverability and worse A2G
capabilities. I'd say stick to the Apalis for now, or even the F-4E. But
overall it's a balanced aircraft.

o Price - $10300
o Maximum Speed - [|||||||.............]
o A2A Capabilities - [|||||||.............]
o A2G Capabilities - [|||||||.............]
o Manoeuverability - [|||||||||...........]
o Stability - [|||||||||||||||.....] [200]
o Defense - [||||................]
o Overall - [|||||...............]
o Weapon Load/Price - VL - 800 - $0
- SM - 56 - $0
- RCL - 10 - $0
- UGBL - 12 - $3800
- LASM - 8 - $4100
o How to Unlock - Finish Mission 1 for the second time
o Comments - Repeat after me: A-P-A-L-I-S. This plane is more expensive &
less capable than the Apalis, so stick with either that or the default F-4E.
The aircraft is less manoeuverable than some of it's competitors, so again
stay away from it.

o Price - $12800
o Maximum Speed - [||||||||............]
o A2A Capabilities - [|||||||||...........]
o A2G Capabilities - [|||||||||...........]
o Manoeuverability - [||||||||||||........]
o Stability - [||||||||||..........] [240]
o Defense - [|||||...............]
o Overall - [||||||..............]
o Weapon Load/Price - VL - 800 - $0
- SM - 56 - $0
- RCL - 10 - $0
- LAGM - 8 - $5000
- XMAA - 12 - $5900
o How to Unlock - Finish Mission 4A
o Comments - A good substitiute for the Apalis, though I'd still advise
you to get the Apalis due to the screwed up stability of this plane. On it's
own, this aircraft is pretty good, and can help in some A2A as well as A2G
missions with equal efficiency.

o Price - $14400
o Maximum Speed - [|||||||||...........]
o A2A Capabilities - [||||||||||..........]
o A2G Capabilities - [||||||||............]
o Manoeuverability - [||||||||||||........]
o Stability - [|||||||||||||||.....] [200]
o Defense - [|||||...............]
o Overall - [|||||||.............]
o Weapon Load/Price - VL - 800 - $0
- SM - 58 - $0
- UGB - 12 - $0
- RCL - 12 - $4500
- LASM - 10 - $6500
o How to Unlock - Finish Mission 5B
o Comments - A very good aircraft that's definitely worth the purchase.
It is a good substitute to the Apalis, with slightly better stats, but the
Apalis still has a better weapon selection. Nevertheless, this is a valuable
fighter that you should consider buying during your first playthrough.

o Price - $15100
o Maximum Speed - [|||||...............]
o A2A Capabilities - [|||.................]
o A2G Capabilities - [||||||||||||........]
o Manoeuverability - [|||||||||...........]
o Stability - [||||||||||||||||||||] [100]
o Defense - [||||||||||||||||||||]
o Overall - [||||||||............]
o Weapon Load/Price - VL - 800 - $0
- SM - 60 - $0
- XAGM - 18 - $0
- SFFS - 14 - $6500
- FAEB - 10 - $8400
o How to Unlock - Finish Mission 6B
o Comments - The A-6E's brother is definitely a good one. It has amazing
defenses and stability (it's stall speed is 100 mph, THAT's amazing). This
aircraft is definitely worth the purchase, and can help in lots of horrible
A2G missions like 5A and/or 5B.

o Price - $15400
o Maximum Speed - [|||||||||||.........]
o A2A Capabilities - [||||||||||||........]
o A2G Capabilities - [||||||||||||........]
o Manoeuverability - [|||||||||||||.......]
o Stability - [|||||||||||||.......] [220]
o Defense - [|||||||||...........]
o Overall - [||||||||||..........]
o Weapon Load/Price - VL - 800 - $0
- SM - 66 - $0
- SAAM - 8 - $0
- LASM - 10 - $7100
- ECMP - 5 - $6800
o How to Unlock - Finish Mission 3A in your second playthrough
o Comments - This plane gives most aircraft in its class a run for their
money. With a not-so-bad price and good stats, this could be an excellent
aircraft to use for some time in Campaign mode. Sure, its stability leaves a
lot to be desired, but meh, there is worse, just wait and see...

o Price - $15900
o Maximum Speed - [|||||||||||.........]
o A2A Capabilities - [||||||||............]
o A2G Capabilities - [||||||||||||........]
o Manoeuverability - [|||||||||||||.......]
o Stability - [|||||||||||||||.....] [200]
o Defense - [|||||||||...........]
o Overall - [||||||||||..........]
o Weapon Load/Price - VL - 800 - $0
- SM - 60 - $0
- UGB - 14 - $0
- GPB - 10 - $5600
- XAGM - 12 - $6600
o How to Unlock - Finish Mission 3B
o Comments - What could I say... This plane is something like the previous
Mig-21-93, but yet it isn't as practical when it comes to A2A since there are
no SP weapons to support A2A missions. The XAGM makes the plane more geared
towards being more of an A2G plane. I'd say stick with the A-10 for A2G
missions, but again this plane may come in practical in a mixed mission.

o Price - $16600
o Maximum Speed - [||||||||||||........]
o A2A Capabilities - [||||||||||||........]
o A2G Capabilities - [||||||||||..........]
o Manoeuverability - [||||||||||||||......]
o Stability - [||||||||||||........] [230]
o Defense - [||||||||||..........]
o Overall - [||||||||||..........]
o Weapon Load/Price - VL - 800 - $0
- SM - 62 - $0
- XLAA - 12 - $0
- NPB - 12 - $5900
- GPB - 10 - $5900
o How to Unlock - Finish Mission 6A
o Comments - The F-14D is more like a mirrored Mirage, better at A2A than
A2G. It has a little boost in Manoeuverability at the sacrifice of some
Stability. Overall the plane is good, though the Mig-21-93 is the better

o Price - $18400
o Maximum Speed - [|||||||||||||||.....]
o A2A Capabilities - [||||||||||||........]
o A2G Capabilities - [|||||||||||.........]
o Manoeuverability - [|||||||||||||||.....]
o Stability - [|||||||||||||||.....] [220]
o Defense - [||||||||||..........]
o Overall - [|||||||||||.........]
o Weapon Load/Price - VL - 800 - $0
- SM - 62 - $0
- SAAM - 8 - $0
- UGBL - 12 - $6700
- XLAA - 12 - $8600
o How to Unlock - Finish Mission 6A
o Comments - Great aircraft. It has pretty excellent manoeuvrability when
compared to other aircraft you've unlocked at this point in Campaign mode. It
is a good fighter, and spending some money upgrading to this aircraft isn't
really a bad idea.

