Bleach: Heat the Soul
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Game: Bleach: Heat the Soul
Platform: Sony Playstation Portable
Genre: 3D Fighting Game
Release Date: 03/24/2005 (Japan)
Table of Contents: (TOC)
1. Introduction BL-01
2. Version History BL-02
3. Game Modes BL-03
- Options BL-03-1
- VS CPU BL-03-2
- Soul Versus BL-03-3
- Survival BL-03-4
- Time Attack BL-03-5
- Story Bl-03-6
- Appendix
3. Characters BL-04
- Kurosaki Ichigo BL-04-1
- Ishida Uryu BL-04-2
- Yasutora "Chad" Sado BL-04-3
- Abarai Renji BL-04-4
- Kuchiki Rukia BL-04-5
- Orihime Inoue BL-04-06
* Introduction * *BL-01*
Welcome to my first ever FAQ, for Bleach: Heat the Soul for
the Sony Playstation Portable (PSP). B:HtS is the first 3D
cel-shaded fighter available for the PSP, based off the
extremely popular manga and anime series "Bleach" by Kubo
I'll assume if you're here, and looking at this FAQ, you're
already a Bleach fan, and know about the story, so i'm only
really going to cover the technical side of the game. So,
please enjoy my first FAQ.
* Version History * *BL-02*
- April 15th, 2005: Version 1.00. First version, still *ALOT*
to work on. Just wanted to get a basic
move list out, and the other basics.
* Games Modes * *BL-03*
* Options * BL-03-1*
Once you enter the Mode Selection screen, press Triangle to
enter the Options menu. Here you can select:
- Difficulty: There are 5 levels of difficulty, and
the default value is 3.
- Damage Level: Again, 5 levels, 1 being the lowest
amount of damage, and 5 being the highest.
- Key Config: X = Physical Attack.
Circle = Weapon Attack.
Square = Soul Energy.
Triangle = Jump.
The final option in the Key Config menu is to
reset the keys to their default setting as
listed above.
- Sound:
- System Voice: Let's you modify the system
voice, when it actually does talk, you can
change it from Default to Ichigo or Rukia.
- BGM Volume: From 100%-0%
- SE Volume: Sound Effects volume, 100%-0%
- Save/Load: Gives you a Save, Load, Auto-Save,
and Delete option. When you hit "Save"
press "Left" once and hit Circle to
save your game (You want the 2 symbol
word (Yes) and not the 3 symbol word
which is ("No"))
* VS CPU * BL-03-2*
VS CPU is just that, you playing versus the computer. You
chose any fighter, and fight your way through the remaining
fighters and yourself.
* Characters * *BL-04*
1. Circle will select the original outfit for the character,
and Triangle will select their alternate outfit. X
will bring you back to the prior screen.
2. "Super Guage" You and your enemy share a common Super
Guage. It's split 50/50 at first, and each time you
hit the enemy, you gain a bit, and he/she looses a bit.
As long as you have any energy left in your gauge, you
can attempt a super move (Square, quickly followed by
X or Circle). Even if you have no energy in your gauge
you can perform a super move, however if you miss, your
character will be left panting for several moments, and
you can't move or attack.
3. All characters can, by hitting Square twice use their
spiritual energy to "stun" the enemy for a moment or two.
The range of the spiritual energy differs for each
character, but only by a little bit.
4. When you are on your second life bar, and low on health,
your health bar will flash red. At this point you can
press Square quickly followed by Triangle to raise your
offense while lowering your defense. Additionally, when
you use your spiritual power to stun the enemy, the area
affected will be much larger than normal.
**** YOUR CHARACTER IS FACING LEFT. **********************
* Kurosaki Ichigo * BL-04-1*
Ichigo's main weapon is a sword, a "Zanpakutou" called
"Zangetsu" that is really quiet large, as you'll see.
X = A simple punch.
X + Left = A middle level roundhouse kick.
X + Right = Ichigo kick's forward and leans into it.
X + Down = A small kick to the shin.
