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Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines [2]

A A cccc rrrr eeee eeee ddd SS
A A c r rr e e d d SSSSSSS
c rr eee eee d d
c r r e e d d
cccc r r eeee eeee ddd


FAQ/Walkthrough for Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines
for Playstation Portable
Region: NTSC/PAL
01. Introduction..........................................................AC01

02. Controls..............................................................AC02

03. Gameplay Overview/Basic Info..........................................AC03

04. Walkthrough...........................................................AC04

Memory Block 1........................................................WT01

Memory Block 2........................................................WT02

Memory Block 3........................................................WT03

Memory Block 4........................................................WT04

Memory Block 5........................................................WT05

Memory Block 6........................................................WT06

Memory Block 7........................................................WT07

05. Frequently Asked Questions............................................AC05

06. Glitches/Game Bugs....................................................AC06

07. Version History.......................................................AC07

+ +
+ AC01 +

Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines is an action adventure game, made exclusively for
the PlayStation Portable and is part of the Assassin's Creed franchise, taking
place in between the events of Assassin's Creed and Assassin's Creed II. It
takes place shortly after the events of the first game, but before the events
of Assassin's Creed II. Altair, the main character of the original game, has
traveled from the Holy Land to island of Cyprus in pursuit of the remaining
templar remnants, in order to destroy them once and for all. The game is used
to explain the link between the main characters of the series: Altair, his
descendant Ezio Auditore da Firenze (main character of AC II) and Desmond
Miles, who is considered to be the true protagonist of Assassin's Creed. Here,
on the island of Cyprus, Altair will find new friends and enemies, and will
help a local resistance force to take down evil Templar commanders of these
lands. Some treasures you will find in this game can be transfered to your PS3
to unlock new weapons and other bonuses.

+ +
+ AC02 +

,' L ,' `. R `.
/-----' .-----------------------------------------. `-----\
/ | | \
/ __ | | .-. \
/ | | | | (/_\) \
| __ \/ __ | | .-. `-' .-. |
| |__ > < __| | | ([ ]) ( O ) |
| /\ | | `-' .-. `-' |
| |__| | | ( X ) |
| | | `-' |
| .--. | | |
\ ( ) | | /
\ `--' '-----------------------------------------' /
\-----. [Home] [Select] [Start] ,-----'

| Analog Stick (AS) | Movement | Movement |
| AS + X | Blend | - |
| AS + R | - | High Profile Mvmnt |
| AS + R + X | - | Sprint/Climb |
| AS + R + O | - | Tackle |
| D-Pad: Up | Hidden Blade | Hidden Blade |
| D-Pad: Down | Bare Hands | Bare Hands |
| D-Pad: Left | Throwing Knives | Throwing Knives |
| D-Pad: Right | Longsword | Longsword |
| X | - | Dodge |
| Square | Assassinate | Assassinate |
| Triangle | Target/Synchronize | Target/Synchronize |
| O | Drop from Ledges | Grab/Push Enemies |
| L + Tr./Sq./O/X | Camera Control | Camera Control |
| L (tapping) | Camera Centering | Camera Centering |
| R |High Profile Trigger| Blocking |
| R (hold) + Square | - | Counter Attacking |
| Square + Square | - | Combo Attacking |
| START | Pause | Pause |
| SELECT | Memory Map | Memory Map |

+ +
+ Gameplay Overview/Basic Info +
+ AC03 +

The Creed

Altair lives by three fundamental rules (that every assassin must be aware of)
and breaking them may lead to unpleasant consequences, such as detection by
the enemy, health decrease or even game over.

1. Never hurt an innocent person.
2. Always be discreet.
3. Do not compromise the plan.

Basic Tips/Strategies

1. Don't forget about blending. You may think it's gonna be faster to waltz
past the guards and soldiers, but it won't. Blending actually helps to get
things done faster, especially in the Limassol/Kyrenia locations.
2. Pay attention to the environment. The guards/soldiers are marked with
yellow dots on the map, so if there's no potential enemies near, you can speed
up the pace. And remember, Kyrenian pirates are enemies of Altair, too.
3. If you're being chased, don't forget about hiding places, like haystacks,
for example. Note that if the enemies that are chasing you are too close, you
won't be able to hide. If you're fighting too many enemies at once, and they
keep sending reinforcements, it may be a good idea to run away, and hide. The
haystacks are marked as little circles on your mini map.
4. Use longsword often. This is probably the best weapon to fight multiple
enemies or bosses. And don't forget about counter attacking. Counter attacking
is vrey important, and is probably the skill that will come in handy the most.
5. Don't get reckless, if you're low on health! It's better to run away, and
wait until your health recovers. Some bosses won't leave you such a chance, so
stay on your guard all the time.
6. When you're in a new and unfamiliar location, check the map to see if there
is a View Point. It is marked with a white bird icon (the icon is red if
synchronizing with the VP is essential for completing a main story objective).
7. Remember that you can leave the Memory Block you're currently on to upgrade
your skills (or just exit the game), and resume at the last saved point of the