o Price - $21000
o Maximum Speed - [|||||||||||||.......]
o A2A Capabilities - [||||||||............]
o A2G Capabilities - [|||||||||||||.......]
o Manoeuverability - [|||||||||||||.......]
o Stability - [|||||||||||||||||...] [170]
o Defense - [||||||||||||........]
o Overall - [||||||||||||........]
o Weapon Load/Price - VL - 800 - $0
- SM - 60 - $0
- NPB - 14 - $0
- LAGM - 12 - $8700
- FAEB - 6 - $10800
o How to Unlock - Finish Mission 7A or 7B
o Comments - This plane is DEFINITELY WORTH IT. Buy it ASAP and use it for
A2G missions. It has a typical A2G aircraft stats but still has the ability
to stand its grounds in terms of A2A. Definitely a plane of choice.

o Price - $22500
o Maximum Speed - [||||||||||||||......]
o A2A Capabilities - [||||||||||||........]
o A2G Capabilities - [||||||||............]
o Manoeuverability - [|||||||||||||||.....]
o Stability - [||||||||||||||......] [215]
o Defense - [||||||||||||||......]
o Overall - [||||||||||||........]
o Weapon Load/Price - VL - 800 - $0
- SM - 64 - $0
- XMAA - 12 - $0
- SAAM - 12 - $10400
- ECMP - 5 - $10300
o How to Unlock - Finish Mission 7A
o Comments - This is an excellent A2A aircraft, and is a perfect alternate
to the Cariburn. You could use this for A2As and keep the Fregata for the A2G
missions. This plane excels in the defense department as well, so it may
surprise you to see a well manoeuvering aircraft and excellent defense at the
same time. >_>

o Price - $23200
o Maximum Speed - [|||||||||||||||.....]
o A2A Capabilities - [|||||||||||.........]
o A2G Capabilities - [|||||||||||.........]
o Manoeuverability - [||||||||||||........]
o Stability - [||||||||||||||||....] [190]
o Defense - [||||||||||..........]
o Overall - [||||||||||||........]
o Weapon Load/Price - VL - 800 - $0
- SM - 66 - $0
- SFFS - 12 - $0
- SAAM - 10 - $10400
- GPB - 14 - $8600
o How to Unlock - Finish Mission 7B
o Comments - Average, balanced aircraft. It has excellent Stability for an
A2A fighter, which is useful. You could use this as a replacement for the
Fregata and the Cariburn/Tornado, though I'd advise you to resort to the
Fregata + Cariburn combo for now. Not a bad plane nevertheless.

o Price - $95900
o Maximum Speed - [|||||||||||||||||||.]
o A2A Capabilities - [|||||||||||||||||||.]
o A2G Capabilities - [|||||||||||||||||||.]
o Manoeuverability - [||||||||||||||||||||]
o Stability - [|||||||||||||||||...] [200]
o Defense - [||||||||||||||......]
o Overall - [||||||||||||||||||..]
o Weapon Load/Price - VL - 800 - $0
- SM - 60 - $0
- XLAA - 18 - $0
- BDSP - 14 - $40900
- XAGM - 14 - $42100
o How to Unlock - Finish Mission 12B or 12C for the second time
o Comments - AC4's overpowered aircraft returns in ACX. This plane has the
best manoeuverability in AC history, only matched by the X-49 Nightraven in
AC3. The aircraft is more stable than the Falken and the Fenrir at low
speeds. Even though it doesn't have any weapon trademark, it still has enough
performance to be compared to the likes of Fenrir, Falken, Morgan, and the
Nightraven. For the folks that played AC3, this is the XFA-36A in a brand new
body and smaller missile load. :)

o Price - $148500
o Maximum Speed - [||||||||||||||||||||]
o A2A Capabilities - [||||||||||||||||||||]
o A2G Capabilities - [||||||||||||||||||..]
o Manoeuverability - [|||||||||||||||||||.]
o Stability - [|||||||||||||||||...] [150]
o Defense - [||||||||||||||||||..]
o Overall - [|||||||||||||||||||.]
o Weapon Load/Price - VL - 800 - $0
- SM - 84 - $0
- TLS - 12 - $0
- XLAA - 14 - $65400
- FAEB - 14 - $68200
o How to Unlock - Finish Mission SP
o Comments - Ze Phalken. This plane is the second most overpowered plane
in AC history (the #1 spot goes to the X-49 Nightraven, it had a weapon,
Orbital Sattelite Laser, that basically One Hit KOs anything that you just
LOCKED ON, no targeting required). It's TLS can toast anything in it's way,
and has a good range as well. Even though it's range wasn't as good as in
the previous ACs, it is still overpowered. Beautiful.

o Price - $215000
o Maximum Speed - [||||||||||||||||||||]
o A2A Capabilities - [||||||||||||||||||..]
o A2G Capabilities - [||||||||||||||||||||]
o Manoeuverability - [||||||||||||||||||||]
o Stability - [|||||||||||||||||...] [150]
o Defense - [||||||||||||||||||..]
o Overall - [|||||||||||||||||||.]
o Weapon Load/Price - VL - 800 - $0
- SM - 50 - $0
- LASM - 18 - $0
- XMAA - 14 - $100300
- LSWM - 2 - $129000
o How to Unlock - Finish all missions, then finish Campaign on Ace difficulty
o Comments - BAM. This thing is amazing. It has excellent stats (except
for the stability, which is average, and the missile load, which is ****),
and you could use the LSWM for anything, anyday. If you want some fantastic
nucleomania, use this plane. The only thing this plane needs is a bigger
missile load. The Aurelian version you get has no Optical Camouflage though,
while the Leasathian version had the Optical Camouflage feature AND a special
microwave weapon. Why do those Leasathian bastards always get the good stuff?