X + Up = Ichigo performs a somersault type flip
Circle = A diagonal-upwards left to right sword
Circle + Left = Ichigo's throw move. Grabs enemy's head
and jumps over while slicing them and
knocking them back.
Circle + Right = Ichigo swings his sword from underneath
and stops when it's vetical to his body.
Circle + Down = Ichigo slides forward a bit, and swipes
horizontally with his sword at the
enemy's legs.
Circle + Down x2= After the initial downwards swipe Ichigo
jumps a bit and slashes downward with
his sword.
Circle + Up = Ichigo performs a small upwards jumping
Triangle x2 = Ichigo jumps, then dashes forward in the
Square -> X = Supermove #1. Ichigo performs a up-to-down
vertical slash shooting a long range,
very large projectile (Getsuga Tenshou,
I believe it's called.)
Square -> O = Supermove #2. Ichigo waits to be attacked,
and if attacked physically.
* Ishida Uryu * BL-04-02*
Ishida's main weapon is for all intents and purposes an
"Energy Bow" the he materializes at will.
X = Ishida lunges forward a bit and performs
a punch to the enemy's middle..
X + Right = Ishida lunges forward a bit and performs
a small uppercut to the enemy's head.
X + Left = A roundhouse kick to the enemies middle.
X + Left x2 = Performs a roundhouse kick, then a sliding
kick at the enemy's legs.
X + Down = Ishida does a roundhouse kick at the enemy's
legs, then performs a sliding kick at their
X + Up = Ishida does a jumping roundhouse at the
enemy's head.
Circle = Ishida materializes his bow and fires
at the enemy's chest.
Circle x1(2,3,4)= Ishida fires at the enemie's chest twice,
then lower at their legs twice.
Circle + Left = Ishida dashes and blurs moving forward a
good distance, facing the opposite direction
that he started in (can pass through
projectiles and enemies, if done properly)
Circle + Right = Ishida's throw. Grabs the enemies wrist,
turns 180 degrees and elbows them in the
stomach knocking them down.
Circle + Down = Fires an arrow at the enemy's legs.
Triangle+Circle = Ishida jumps then fires an arrow downwards,
at a 45 degree angle.
Square + X (or Circle) = Supermove. If it connects, Ishida
shoots an arrow, then dashes to to
another position, and repeats,
getting faster each time, and the
final arrow is shot from point
blank range.
* Yasutora "Chad" Sado * BL-04-03*
Chad's weapon is a... powered up left arm? I'll detail this
better next update ^_^;
X = A simple punch.
X + Left = A straight forward powerful kick.
X + Right = Chad slides forward a little bit and does
a backhanded punch to the enemy's middle.
X + Down = Chad kicks, as if he were kicking a football.
X + Up = An uppercut.
Circle = An overhead powerful swipe with his stronger
Circle + Right = Chad charges his stronger arm for a moment
and then releases a powerful energy blast,
it leaves him open for attack for a short
Circle + Left = Chad's throw. Chad grab's the enemy and
tosses them downwards into the ground (or
if near a wall, they'll bounce off that
Circle + Down = A backhand with his strong arm that sends
the person flying.
Circle + Down x2= Similar to his normal Circle move.
Circle + Down x3= Chad finishes the combo by jumping in the
air and lands a ground shaking punch on
the downed enemy.
Circle + Up = A jumping uppercut with his stronger arm.
Triangle + Crcl = Chad jumps up high and as he lands punches
the ground with his stronger arm, knocking
down anyone close to it.
Square + X (or Circle) = Supermove. Chad does a massive
uppercut, then jumps up and
shoots an energy blast knocking
the enemy down, and lands before
they hit the ground and hits
them with another energy blast.
* Abarai Renji * BL-04-4*
Renji like Ichigo uses a sword called "Zabimaru" that
looks like a normal samurai sword, at most times.
X = A simple punch
X + Right = An overhead axe-kick that lands on
the enemy's head.
X + Left = Renji leans back and performs a
massive headbutt.
X + Down = Kick at the enemy's legs.
X + Down x2 = Kick at the enemy's legs, then
X + Down x3 = Kick at the enemys legs, then
stomach, then head.