Synchronization/Sync Bar/View Points

Synchronization is the result of the process involving the interaction between
Altair and the Animus which gives you the ability to see through Altair's eyes
and control him. The Synchronization is lost by getting damaged, failing to
complete the set objective or killing an innocent person. There's also a Sync
Bar, a little status screen that displays Altair's health and the Astergo logo
(the blue triangular thingie). Altair's health can be increased by upgrading
it (adding one Synchronization bar per level). If Altair gets damaged, he'll
lose one Synchronization bar. It will recover after a while, so if you're
losing the bars too fast, it may be a good idea to run around a little and
wait for your health to replenish.
The Astergo logo is another thing. It represents how the people around Altair
react/respond to his actions. The Astergo logo blinks in different colours, so
here's a quick summary of its "states":
White - No one pays attention to Altair/looks at him suspiciously
Blue - Altair is returning to the "White" state
Blue with red background - The guards have given the alarm to find Altair
Blue with yellow eye - The citizens are looking at Altair suspiciously
Blue with red eye - The soldiers are looking at Altair suspiciously
Yellow - Altair has been detected by the soldiers/guards, but he is out of
their line of sight
Red - Altair has been detected by the soldiers/guards, and is being chased by
them; Altair fights the soldiers/guards.
The last thing I'd like to tell you in this paragraph is the Synchronization
with the View Points. The View Points (VP's) are the places from where Altair
can take a look at the surrounding scenery, so basically they are high towers,
cathedrals, and other buildings. The View Point always stands out against the
background, so it's easy to spot with toggling your camera or just looking at
a Memory map. When you've spotted a VP, climb it carefully, and Synchronize
using the Triangle button. Synchronizing gives you a little, but pleasant
reward. Synchronizing with a VP also makes Altair know the place better, and
marks the Side Mission locations on the map. After looking around, you can
jump down to the ground by performing a Leap of Faith with the X button, and
land in the nearby haystack.

Side Missions

As you travel through the locations of Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines, you'll
meet many people in the streets who are in need of Altair's help. These people
will give you certain tasks that are actually side missions. The people who
give you various tasks are often easily recognized by an icon above their head
that signifies that they're side mission characters. You can also see the side
mission icons on the Memory map, but only after you've synchronized with the
view point at a given location. The side missions are divided into 7 types:
Theft Mission - the NPC will say that there's a certain item you must steal.
This item is usually guarded by a couple of soldiers, and is marked on your
map. There are always easy ways to get to it (by jumping across the rooftops,
for example). Sometimes you will have to deliver the item to the NPC, and
sometimes one of the guards will steal it, and you'll have to chase him and
kill him.
Interception Mission - the NPC will say that there's a person in town that you
must intercept and assassinate. The person usually runs away when he/she sees
you from afar, and even blending won't help here. What you have to do is run
after this person and assassinate him with a throwing knife or a hidden blade.
Note that if the target reaches the gate to another location, your mission
will be failed.
Assassination Mission - this type of missions is plain and simple. There's a
target you need to assassinate, usually guarded by a couple of knights or
soldiers. Kill the soldiers, then kill the target.
Delivery Mission - in these missions, you have to deliver an item within the
time limit. Sometimes the time limit is short, sometimes not. Note that you
have to be anonymous when giving the delivery to the target.
Interrogation Mission - You need to get to the well guarded target, and follow
him for a while, and then beat him with fists to make him talk.
Tailing Mission - In this type of missions, you have to follow the target
around for a certain amount of time, and then either kill or interrogate him.
Combat Mission - the NPC is usually surrounded by three guards who are beating
him/her to death. Take one of them out with a hidden blade, then assassinate
the other two. Talk to the rescued civilian to obtain your reward.