4-2- Weapon List
A list of weapons in the game.

o Price - How much you pay to get the weapon for certain planes.
o Availability - Which aircraft has this weapon equipped.
o Power - A scale to show the amount of damage done to targets that
recieved a DIRECT hit from the weapon, this means that the
Power stat is a measure ONLY for the unit targeted directly
by the weapon, and not other units who got caught in the
blast radius. You could also think of this as a measure for
the maximum possible damage inflicted to any target by that
certain weapon.
o Accuracy - How accurate is the weapon in hitting its target. A higher
accuracy stat means that the weapon has a greater chance of
hitting its target DIRECTLY, and vice versa. UNGUIDED means
that the weapon does not have a targeting system and you must
target it manually. PROJECTILE means that the weapon will
take a parabollic path (arc), and ST. LINE means that the
weapon travels in a straight line for its entire range.
The small number to the right indicates the number of
simultaneous shots possible with the weapon without the need
for reloading.
o Fire Rate - This is a measure of the number of times the weapon is fired
per unit time. This means you can use the weapon much more
frequently if it has a higher Fire Rate, and vice versa.
o Range - How far could the weapon reach out. You could also think of
this as the "lock on" distance, which is the maximum distance
possible at which you can achieve a lock on or inflict damage
to the target.
o Blast Radius - The area of damage. Smaller radii mean that the weapon is
less likely to damage surrounding objects, and a larger radius
means that the weapon can destroy distant surrounding targets.
o Overall - An overall estimate for the weapon capabilities, taking in
consideration all above factors and my own opinion. THIS IS
o Comments - My general opinion of the weapon, and special weapon capabilities
that cannot be stated above.

o Price - $0
o Availability - All Aircraft
o Power - [|...................]
o Accuracy - [ UNGUIDED, ST. LINE ] [I]
o Fire Rate - [|||||||||||||||||||.]
o Range - [||..................]
o Blast Radius - [....................]
o Overall - [||||................]
o Comments - The handy machinegun. If you know how to use it, it will be your
saviour whenever you run out of missiles. I highly advise you to get used to
killing both aerial and ground targets with this thing, as if you master it,
it WILL make your life easier. Destroying targets with this weapon can get
you a few medals. However, as a comparable weapon, it simply SUCKS HARD.

o Price - $0
o Availability - All Aircraft
o Power - [||||||||||..........]
o Accuracy - [||||||||............] [2]
o Fire Rate - [|||||||||||.........]
o Range - [|||||||.............]
o Blast Radius - [....................]
o Overall - [||||||||............]
o Comments - You're stuck with this thing for all your missions. It isn't bad,
but there IS better. The range isn't good, since by the time you have a lock
on your enemies, your enemies WILL have a lock on you as well. But hey,
without this, and you would be stuck with the limited ammo of the SP missiles
and/or the guns. These standard missiles can get the job done, but not

o Price - $8500
o Availability - JA-37, XFA-24A, F-5E, Mig-29A, Mir2000D, Su-27
o Power - [||||||||............]
o Accuracy - [UNGUIDED, PROJECTILE] [2]
o Fire Rate - [||||||||............]
o Range - [||||||||||..........]
o Blast Radius - [|||||||||||.........]
o Overall - [||||||||............]
o Comments - The standard Unguided Bomb. Not a bad weapon to use against nasty
clusters of ground targets. I don't advise you to get it though, since there
will almost always be a better bomb to purchase and use. It comes free with
aircraft that support it though, so no problems.

o Price - $2300 up to $11300
o Availability - F-4E, A-6E, F-1, Mig-31, F-117, Mig-1.44
o Power - [|||||||||||||.......]
o Accuracy - [UNGUIDED, PROJECTILE] [2]
o Fire Rate - [||||||||||..........]
o Range - [|||||||||||.........]
o Blast Radius - [||||||||||||||||||..]
o Overall - [||||||||||||||......]
o Comments - An upgraded version of the UGB. It packs more destruction and has
a huge blast radius. It is an ideal choice for nice clusters of ground units
and is only surpassed by a small minority. Nevertheless, it's definitely
worth a purchase, especially for the weaker planes like the F-4E.

o Price - $5900 up to $23700
o Availability - F-4E, F-14D, YR-302, F/A-18E, YF-23, Su-47
o Power - [|||||||.............]
o Accuracy - [UNGUIDED, PROJECTILE] [2]
o Fire Rate - [||||||||............]
o Range - [||||||||............]
o Blast Radius - [||||................]
o Overall - [||||||..............]
o Comments - Not worth it PERIOD. It has horrible blast radius and barely any
power surpassing that of a normal missile. There isn't really anything that
good about the bomb, and to know it takes a slot in amazing Aircraft like the
Berkut, AT A PRICE DOUBLE THAT OF THE UGBL, is pretty outrageous.

o Price - $2700 up to $4500
o Availability - F-5E, F-1, F-16C, Mig-29A, XR-45, Gripen,
o Power - [|||||||.............]
o Accuracy - [UNGUIDED, PROJECTILE] [2]
o Fire Rate - [||||||||............]
o Range - [|||||||||...........]
o Blast Radius - [|||||||.............]
o Overall - [||||||||............]
o Comments - To be honest, this is better than the NPB, but still isn't good
enough. You could equate this to the capabilities of the UGB, and it still
maintains a manageable price of up to $4500. A good buy at the start of the
game, even though I'd go with other bombs (such as the UGBL on the F-4E).

o Price - $5600 up to $18500
o Availability - Mir2000D, F-14D, F-15E, F-117A, Typhoon, F-22
o Power - [|||||...............]
o Accuracy - [||||||||||||||||....] [2]
o Fire Rate - [||||||..............]
o Range - [|||||||||...........]
o Blast Radius - [||||||||............]
o Overall - [|||||||||...........]
o Comments - A guided version of the UGB. It isn't great, but the guidance
system gives it a few extra points. Not that good though, and I would go with
the better, and more powerful...