X + Up = A jumping kick to the enemy's
Circle = Vertical up to down sword slice.
Circle x2 x3 = A second and third sword swipe.
Circle + Right = Renji's sword splits into longer
pieces and reaches forward across
the screen.
Circle + Left = Renji's throw. Renji grab's the
enemy's hand, pulls them in then
does a forward slash across their
Circle + Up = Horizontal slash at the enemy's
Circle + Up x2 = Renji does one horizontal slash
at the enemy's head, then a
Circle + Down = A downward slash at the enemy's leg.
Circle + Down x2= Downward slash at the enemy's leg,
followed by the extending sword
Triangle x2 = Renji jumps, then dashes forward in
the air.
Square + X (or Circle) = Supermove. Renji uses his
extended sword to launch
the enemy into the air, then
uses his sword like a whip
several times before smashing
the enemy into the time.
* Kuchiki Rukia * BL-04-5*
Rukia has no weapon, so all her circle attacks in the
game are spells.
X = A palm strike to the head.
X + Right = A sliding elbow to the stomach.
X + Left = A powerful sidekick to the stomach.
X + Up = Rukia jumps and flips, facing the
opposite direction she started.
X + Down = A sweep kick at the enemy's legs.
X + Down x2 = Sweep kick followed by a rising
Circle = Rukia shoots an energy ball at the
Circle + Right = Rukia shoots several small fireballs
in an expending arc, with limited
Circle + Left = Rukia's throw. Rukia grabs the
enemy's head, jumps and spins around
then kicks them in the head.
Circle + Down = Rukia extends her hand and a small
transparent blast of energy reaches
out a decent distance, if the enemy
touches it, they are hell by a
binding spell for a moment.
Circle + Up = Same as Circle + Down, but shot up
and diagonally, if it hits the enemy
they are held by a binding spell and
fall to the ground.
Triangle + Circle=Rukia jumps and shoots an energy ball
downwards at a 45degree angle.
Square + X = Supermove #1. Rukia jumps forward and
knees the enemy in the head, and plants
her hand on top of their head, before
jumping, performing several hand
symbols creating an explosion when she
lands on the enemy's shoulder, which
sends the enemy flying across the
Square + Circle = Supermove #2. Rukia fires a larger
energy ball at the enemy.
* Orihime Inoue * BL-04-6 *
Orihime's "weapon" are her personal spirits.
X = A punch to the enemy's stomach.
X x2,3,4 = More punches to the enemy ending in an
X + Left = Inoue shoves the enemy.
X + Left x2 = After the shove, she turns around and
uh... Hits the enemy with her rear ^_^;
X + Right = Inoue slides forward then uppercuts the
X + Right x2 = After the uppercut, she jumps forward a
bit and performs another.
X + Down = A kick at the enemy's .. foot?
X + Down x2,3,4 = More kicks at the enemy's foot.
Circle = Inoue shoots one of her spirits "Tsubaki"
at the enemy, in the form of a round
energy ball.
Circle + Left = Inoue's throw. Switch to a view behind
the enemy, and Inoue performs several
karate type punches at the enemy.
Circle + Right = Inoue creates a triangluar yellow shield
in front of her and dashes forward using
the shield to smash the enemy.
Circle + Up = Inoue twirls and shoots "Tsubaki" up in
the air, which then zooms down to hit
the enemy.
Circle + Down = Inoue forms the triangle on the ground
under the enemy then raises it upwards,
knocking the enemy up a bit.
Triangle+Circle = Inoue jumps and shoots "Tsubaki" downwards,
at a 45 degree angle.
Square + X (or Circle) = Supermove. Inoue hits the enemy
with her triangular yellow shield,
then summons "Tsubaki" in a small
storm of energy, and throws him
at the enemy for big damage.
* Credits * BL-05 *
Thanks go out to, CJayC for keeping the best video game
FAQ site out there.
Kubo Tite and SCEJ for making Bleach, and making the
game ^_^.
Soul Society: The best and most informative Bleach fan
The people on the Gamefaqs Bleach: Heat the Soul message
board, for some of the info. <- Ascii generator.
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