Memory Select Screen

After completing the first Memory Block, you'll find yourself in the Memory
Select screen. This screen gives you five options: you can choose "Continue
Session" to continue your game; you can spend some earned points on upgrading
you skills; you can review the "Accomplishments" list (top right option); you
can go to the "Options" menu, where you can tweak the game's settings to your
liking; finally, you can choose to replay a Memory Block that you have already
completed. As you'll notice, each Memory Block has a set number of "line bar"
or whatever you call them. Each line bar represents an objective in the Memory
Block (with the exception of Memory Block 7), so if, let's say, Memory Block 1
has one line bar, that means there's only one objective, but there's eight
objectives in the Memory Block 2, as you'll see from the Memory Select screen.
If a line bar is coloured in red, it means it's a key character assassination


Accomplishments. Simple as that. They are awarded to you as you collect more
and more Templar Coins, finish Memory Blocks and kill soldiers in different
ways. Surprisingly, none of them is really hard, it just takes time to achieve
them all through the course of one playthrough. The only difficulty you may
encounter is collecting the Templar Coins, but with this guide, it shouldn't
be too hard. One word about Templat Coins: it is believed that they unlock
some special bonuses in ACII, but I don't know which for sure.

01. Finish Memory Block 1, Captue Maria
02. Finish Memory Block 2, Assassinate Frederick "The Red"
03. Finish Memory Block 3, Assassinate Moloch "The Bull"
04. Finish Memory Block 4, Assassinate The Dark Oracle
05. Finish Memory Block 5, Assassinate Shahar and Shalim
06. Finish Memory Block 6, Get to Limassol
07. Finish Memory Block 7, Assassinate Armand Bouchart
08. Finish Memory Block 1 in under 5 minutes
09. Collect 50 Bronze Templar Coins
10. Collect 100 Bronze Templar Coins
11. Collect 500 Bronze Templar Coins
12. Collect 1 Gold Templar Coin
13. Collect 5 Gold Templar Coins
14. Collect 10 Gold Templar Coins
15. Collect all of the Gold Templar Coins
16. Collect all of the Gold and Silver Templar Coins in Limassol
17. Collect all of the Gold and Silver Templar Coins in Kyrenia
18. Collect all of the Gold and Silver Templar Coins in Kantara Castle
19. Collect all of the Gold and Silver Templar Coins in Buffavento Castle
20. Collect all of the Gold and Silver Templar Coins in St. Hilarion Castle
21. Collect all of the Gold and Silver Templar Coins in Limassol Port
22. Collect all of the Gold and Silver Templar Coins in Limassol Market
23. Collect all of the Gold and Silver Templar Coins in Limassol Cath. Square
24. Collect all of the Gold and Silver Templar Coins in Limassol Castle
25. Collect all of the Gold and Silver Templar Coins in Kyrenia Harbor
26. Collect all of the Gold and Silver Templar Coins in Kyrenia Merc. District
27. Collect all of the Gold and Silver Templar Coins in Kyrenia Crus. Outpost
28. Collect all of the Gold and Silver Templar Coins in Kyrenia Commons
29. Collect all of the Gold and Silver Templar Coins in Kyrenia Market Square
30. Kill 20 Soldiers
31. Kill 50 Soldiers
32. Kill 100 Soldiers
33. Perform 10 Counter Kills in Fights
34. Perform 50 Counter Kills in Fights
35. Perform 100 Counter Kills in Fights
35. Perform 10 Combo Kills in Fights
36. Perform 50 Combo Kills in Fights
37. Perform 100 Combo Kills in Fights
38. Perform 10 Stealth Kills
39. Perform 50 Stealth Kills


The upgrades are a handy thing in this game, as they are pretty useful and
easy to get. From the Memory Select screen, choose "Upgrades" and you'll be
brought to a new menu. You can also watch the total sum of Bronze, Silver and
Gold Templar Coins that you've collected. Each upgrade costs a certain amount
of points. You get these points from collecting the aforementioned Templar
Coins. Here's a list of the upgrades that are available:

Hide Speed (Altair becomes anonymous more quickly after hiding)
Level 1 - Cost: 50 points

Synchronization Rate (Synchronization Rate Increase)
Level 1 - Cost: 200 points

Synchronization Strength
5 Synchronization Bars - Cost: 25 points
6 Synchronization Bars - Cost: 50 points
7 Synchronization Bars - Cost: 75 points
8 Synchronization Bars - Cost: 100 points
9 Synchronization Bars - Cost: 125 points

Throwing Knife Maximum
4 Throwing Knives - Cost: 100 points
5 Throwing Knives - Cost: 100 points

Automatic Block:
Automatic Block - Cost: 50 points

Critical Hits:
5% chance to gritical hit - Cost: 75 points
10% chance to gritical hit - Cost: 75 points
15% chance to gritical hit - Cost: 75 points

Upgrade Weapon Attack Damage (Altair's weapons do more damage):
Level 1 - Cost: 200 points
Level 2 - Cost: 250 points
Level 3 - Cost: 300 points

Note that after upgrading necessary skills you'll need to hit the "Confirm"
option in order to store the changes you have made, and then exit to the
Memory Select screen.