o Price - $10700 up to $21100
o Availability - XFA-27, Rafale M, F-35, F-15S/MTD, F-22, F/B-22,
o Power - [||||||||||||........]
o Accuracy - [||||||||||||||||||..] [2]
o Fire Rate - [||||||||||||........]
o Range - [|||||||||||.........]
o Blast Radius - [|||||||||||||.......]
o Overall - [||||||||||||||......]
o Comments - A more powerful version of the GPB. This is actually BETTER than
the UGBL in that it's got almost the same power, AND is guided. It's almost
a fire-and-forget weapon for ground targets. The only real drawbacks for this
weapon is the flaming expensive price (which sometimes isn't really worth it)
and perhaps that it favors targets aligned in a straight line rather than a
cluster. But still, it's a great weapon. I mean, it's still cheaper than the

o Price - $6500 up to $19700
o Availability - A-10A, F-15E, Su-27, F-2A, Typhoon, YR-99,
o Power - [|||||||.............]
o Accuracy - [UNGUIDED, PROJECTILE] [2]
o Fire Rate - [||||||||||||........]
o Range - [|||||||||||||.......]
o Blast Radius - [||||||||||||||||||..]
o Overall - [||||||||||..........]
o Comments - Err, not a bad weapon, but it isn't amazing as well. It covers a
massive area, granted, but it isn't THE weapon of choice. I'd rank this near
the UGBL and the SOD, but it isn't really as good.

o Price - $8400 up to $68200
o Availability - A-10A, YR-302, X-29A, F-15S/MTD, Su-37, ADF-01
o Power - [|||||||||||||||||...]
o Accuracy - [UNGUIDED, PROJECTILE] [2]
o Fire Rate - [||||||||||||........]
o Range - [|||||||||||||||||...]
o Blast Radius - [||||||||||||||||||||]
o Overall - [||||||||||||||||....]
o Comments - Meet the most powerful bomb ever. This thing is for MASSIVE DAMAGE
and insane destruction. Just drop one or two of these on whatever ground
target you want, and... *film of nuke bomb exploding*. IT IS THE BOMB. If you
want it for the Falken, good luck getting the $68200 for it. I'd stick to
the TLS for that my friend, I AIN'T PAYING ALL THAT FOR SOME FUEL BOMB. Yeah.
It is insanely expensive for the rest of the aircraft as well. But hey, it
is TEH BOMB after all. If only the F-35 had the FAEB though...
*nuke explodes again*

o Price - $12100 up to $40900
o Availability - F-16XL, YF-23A, F/B-22, Su-47, X-02
o Power - [|||||||||...........]
o Accuracy - [UNGUIDED, PROJECTILE] [2]
o Fire Rate - [|||||||||||.........]
o Range - [|||||||||||||||.....]
o Blast Radius - [||||||||||||........]
o Overall - [||||||||||..........]
o Comments - Stay away from this weapon. IT LITERALLY SPAMS some otherwise
excellent aircraft and even uber aircraft. In most cases, there should and
will be a better alternative. Yeah, it's good to some extent, but as I said
before, in most aircraft there are better alternatives. The worst thing about
this bomb is the spread out blast radius. Even worse, it's blast radius is
spread longitudinally, so that essentially makes destroying a cluster of
ground targets less feasible. It is also pretty expensive, so again, stay
away from it.

o Price - $2600 up to $14000
o Availability - F-4E, JA-37, Mig-29A, Mig-21 93, Mig-31, TND-F3, F-15E, F-16XL
o Power - [|||||||||||||.......]
o Accuracy - [||||||||||||||......] [1]
o Fire Rate - [||||................]
o Range - [|||||||||||||.......]
o Blast Radius - [|...................]
o Overall - [|||||||||||||.......]
o Comments - A good A2A weapon. The missile has superb capabilities as long as
you keep the target in the reticle, but that's what makes it unsuitable for
crowded dogfights. You cannot keep the target in the reticle if you're going
to evade missiles do you? It is good for some mid-range sniping of Aircraft,
but the Semi-Activity limits the usefulness of the missile to that. It is
still cheap though. :)

o Price - $3700 up to $21800
o Availability - F-5E, X-29A, XFA-27, XR-45, F-35, YF-23, Su-37, Mig-1.44, S-32
o Power - [|||||||||||||||.....]
o Accuracy - [|||||||||||||||||||.] [2]
o Fire Rate - [|||||||||||.........]
o Range - [||||||||............]
o Blast Radius - [||..................]
o Overall - [|||||||||||||||.....]
o Comments - The most accurate A2A weapon. This thing has impressive target
tracking capabilities. You can call it a "beefed up" standard missile. It
also has incredible power to boot with. Unfortunately, AC4's QAAMs still win
the title of "the truly uber weapon". These QAAMs from the first PS2 Ace
Combat installment were able to take down THE MOST SKILLED FIGHTERS IN THE
ENTIRE GAME with a very low faliure rate. But hey, ACX's QAAMs are still not
a bad deal.

o Price - $4100 up to $100300
o Availability - XFA-24A, F-16C, TND-F3, Su-27, F-2A, F/A-18E, Rafale M, YR-99,
F-22, Fenrir
o Power - [|||||||||||||||.....]
o Accuracy - [||||||||||||||||....] [4]
o Fire Rate - [||||||||||||||||||||]
o Range - [|||||||||||||||.....]
o Blast Radius - [||||................]
o Overall - [||||||||||||||||....]
o Comments - Great missiles. They can get you the job done in missions like 6A,
where there is an increased number of aerial targets. They aren't quite the
sniper missiles though, and they can be really frustrating at short range.
They are good though for all planes, but definitely not worth the purchase on
an amazing uber aircraft like Fenrir. XD

o Price - $8600 up to $65400
o Availability - F-14D, Mig-31, XR-45, Gripen, Typhoon, F-15S/MTD, Su-37, X-02,
o Power - [||||||||||||||||....]
o Accuracy - [||||||||||||||||....] [4]
o Fire Rate - [||||||||||||||||||||]
o Range - [||||||||||||||||||||]
o Blast Radius - [||||||..............]
o Overall - [|||||||||||||||||...]
o Comments - The second best A2A weapon ever. This is an excellent way to snipe
ahead any nasty aircraft from as far as 3000 metres. Insane, I know. They
have slightly more power than their older brothers, the XMAA, and still can
be used to rake aerial targets in groups of an astounding FOUR. This is also
one of the few A2A missiles which has a blast radius, so enjoy. As a side
note, why are all the Falken's weapons expensive?