+ +
+ AC04 +


Starting Location: Acre Harbor Fortress

Get over the first few objects and climb the wall. Assassinate the first guard
with a stealth kill (use hidden blade for stealth kills). Go northeast to pick
up a [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN]. Go to the stairs leading up, ignore them and
proceed further down. Climb the boxes, get on the roof, and get across to the
neighbouring building to find a [GOLD TEMPLAR COIN]. Approach the shining gate
for a scene. After another tutorial, pick up a [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] in the
corner. Go through the gate, and you'll get your first objective.

Infiltrate Acre Harbor Fortress and stop the Templar escape
Locate the Templar Commander

The guards are shown as yellow dots on the map. As you enter, go to the right
corner and pick up a [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN]. Assassinate the two guards in the
tunnel and climb the barrels and leap onto the higher level to find another
[SILVER TEMPLAR COIN]. Afterwards, approach the last guard in your sight and
kill him. Go through another tunnel and approach the talking soldiers so that
they can see you. Kill them both and go to the balcony (there's the last
[SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] in the corner a little further). Ascend the stairs for a

Boss: Maria
Maria is an enemy that can deal damage through your blocking, so be quick with
the counter attacking. A couple of precisely timed attacks should be enough to
deplete her health to the needed minimum and trigger another scene.
You'll have to go through one more tutorial, from which you will learn the
basics of stealth killing and hiding from your enemies. Another scene will
take place and you'll travel to Limassol.


Starting Location: Limassol Port

Locate the Cypriot Resistance Safe House in the Limassol Marketplace
Go to the Limassol Marketplace

This is the first major location in the game, it has many sub-areas and places
of interest, so take yout time to get used to the game a bit more. Synchronize
at the View Point (the white bird icon on your map), and before completing the
current objective, let's hunt for some Templar coins. The 5th [SILVER TEMPLAR
COIN] is in the west section of the port, southwest from the View Point. The
third [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] is on top of southernmost building. The second one
is in the southern part of the ship, that is docked in the west section of the
port. The first [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] is on the boat in the northwest. The
fourth [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] is found near the delivery side mission target.
Finally, there's a little island between the ship and the boat. Pick up the
[GOLD TEMPLAR COIN] that lies on it. Go north towards the Limassol Cathedral

In the Cathdral area, go north, east, north to find the fifth [SILVER TEMPLAR
COIN]. The second [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] is found in the northeastern-most
corner of the map. There are some girders between the buildings just in front
of the Port entrance. You may find the fourth [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] here. A
little west from the Limassol Market gate, there's the third [SILVER TEMPLAR
COIN], on the building. To get to the View Point, climb the ladder in the
northwestern corner of the map, and then keep scaling the buildings, picking
up the first [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] on your way. The [GOLD TEMPLAR COIN] is
well hidden in the northwestern-most corner, behind a haystack. Now let us
move on to the Limassol Marketplace.

The View Point is the thin tower in the center of the map. Once you have
located the Safe House, climb up one of the eastern buildings (south of the
Safe House) to find the first [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN]. The fourth coin is right
next to it, to the west. In the center of the map, there is some kind of
monument. You'll find the second [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] just southwest of it.
Go west from here, scale the nearest buildings to find the fifth [SILVER
TEMPLAR COIN] on top of them. Go pick up a [GOLD TEMPLAR COIN] in the north-
eastern corner. Drop down to the lower level to find the third [SILVER TEMPLAR
COIN] a little to the west.
Now you can finally enter the Safe House (or should I say, fall through the
hole in the rooftop to get there). Pick up the throwing knife if you're low
on them, and proceed through the door for a scene.

Assassinate the Templar Captain of the guard
Locate the Templar Captain of the guard in the Limassol Marketplace

This objective is very simple. Climb the building which is closest to the
target and stealth-kill the archer on the roof (with a hidden blade). Get down
on the ground with the help of a ladder, wait for a nearby soldier to walk
away from you, approach the captain and assassinate him. This strategy should
remain the same throughout other similar objectives. Return to the Safe House.

Deliver Alexander's message to Osman
Find Osman in the Cathedral Square

Head for the northern gate. Osman is in the northeast corner of the Cathedral
Square. Remain anonymous until you reach him. You have three choices: either
lure the soldiers out of their positions or go for stealth assassinations.
Take them out one by one, but be extremely careful. The easiest way is to kill
the archer on the roof and jump to the neighbouring roof shortly after. Wait
until there're no soldiers near you and drop down to Osman to trigger a scene.
Afterwards, return to the Safe House.

Assassinate Frederick "The Red"
Infiltrate Limassol Castle

The city gate to Limassol Castle Courtyard is on the south edge of the Market
area. Climb the wall bricks in the northeast corner to get the first [SILVER
TEMPLAR COIN]. Don't drop down, hang on the girder instead and get on the
observation wall. Head to the left side of it. Jump on the girder, then cross
another wall (to the right side) and pick up the second [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN]
in the end. Enter the castle itself through the lower gate.
Kill the soldiers if necessary, and climb the tall wall all the way to the
top. Then you can just run past the guards for a little scene. But keep in
mind that there's a third [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] on the arch just before the
training grounds. If you want to get to the Gold Templar Coin, jump on the
ledge, that is to the left from the arch, and start moving left. Then jump
on the bricks and drop down to pick up the [GOLD TEMPLAR COIN]. Return to the
arch and approach the place of battle. Go south to pick up the fifth [SILVER
TEMPLAR COIN] in the corner. Then approach the training soldiers.

Boss: Frederick "The Red"
This fight is similar to the duel with Maria. Get rid of the two knights, and
focus on counter attacking Frederick. If you're low on health, run around
until you recover some.

Escape Limassol Castle
Return to the castle entrance to escape

Go back, picking up the fourth [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] behind the barrels. You
will be automatically brought to the lower grounds of the castle. Return to
the Courtyard and run past the guards to the Marketplace exit. As you enter
the Marketplace, you'll see that the Safe House is on fire.

Stop the attack on the Safe House
Defeat the Templars

Climb the Safe House building to see a small cutscene. You'll have to defeat
6 soldiers. After having done that, you'll watch another series of scenes.

Recapture Maria
Intercept Maria and her captors

Run after Maria to face four Templar soldiers at once. Try to not let them
surround you. Counter attacking works fine as always. You'll need to get to
Kyrenia now.

Find a ship bound for Kyrenia
Deliver Alexander's message to the ship's crewman without being discovered

The man you're looking for is just straight to the west from the place where
you start the mission. Keep a low profile and talk to him afterwards. You'll
have to steal the ship's manifest. Get onboard the ship, and descend the
ladder. Proceed to the inner room and pick up the manifest. Deliver it to
Alexander for the final scene of Memory Block 2.


Starting Location: Kyrenia Harbor

Find Maria
Locate Maria before the pirates find her

You'll find the fifth [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] in the pier to the northeast of
your starting position. Proceed north for a scene.

Locate the Cypriot Resistance Safe House in Kyrenia Commons
Go to Kyrenia Commons

If you're in for some coin hunting, go to the northwestern-most corner of the
Harbor and climb the building with the View Point. Drop down and go south to
find a [GOLD TEMPLAR COIN] on one of the girders sticking out of the water.
The 3rd [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] is found on the fountain southeast of where the
fifth one was. The fourth [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] is on top of the building,
east of Gold Templar Coin's location. The first [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] is found
south of the ship, on the building. The last (second)[SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] is
on top of the south gate (to Kyrenia Crusader Outpost).

Enter the Kyrenia Commons area. Synchronize at the View Point to find the Safe
House. There's a [GOLD TEMPLAR COIN] on the roof near the VP. The fourth
[SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] is in the fountain (in the northwestern part of the
Commons). The first [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] is in the northeastern corner, while
the fifth is a little southeast from the Harbor gate, on the girders. The 2nd
[SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] is on the building north of the Safe House, in the
haystack. The third [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] is found in the northwest corner, at
the top of the building near the Harbor gate.
With this out of the way, go into the Safe House for a scene.

Interrogate Jonas, the Cypriot traitor
Find Jonas at the Amphitheatre in Kyrenia Commons without being discovered

Go to the Amphitheatre area and Altair will spot three soldiers guarding
Jonas. Take them out one by one, as they separate from each other. Chase Jonas
and change your weapon to fists. He'll stop in the alley between the two
buildings. Beat him down until he speaks.

Protect Maria in the Harbor
Find Maria in the Kyrenia Harbor

When you'll get to the place where Maria is, you'll need to defeat 10 pirates.
This will trigger a scene. Return to the Safe House afterwards.

Stop the riot at the church in Kyrenia Commons
Kill the fanatics attacking the church

Go to the church. At first, you'll have to kill 6 fanatics, nothing hard. Then
you'll have to take out 4 archers. Climb the building near one of them, kill
the first one and then just jump from on roof to another killing them all.
Return to the Safe House for a scene.