o Price - $1800 up to $28700
o Availability - LASM - A-6E, JA-37, F-1, F-2A, Rafale M, F-35, Fenrir
- LAGM - F-16C, YR-302, X-29A, F-117A, YR-99, Mig-1.44, S-32
o Power - [|||||||||||||||||...]
o Accuracy - [||||||||||||||||....] [2]
o Fire Rate - [|||||||||||.........]
o Range - [|||||||||||||||||||.]
o Blast Radius - [||||||||............]
o Overall - [||||||||||||||||....]
o Comments - The two are essentially the same thing, except that the LASM
inflicts MUCH more damage on Naval vessels and has a larger blast radius when
fired at Ships. The only problem with these missiles is that they run too
close to the ground, that any hills or walls in the way can stop them. Other
than that, these are great missiles, and perhaps a good replacement for bombs
in most situations.

o Price - $2000 up to $42100
o Availability - A-6E, XFA-24A, A-10A, Mir2000D, F-16XL, F/B-22, X-02
o Power - [|||||||||||||||.....]
o Accuracy - [|||||||||||||||||||.] [4]
o Fire Rate - [||||||||||||||||||||]
o Range - [||||||||............]
o Blast Radius - [||||||||||..........]
o Overall - [|||||||||||||||||...]
o Comments - This weapon is technically the XMAA, but with shorter range,
bigger blast radius, and higher accuracy. This thing goes at the same firing
altitude, until it reaches the target, where it DIVES DOWN STRAIGHT into it.
This weapon is perfect in situations such as mission 3C. It is also not
really expensive when considering what it can do. It can also even replace
any bomb (even the almighty FAEB) as it can take out up to 4 ground targets
at once, and has an excellent guidance system to boot.

o Price - $0
o Availability - ADF-01
o Power - [ INSTANT ONE HIT KO ]
o Accuracy - [ UNGUIDED, ST. LINE ] [I]
o Fire Rate - [||||||||||||||||||||]
o Range - [||||||||||||||||||..]
o Blast Radius - [....................]
o Overall - [|||||||||||||||||||.]
o Comments - The all time respectable TLS. The laser comes for free with the
IT IS, if it comes close to the laser beam. If you're a vulcan master, THIS
IS YOUR ULTIMATE WEAPON. Just activate and have some chaos for dinner. Does
this compare to the LSWM? I'd say each have their pros and cons. The TLS
can be more accurate depending on your skills, and thus may be useful
against opponents of the chicken type. But for mass destruction, the LSWM
far outperforms the TLS. Still, the fact that the TLS is FOR FREE with the
Falken makes it an attractive deal. :)

o Price - $129000
o Availability - Fenrir
o Power - [ INSTANT ONE HIT KO ]
o Accuracy - [||||||||||||||||||..] [1]
o Fire Rate - [....................]
o Range - [||||||||||||||||||||]
o Blast Radius - [||||||||||||||||||||]|||||||||||| YEAH, THAT BIG
o Overall - [||||||||||||||||||||]
o Comments - THIS is T-H-E weapon. It has outstanding stats. The Blast Radius
is mind boggling, the power is a technical ONE HIT KO, and packs the
accuracy of a QAAM. If you were looking for a Nuke, this is the cooler
alternative. If you target the correct unit, you can instantly take out all
targets for a certain mission. The only drawback? A hideous firing rate.
The thing is so slow, you could go bake a cake, chat with your girlfriend
on the phone, annoy people on message boards, check your blood pressure,
drink 50 cans of Mountain Dew, and the thing would STILL be reloading.
Another thing? You get two missiles per mission, so use them wisely. >_>

Okay, so that I don't sound n00bish, I'm going to give you an example of
how big the blast radius is. Remember mission 2? As soon as you start, fire
only ONE LSWM on the C-5 in the middle of the base. Mission Accomplished.

4-3- Parts list
A list of parts for customizing certain aircraft, namely:

XFA-24A Apalis
YR-302 Fregata
XFA-27 (!)
XR-45 Cariburn
YR-99 Forneus
X-02 Wyvern (!!)
ADF-01 Falken (!!!)

o Price - How much you pay to get the part for certain planes.
o Availability - Which aircraft are compatible with this part.
o How to unlock - How to unlock the part.
o SPD - Speed % change o MOB - Mobility % change
o A2A - A2A abilities % change o STB - Stability % change
o A2G - A2G abilities % change o DEF - Defense % change
o Other Effects - A list of other effects present when the part is equipped.
o Overall - A measure of the overall usefulness of the part.

Now for the real thing...

o Price - $3400
o Availability - Apalis, Fregata, XFA-27, Forneus, Cariburn
o How to unlock - Finish M3A
o SPD - [+20%] o MOB - [-10%]
o A2A - [+00%] o STB - [+00%]
o A2G - [+00%] o DEF - [+00%]
o Other Effects - None
o Overall - [||..................]

o Price - $9700
o Availability - Apalis, XFA-27, Forneus, Cariburn, X-02, Falken
o How to unlock - Destroy Star unit in M5B
o SPD - [+20%] o MOB - [+30%]
o A2A - [+00%] o STB - [+10%]
o A2G - [+00%] o DEF - [-40%]
o Other Effects - None
o Overall - [|||||||.............]

o Price - $6100
o Availability - Apalis, Fregata, XFA-27, Forneus, Cariburn, X-02
o How to unlock - Finish M7A or M7B
o SPD - [+30%] o MOB - [-10%]
o A2A - [+00%] o STB - [-10%]
o A2G - [+00%] o DEF - [+00%]
o Other Effects - None
o Overall - [|||||...............]

o Price - $10800
o Availability - Fregata, XFA-27, Cariburn, Falken
o How to unlock - Destroy Star unit in M10B
o SPD - [+00%] o MOB - [+30%]
o A2A - [+00%] o STB - [+20%]
o A2G - [+00%] o DEF - [-20%]
o Other Effects - Increased yaw performance
o Overall - [||||||..............]

o Price - $12200
o Availability - Apalis, Fregata, XFA-27, Forneus, Falken
o How to unlock - Finish M12A or M12B
o SPD - [+50%] o MOB - [-20%]
o A2A - [+00%] o STB - [-30%]
o A2G - [+00%] o DEF - [+00%]
o Other Effects - None
o Overall - [|||||...............]

o Price - $17900
o Availability - Apalis, Fregata, Forneus, X-02
o How to unlock - Destroy Star unit in M12A
o SPD - [+60%] o MOB - [-40%]
o A2A - [+00%] o STB - [-20%]
o A2G - [+00%] o DEF - [+00%]
o Other Effects - None
o Overall - [|||.................]

o Price - $22400
o Availability - Apalis, Fregata, XFA-27, Forneus, Cariburn
o How to unlock - Destroy Star unit in M14B
o SPD - [+70%] o MOB - [-50%]
o A2A - [+00%] o STB - [-20%]
o A2G - [+00%] o DEF - [+00%]
o Other Effects - None
o Overall - [||||................]

o Price - $25600
o Availability - Fregata, XFA-27, X-02, Falken
o How to unlock - Destroy Star unit in M14A
o SPD - [+80%] o MOB - [-30%]
o A2A - [+00%] o STB - [-50%]
o A2G - [+00%] o DEF - [+00%]
o Other Effects - None
o Overall - [|||||||.............]

o Price - $51600
o Availability - Fregata
o How to unlock - Finish M2 with Fregata and S-rank
o SPD - [+90%] o MOB - [-20%]
o A2A - [+00%] o STB - [-10%]
o A2G - [+00%] o DEF - [+00%]
o Other Effects - None
o Overall - [||||||||||||||||....]

o Price - $30700
o Availability - Apalis, X-02
o How to unlock - Finish M1 with X-02 and S-rank
o SPD - [+00%] o MOB - [+50%]
o A2A - [+00%] o STB - [+30%]
o A2G - [+00%] o DEF - [-30%]
o Other Effects - Increased yaw performance
o Overall - [||||||||||..........]

o Price - $36700
o Availability - Apalis, XFA-27, Forneus, Cariburn
o How to unlock - Win 100 missions
o SPD - [+80%] o MOB - [-10%]
o A2A - [+00%] o STB - [-10%]
o A2G - [+00%] o DEF - [-10%]
o Other Effects - None
o Overall - [||||||||||||........]

o Price - $14000
o Availability - All
o How to unlock - Play Multiplayer mode
o SPD - [+40%] o MOB - [+00%]
o A2A - [+00%] o STB - [+00%]
o A2G - [+00%] o DEF - [+00%]
o Other Effects - None
o Overall - [|||||||||||||||||||.]

o Price - $3100
o Availability - Apalis, Fregata, XFA-27, Forneus, Cariburn, X-02
o How to unlock - Finish M3A
o SPD - [+00%] o MOB - [-10%]
o A2A - [+00%] o STB - [+30%]
o A2G - [+10%] o DEF - [-20%]
o Other Effects - Increased yaw performance
o Overall - [|||.................]

o Price - $4600
o Availability - Apalis, XFA-27, Forneus, X-02, Falken
o How to unlock - Destroy Star unit in M4A
o SPD - [-30%] o MOB - [+00%]
o A2A - [-10%] o STB - [+20%]
o A2G - [+20%] o DEF - [+00%]
o Other Effects - Increased airbrake deceleration
o Overall - [|||.................]

o Price - $8500
o Availability - Apalis, Fregata, XFA-27, Forneus
o How to unlock - Destroy Star unit in M3B
o SPD - [-30%] o MOB - [+10%]
o A2A - [+00%] o STB - [+30%]
o A2G - [+20%] o DEF - [+00%]
o Other Effects - Increased yaw performance
o Overall - [|||||||||...........]

o Price - $5400
o Availability - Apalis, Fregata, Forneus, X-02
o How to unlock - Finish M7A
o SPD - [-20%] o MOB - [-20%]
o A2A - [+00%] o STB - [+50%]
o A2G - [+10%] o DEF - [+00%]
o Other Effects - Prevents aircraft from slowing down below the stall speed
o Overall - [|||||||.............]

o Price - $12700
o Availability - Cariburn, Falken
o How to unlock - Destroy Star unit in M9A
o SPD - [-10%] o MOB - [+20%]
o A2A - [+00%] o STB - [+60%]
o A2G - [+10%] o DEF - [-20%]
o Other Effects - Increased yaw performance
o Overall - [|||||||||||.........]

o Price - $11900
o Availability - Apalis, Fregata, Forneus, Cariburn, X-02, Falken
o How to unlock - Destroy Star unit in M9B
o SPD - [+00%] o MOB - [+50%]
o A2A - [+20%] o STB - [-20%]
o A2G - [-20%] o DEF - [-20%]
o Other Effects - Increased roll performance
o Overall - [||||||||............]

o Price - $12700
o Availability - Apalis, Fregata, XFA-27, Cariburn, X-02, Falken
o How to unlock - Finish M12A or M12B
o SPD - [-20%] o MOB - [+60%]
o A2A - [+10%] o STB - [+10%]
o A2G - [+00%] o DEF - [-30%]
o Other Effects - Increased pitch performance
o Overall - [|||||||||||.........]

o Price - $18400
o Availability - Apalis, XFA-27, Forneus, X-02
o How to unlock - Destroy Star unit in M12B
o SPD - [-40%] o MOB - [-10%]
o A2A - [-20%] o STB - [+80%]
o A2G - [+30%] o DEF - [+00%]
o Other Effects - None
o Overall - [|||||||||...........]


4-4- Ace and Star Unit locations
The locations of the Aces and Star Units in all 34 missions. Mind you, the aces
only spawn at Normal difficulties and higher.

o Ace Unit - F-4E "MANTA"
o How to spawn - Destroy ESCORTS first then the bombers in the first two
groups. Once done, the ace spawns to the north directly in front of you.
o Star Unit - None
o How to spawn - N/A

o Ace Unit - A-6E "ARI"
o How to spawn - Destroy as much as possible of Puna Base. The ace spawns at
around 8 minutes left right above the base.
o Star Unit - None
o How to spawn - N/A

o Ace Unit - JA-37 "SABER"
o How to spawn - Destroy as much targets as possible before destroying the last
target ship (see the Walkthrough for more details). The ace will spawn along
with two other JA-37s around the last ship you spared.
o Star Unit - None
o How to spawn - N/A

o Ace Unit - F-1 "SHIVA"
o How to spawn - Destroy as much as possible from the first cluster of targets
then destroy the fighter aircraft above the complex. The ace should appear
coming from the west.
o Star Unit - C-5
o How to spawn - Right in front of you at the start of the mission. Hit the
afterburners a little, and you should see him.