Assassinate Moloch "The Bull" in Kantara Castle
Infiltrate Kantara Castle

The first [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] is in the southeast corner of the first area.
After you have killed the first soldier, climb the left building to find the
second [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN]. From this building, you'll see another archer.
Get to him and assassinate him as well. Climb the tower to the very top. You
will find the third [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] here. Perform the Leap of Faith and
keep giong all the way to the inner chambers.
Jump on the girder, then on the chandelier. Make your way around this room,
picking up the fourth [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] on your way. You'll get into a
little garden. Ascend the staircase and assassinate the soldiers. When you'll
reach the top of the staircase, make a sharp turn to the right into a narrow
pathway to get the fifth [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN]. Then climb the roof with the
girders, then climb the wall. From the balcony, you'll see a small observation
tower near a catapult. There's a [GOLD TEMPLAR COIN] in it. Finally, scale the
church to meet "The Bull".

Boss: Moloch "The Bull"
Actually ,this big guy is a tad different from other enemies you've faced so
far. He uses a giant meteor hammer, and swings it in all directions (multiple
times). He can also charge at Altair at some points of the battle. Other than
that, he's slow and clumsy. Dodge his hammer swings and charges, and hit him
from the back. He'll go down in no time.

Escape Kantara Castle
Reach the battlements above the south wall to escape

Run past the guards, the climb the rooftop and the wall next to it. Run to the
place where the catapult is for a scene. You'll be brought back to Kyrenia
Commons. Go back to the Safe House for a scene.


Starting Location: Kyrenia Commons

Stop the execution in the Kyrenia Market
Find the execution site

Get out of the Safe House and enter the Kyrenia Market. The execution site is
marked with a red combat icon. Approach the site for a scene, then kill two
soldiers, and lastly the third too. The reinforcements arrive, so lay waste to
them as well.You'll need to intercept the escaping Templar executioner now. He
is running in circles all over the Market area, so just catch up to him and
stab him with a blade to end the charade.
Now synchronize at the View Point and do some side mission if you want. As for
the Templar Coin hunting, the [GOLD TEMPLAR COIN] is found on the girders
south of Kyrenia Commons gate.
The fifth [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] is in the southwest corner. The third [SILVER
TEMPLAR COIN] is found east of the Crusader Outpost gate. The fourth [SILVER
TEMPLAR COIN] is in the middle of east edge of the map. The second [SILVER
TEMPLAR COIN] can be found in the northeast corner. The first [SILVER TEMPLAR
COIN] is east of the Harbor gate, on the buildings. Return to the Safe House
in Kyrenia Commons for a scene.

Interrogate the Prison Guard
Find the Prison Guard in Kyrenia Harbor

Before going to the Harbor, let's pay a visit to the Crusader's Outpost, shall
we? To get there, go through the Market. As you enter, climb the first "stair-
case" of girders to find a [GOLD TEMPLAR COIN] on top of it. From there, get
to the View Point. Descend one ladder, cross the wooden bridge, ascend the
other ladder to find the second [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN]. The third [SILVER
TEMPLAR COIN] is west of the Buffavento Castle gate, on the tower. The fifth
[SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] is very near to the first one, just east of it, on the
girders. The fourth one is not reachable at this moment, so go to the Harbor
area. Approach the place where the target is. Start following him, make sure
that there are no soldiers near the both of you, then hit him a few times.

Steal the Jailor's Keys
Find the Jailor's Keys in the Crusader Outpost

The area where the keys are is guarded by two knight soldiers. Kill one of
them with a hidden blade, then make your way through the rest of the soldiers
to the desired item. There's a fourth [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] on the roof just
above the Jailor's Keys.

Free the Resistance prisoners
Find the jail in Kyrenia Harbor

Backtrack to the Harbor. Kill the knights and open the cell. You'll have to
fight 5 pirates. Go back to the Crusader Outpost to find Markos.

Assassinate the Templar "Witch" in Buffavento Castle
Infiltrate Buffavento Castle

First off, climb the ladder, assassinate the archer, climb the girders to find
the first [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN]. Now move across from one observation point to
another using girders. The second [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] is near the southwest
corner. Approach the wall and start moving on its ledge. Move to the very
corner. Now you'll have to perform a back jump to get on the neighbouring
girder. It's an ordinary jump (R + X buttons, don't touch the Analog Stick),
but may take a few retries. Start climbing the tower. When you'll see a fork
in the road, go to the right first. You'll find a [GOLD TEMPLAR COIN] in the
back. Climb the tower all the way to the View Point, although it's not really
synchronizable this time. Drop down to the nearby haystack (the one in the
back). Go into the building and make your way into another area. Now you'll
have to find the Witch's cell.
Get down carefully, take the fourth [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] on your way (just
past the bonfire). Approach the cell for a scene, then get on the balcony to
find the third [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN]. Keep on jumping further and you'll
reach the Witch's cell. First off, go to the newly opened room to pick up the
fifth [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN]. Then just keep tailing the Master Interrogator.
Wait until he's alone and attack him. Enter the lower prison.