o Ace Unit - Mig-21 93 "ROSE"
o How to spawn - Destroy all aircraft units quickly (but do not ignore the
ground units for too long otherwise you'll fail the mission). Once done, go
destroy one group of ground units, and the ace will spawn to the northwest.
o Star Unit - GRND Vehicle
o How to spawn - When you destroy the central group of targets, the star unit
will spawn directly to the east.

o Ace Unit - F-14D "SAVANNA"
o How to spawn - Destroy ALL escort, decoy, and target aircraft until you reach
the fourth group. The ace should spawn to the west.
o Star Unit - C-17
o How to spawn - The star unit will spawn near the ace unit to the west.

o Ace Unit - F-16C "ICE"
o How to spawn - Destroy half of the enemy units without allowing any damage to
be inflicted on the Davis unit. The ace should spawn to the east.
o Star Unit - Aircraft Hangar
o How to spawn - At the start of the mission, the star unit will spawn in the
far northeast. At first you should have locked onto an antenna, but as you
get closer the Hangar will appear.

o Ace Unit - Mirage 2000D "GARANDA"
o How to spawn - Destroy half of the enemy units without allowing any damage to
be inflicted on the Davis unit. The ace should spawn to the northeast.
o Star Unit - Aircraft Hangar
o How to spawn - At the start of the mission, the star unit will spawn in the
far northeast. At first you should have locked onto an antenna, but as you
get closer the Hangar will appear.

o Ace Unit - F-5E "GHOST"
o How to spawn - Destroy all aircraft before destroying the Gleipnir for the
first time. The ace will spawn after the mission update.
o Star Unit - Container Ship
o How to spawn - The star unit will spawn after you have destroyed the
Gleipnir's optical camouflage, right in the center of the map.

o Ace Unit - Mig-31 "PALADIN"
o How to spawn - Destroy as much enemy units as possible without allowing the
allied fleet to sustain any damage. The ace will spawn to the north after
the mission update.
o Star Unit - Container Ship
o How to spawn - Spawns after the mission update to the east.

o Ace Unit - Mig-29A "FROST"
o How to spawn - Destroy as much enemy units as possible before damaging the
Gleipnir. The ace should spawn in the reinforcement aircraft.
o Star Unit - GRND Vehicle
o How to spawn - The same as the ace spawning requirements. It will be near one
of the ground target clusters.

o Ace Unit - A-10A "FIRESTORM"
o How to spawn - Destroy the Gleipnir before it damages the ground forces, and
the ace will spawn to the southeast.
o Star Unit - Container Ship
o How to spawn - Spawns directly after you recieve the task of destroying the
shock cannon, in the center of the map.

o Ace Unit - F-35C "BEACRUX"
o How to spawn - Neutralize all gas bombs quickly, and the ace will appear in
the reinforcements.
o Star Unit - E-767
o How to spawn - Right at the start of the mission, slightly ahead of the first
gas bomb, at a high altitude.

o Ace Unit - X-29A "VIPER"
o How to spawn - Destroy two ground sectors quickly, and the ace will spawn to
the northwest.
o Star Unit - U-2
o How to spawn - Same as the ace. The U-2 spawns to the southwest though.

o Ace Unit - F-15E "RAGE"
o How to spawn - Destroy as much targets as possible, and at 3 mins remaining
the ace should be near where you're flying.
o Star Unit - ???
o How to spawn - The star unit is in one of the clusters of ground targets, so
you should find it easily while destroying the targets.

o Ace Unit - TND-F3 "GACRUX"
o How to spawn - Fly through the radar quickly, the ace will spawn after the
mission update to the left of the reinforcements.
o Star Unit - CH-47
o How to spawn - At the start, there is a lone aircraft to the southwest. That
is the star unit. You must deviate out of your path to the dead end where the
star lies if you want to shoot it down.

o Ace Unit - F/A-18E "STORM"
o How to spawn - At the start, to the southeast.
o Star Unit - B-52
o How to spawn - Spawns once the chopper squad enters the base airspace, parked
near one of the hangars.

o Ace Unit - Su-27 "ACRUX"
o How to spawn - At the start, near the centre of the map.
o Star Unit - C-5
o How to spawn - Spawns after you destroy a few fighters, to the southeast.

o Ace Unit - F-16XL "FIEL"
o How to spawn - Destroy all air units, the ace will appear after the mission
update in the reinforcements.
o Star Unit - Container Ship
o How to spawn - Spawns right in front of you after the mission update.

o Ace Unit - F-117A "INFERNO"
o How to spawn - Spawns to the northeast, and reaches the HPS area at around
seven minutes remaining.
o Star Unit - CH-47
o How to spawn - Spawns above the HPS and Jammers, after destroying a few of
the jamming facilities.

o Ace Unit - F-2A "FURY"
o How to spawn - At around 7 minutes remaining, FURY will spawn to the north of
the HPS area.
o Star Unit - GRND Vehicle
o How to spawn - Spawns around the HPS after destroying the SP Vehicles around
the area BEFORE the mission update. Thanks to Javier for the star unit info.

o Ace Unit - Typhoon "ZEPHYR"
o How to spawn - Spawns to the east after the mission update only if you
allowed no damage to the ground forces.
o Star Unit - GRND Vehicle
o How to spawn - Spawns in the exact center of the map after the mission update

o Ace Unit - Gripen C "RIOT"
o How to spawn - Spawns after destroying all air units (and the wave of
reinforcements that follows) in the second wave of reinforcements.
o Star Unit - CH-47
o How to spawn - Spawns ONLY if you destroy the cannon BEFORE the air targets,
above the Gaiuss Tower.

o Ace Unit - Rafale M "TYRANT"
o How to spawn - Spawns to the southwest only if you prevent any damage to the
ALC, after the mission update.
o Star Unit - Gunboat
o How to spawn - Spawns to the south of the city, after the mission update.

o Ace Unit 1 - Su-37 "SORROW"
o How to spawn - Destroy ALL aircraft as quickly as possible while sparing one
Alect member.
o Ace Unit 2 - F-22 "PAIN"
o How to spawn - Same as SORROW, spawns on the opposite side of the map.
o Star Unit - Container Ship
o How to spawn - Spawns to the west after the Alect Squad appears on the map.