Boss: The Witch
This battle may seem a little frustrating at first, but it's actually pretty
easy.The Witch has one unblockable attack - she throws daggers at Altair and
jumps at him quickly. Make sure to dodge this attack. She also summons two
minions every now and then. Quickly get rid if them and continue hacking her.
Either way, this fight is all about "attack-block" skills. Attack her, then
block. Repeat. She'll go down in no time. She may combo you when near death,
and take away 3 or 4 life bars, so be careful.

Escape Buffavento Castle
Find the Balcony to escape Buffavento Castle

Run to the right at the fork and you'll eventually get to the lower grounds of
the castle. Then just return to the Safe House in Kyrenia Commons.


Starting Location: Kyrenia Commons

Learn more about the Templar commander
Find the Templar commander in the Merchant District

Go to the Kyrenia Merchant District. Pick up the first [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN]
in the fountain and climb the View Point. The second [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] is
on the eastern edge of the district, a little to the north. The third [SILVER
TEMPLAR COIN] is found inside the half-round building in the center of the map
(the one with the VP on top). You will find fourth [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] in
the northeast corner, on a wooden "stack". The [GOLD TEMPLAR COIN] is found on
the edge of the building, next to the Tailing mission icon (I hope you haven't
done it already). The fifth [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] can be found on the hanging
wooden platform a little north from the southwestern-most building.
Now let's go back to story missions. Follow Shalim for a short while, then
take out his lackeys one by one and tail him again. Assassinate the third one
afterwards. Tail Shalim for the last time to trigger a scene.

Stop the duelists from preying on the citizens of Kyrenia
Stop the duelist harassment in the Merchant District

This is as easy as combat side missions. Defeat all the duelists in Merchant
District, then move one to the Market, and finally, to the Commons. Travel
back to the Market to meet Markos.

Learn more about the Templar commander from the scholars
Find the leader of the scholars in the Crusader Outpost

Go to Crusader Outpost and talk with a scholar. Then proceed to the next
scholar for a scene. You'll have a little chase after a mysterious assassin.
It's kind of needless to give you directions here, just think of the shortest
way possible to get to his position, it's not that hard. Pick up the clues he
left and speak with Markos in the Kyrenia Market.

Find a way into Saint Hilarion Castle
Find the consort Palanquinn in Kyrenia Harbor

Enter the Harbor. You'll have to escort a palanquinn by killing all enemies
that may interrupt its little journey. The second part of this mission may
become pretty frustrating, as there is a possibility that you will get game
overs for no apparent reason. To prevent this, try to kill the soldiers pretty
fast, pay most attention to the archers, and what's even more important try to
kill the last two guards before the palanquinn gets stopped for the second
time. It travels slowly, so you SHOULD have enough time to assassinate the
Templars in the back.

Assassinate Shalim at Saint Hilarion Castle
Infiltrate Saint Hilarion Castle

The first [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] is on the girder near the building in the west
part of the map. The second [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] is inside the central house
with civilian crowds. You can find the third [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] behind the
statue just in front of the exit to another map of the castle. In the next
map, the [GOLD TEMPLAR COIN] can be found on top of the tall observation tower
that resembles a VP. Perform a Leap of Faith to get across to the other part
of this area. Keep going forward (don't forget to pick up the fourth [SILVER
TEMPLAR COIN] on the balcony). The fifth [SILVER TEMPLAR COIN] is on top of
the little building, on the girders. Lastly, proceed to the last chamber to
face Shalim... and someone else?

Boss: Shahar and Shalim
The twin brothers are dangerous if you're too reckless. They do combo attacks
all the time, and block very well. Try to hit them from the back, and run
around the area if you're low on health.

Escape to the Safe House
Escape pursuit and return to the Safe House

Simply return to the Safe House to watch the scene that concludes this Memory


Starting Location: Limassol Cathedral

Locate the new Cypriot Resistance Safe House in Limassol Marketplace
Go to Limassol Marketplace

Synchronize at the View Point and enter the Safe House for a scene.

Assassinate the Duelist Captain in the Limassol Marketplace
Find the Duelist Captain in the Marketplace

Go to the Marketplace, find the captain, kill him.

Assassinate the Pirate Captain in the Limassol Port
Find the Pirate Captain in the Port

Go to the ship, find the captain, kill him.

Assassinate the Templar Captain in the Limassol Cathedral Square
Find the Templar Captain in the Cathedral Square

Approach the Cathedral area, get near the captain, kill him.

Interrogate the port watchmen
Find the port watchmen in the Limassol Port

Approach the place where the three men are talking, and follow the watchman.
To avoid getting detected, use the rooftops. When he's finally alone, give him
a few punches to trigger a scene.

Interrogate the Patrol Sergeant in the Cathedral Square
Find the Patrol Sergeant in the Cathedral Square

When you've reached your destination, you'll be ambushed by four soldiers. Lay
waste to them and watch the next scene.

Interrogate Demetris, the Cypriot traitor in the Marketplace
Infiltrate Demetris' home in the Marketplace

The paths to Demetris' house are tightly surrounded by soldiers, so use roofs.
Drop down to the ground near the entrance to his house, and enter it.

Speak with Alexander
Return to the Resistance Safe House in the Marketplace

Pay a visit to the Safe House, then go to Limassol Castle Courtyard. Get close
to Alexander's body in the back part of the Courtyard to trigger a scene. You
will now have to defeat 25 soldiers that ambushed you. With that out of the
way, approach the hidden door to end this Memory Block.


Starting Location: The Templar Archive

Assassinate Armand Bouchart, the Templar Grand Master
Infiltrate the Templar Archive

There's no coins in this area, so all you have to do here is get down to the
lowest level of the Archive, killing Templar soldiers on your way. Soon enough
you'll reach the deepest part of the dungeon.

Final Boss: Armand Bouchart
Bouchart is not that hard for a final boss, except for his triple-hit attack.
Dodge it quickly or you'll be suffering major damage. He also throws bombs at
you when low on health, but that shouldn't be a problem if you're close to him
and avoiding his rapier swings.

After assassinating him, you'll have one minute to escape the Archive, as an
earthquake started to destroy this whole place. After doing that, you'll watch
the final series of scenes. At this point, you have completed Assassin's Creed
Bloodlines. Congratulations!

+ +
+ Frequently Asked Questions +
+ AC05 +

1. When was this game released?
- It was released in US on 17th of November, 2009; in Europe, it was released
on 20th of November, 2009.

2. Who is the developer of this game?
- Griptonite Games.

3. How does this game fit into the Assassin's Creed timeline?
- Assassin's Creed: Altair's Chronicles -> Assassin's Creed -> Assassin's
Creed: Bloodlines -> Assassin's Creed II.

4. Do I have to play the first two games that go before Bloodlines?
- You should definitely play AC1 to understand the story of this game better,
as it continues the story of AC1. I haven't played Altair's Chronicles for the
Nintendo DS, so I can't tell you for sure if you need to play it. Some say you

5. Is this game hard?
- Not really. Apart from a few moments, I would say this game is pretty easy.

6. Is there free-roam?
- Yes, similar to AC1.

7. Can I disable the HUD?
- Yes, you can. It's in the Options menu, under the Memory Select screen.

8. How long is this game?
- 5-6 hours long. Probably more, if you want to collect all of the Templar
Coins and complete all of the side missions.

9. Does this game have compatibility with other AC games?
- Yes, with AC II.

10. Is there/will there be a multiplayer mode?
- The answer is no.

+ +
+ AC06 +

1. Sometimes particular bosses (Maria, for example) keep losing large amounts
of HP when you barely touch them. It may be a result of your successful block
or even an attack that missed.
2. Sometimes the screen goes black in particular areas (Buffavento Castle,
Limassol Castle) for no reason. Or maybe, because Altair climbs some narrow
space place where the camera can't be controlled properly.
3. Sometimes Altair may trip over a dead soldier body, although normally it
shouldn't be happening.
4. Sometimes you may end up "stuck" into the corner of the building for a
short while. This only happens when you sprint, as I've understood.
5. In the escort mission (Memory Block 5) you may encounter sudden game overs
if one or two Templar soldiers are left alive.
6. You can safely kill soldiers in front of the other nearby soldiers, and
from a certain distance, they won't even notice it. That does not always work,

+ +
+ AC07 +

November, 14 (2009) - The skeleton of the guide was created. The walkthrough
section was created.
November, 16 (2009) - Major update for the Gameplay Overview section.
November, 17 (2009) - Major update for the Walkthrough section. Memory Block
1,2,3 and 4 walkthroughs are done.
November, 18 (2009) - Major update for the Walkthrough section. Memory Block
5,6 and 7 walkthroughs are done.


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