o Ace Unit 1 - F-15S/MTD "COMET"
o How to spawn - Destroy the second fleet quickly, spawns to the northwest.
o Ace Unit 2 - YF-23 "SPIDER"
o How to spawn - Destroy the third fleet quickly except the battleship.
o Star Unit - B-2 (!!)
o How to spawn - Same as COMET, spawns to the west.

o Ace Unit - Mig-1.44 "LANCER"
o How to spawn - Destroy 3 Container ships by destroying hangars when they are
nearby, so they'd be caught in the blast sphere. He spawns to the east.
o Star Unit - Submarine
o How to spawn - Spawns in the huge cave to the south of the island, after
destroying a few targets.

o Ace Unit - F/B-22 "OCRA"
o How to spawn - Destroy EVERYTHING, then OCRA will spawn after the mission
update, to the south.
o Star Unit - Container Ship
o How to spawn - Spawns to the southeast of the largest island, after the
mission update.

o Ace Unit - S-32 "ELISA"
o How to spawn - Spawns to the northeast after destroying two Fenrir aircraft.
o Star Unit - Container Ship
o How to spawn - Spawns after one shockwave from the Shock cannon after the
mission update. Thanks go to Neo_Razgriz for the star unit info.

o Ace Unit - Su-47 "DUSK"
o How to spawn - Same as ELISA in 15A
o Star Unit - U-2
o How to spawn - Parked inside a side tunnel in the final part of the mission.

o Ace Unit 1 - XFA-27 "SCARFACE ONE"
o How to spawn - Spawns after you destroyed all aircraft EXCEPT one ADF-01. You
must also be quick at it to make him spawn.
o Ace Unit 2 - ADF-01 "Z.O.E."
o How to Spawn - Same as SF1, but on the other side of the map.
o Star Unit - None
o How to spawn - None

4-5- Mission Map
{} = Path Name |
[] = Optional Mission |
LG = Longest Path M02
SH = Shortest Path |
LG,SH = Shortest AND Longest |
| | |
04A 05A 06A
| | |
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| [03C] [03C]
05A 06A | |
| | | |
[06B] [05B] [04B] [04B]
| | | |
07B 07A | |
|___________| [06B] [05B]
| | |
| 07B 07A
|___________________________ | ____________________________|
08A 09A
| | LG,SH
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
09B 10A 08B 11A
| | | |
11B |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| 10B [07C]
| [11B] 09B | |
| | | [11A] [08B]
[10A] [09B] [11B] | |
| | | 12A [10B]
| 12A 12C | |
12B |___________| | 12B
| | | |
|_______________________|_______ _____________|___________|
\ /
13A 14A
| |
[14B] [13B]
| |
15A 15B
|___________________ ____________________|
\ /

Note that optional missions are advisable to take (unless you're aiming for
taking the shortest routes for the respective medal) since ignoring them will
probably add some annoying in-mission effects, such as limited weaponry, a
shorter time limit due to limited fuel, radar jamming, increased enemy power,
additional reinforcements, etc.

4-6- Frequently Asked Questions

[Q] How do I unlock Mission 12C (Wild Card)?
[A] Unlike Mission 3B or Mission 7C, Mission 12C is unlocked AT THE SAME TIME
Mission 12A or 12B would unlock. Follow one of these two paths.
Path 1: 7A or 7B-8A-10A-9B-11B-12C
Path 2: 7A or 7B-8A-10A-9B-12C
The second path will however include radar jamming, so it may be better not
to skip mission 11B.

[Q] Is it possible to unlock Optical Camouflage for the Fenrir?
[A] No, or perhaps not that I know of.

[Q] How many campaign playthroughs are needed to unlock everything?
[A] I believe it is possible to unlock all missions, planes, parts, and medals
in three playthroughs by playing on Normal, Hard, and Ace.

[Q] Could you e-mail me your save file?
[A] No. I don't see why would anybody want the save file when there is already
a save file on GameFAQs with everything unlocked? Besides, you'd probably
be better off finishing it yourself to get the most replay value out of
the game.

[Q] Are the Multiplayer parts and medals worth it?
[A] I haven't tried them, since there is nobody to play ACX multiplayer with
where I live, but knowing from other people on the forums, they aren't
really that impressive, and you unlock better parts through Campaign mode.

[Q] What does "A/B" mean? You keep using that in your walkthrough.
[A] It means AfterBurners, which is the secret miraculous L shoulder button on
your PSP which causes your plane to accelerate. If you haven't already
noticed too, whenever you press L, a little [A/B] sign appears on your PSP

[Q] What is the most practical Aircraft/Weapon in the game?
[A] For Air to Air missions, the Falken w/ TLS. Sure, the Fenrirs blast radius
is more beneficial and the Fenrir/X-02s manoeuvrability is a tad better,
the TLS is more handy and is the cheapest way to finish off an Air to Air
mission. When it comes to ground missions though, the Fenrir w/ LSWM takes
the cake, since unlike the Falken, there is an excellent chance that the
missile will hit (unless you fire it before you get a lock on or something)
and the blast radius can eliminate targets in massive bunches.

[Q] What is the longest/shortest path?
[A] Longest: 1-2-3A-6A-3C-4B-5B-7A-9A-11A-7C-8B-10B-12B-14A-13B-15B. Total: 17
Shortest: 1-2-3A-5A-7B-9A-11A-12B-13A-15A. Total: 10
You need to go through both paths twice to get the respective medals.

4-7- Credits
The boring section. I'd like to thank:

God - For Everything.
Namco - For maintaining an AMAZING series, that is Ace Combat.
GameFAQs - For hosting my guide.
Supercheats - For hosting my guide.
CJayC - Without him, a great site like GameFAQs wouldn't exist.
GameFAQs Moderators and Admins - For making the boards as sane as possible.
GameFAQs Contributors - For helping me out in lots of games.
Dragoljub Kojadinovic - For fixing a few mistakes in the FAQ.
Javier Escaler - For the star unit info in M11B as well as several S-rank
Neo_Razgriz - For the star unit info in M15A.
Grandmort - For confirmation of several S-rank requirements. You can visit his
Ace Combat 4 fansite at
My 7, shall we say, 8 year old PC - For not breaking down, again. :)
My Family - For the sake of all the quality times.
Me - For spending time in this FAQ. What would you expect? XD
You - For reading this FAQ.


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